wherein I answer my own essay on Democratic Socialism… it has to be a World-wide Human movement… or it too will fail.
x posted from the front pages of WWL and Docudharma
December 21st 2012, the end of this Mayan Cycle, which is prophesied as the end of times… could it be a Palin election, global warming floods or just World revolt against the poverty into which we have been stricken?
Trying to define our fractal existence into Euclidian Geometry, our brains seek to make this:
into this:
No matter how many times we repeat the form, it never makes sense.
The Mayans say, that seven years after the start of Katún, which is to say 1999, we would enter a time of darkness which would force us to confront our own conduct. The say that this is the time when mankind will enter ‘The Sacred Hall of Mirrors’. Where we will look at ourselves and analyze our behaviors with ourselves, with others, with nature and with the planet in which we live. A time in which all of humanity, by individual conscious decisions, decides to change and eliminate fear and lack of respect from all of our relationships.
But even their k’atun-cycles are celebrated by the erection of twin pyramids, Euclidian shapes that attempted to bring logic and order to a disorderly fractal system.
A fractal is generally “a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole,”[1] a property called self-similarity. The term was coined by Benoît Mandelbrot in 1975 and was derived from the Latin fractus meaning “broken” or “fractured.” A mathematical fractal is based on an equation that undergoes iteration, a form of feedback based on recursion.[2]
Perhaps we are fractals ourselves, replicating an imperfect base.
The images strongly resemble string theory, which also strongly resemble the “lines of the world” as defined as mystics through the ages.
Everything breaks down to vibrating strings, that make eleven dimensions the actuality of existence, yet observable in the four of which we are aware.
Maybe we have been replicating the wrong dimensions…. heh.
I don’t get the math, can’t even read the symbols, but I get the theory. Its not such a huge leap to understand black holes warping space/time as well as energy/matter. The universe itself resembles a fractal pattern, broken and irregular, but strangely repeating. Expanding in Doppler hues of reds and blues, only perhaps to contract anew.
Seriously, though, history is repeating itself as every society has collapsed under the greed of the elites, and we keep repeating it thinking we are not the same. We rebel for human rights and equality and get a new set of thieves that become the new elites. A fractured repetition, expanding in shades of peaceful blue, only to collapse again in shades of blood red.
The only question left is whether or not we can create a new more Euclidian shape to replicate, or a more beautiful fractal.
So much of what we know is programmed on a flawed system… from the moment our babies are born to how we send off our dead.
I am reminded again, as I often am, of reading Michener’s South Pacific, and the Utopian societies found there, before the onslaught of Western mores were forced. Maybe our children do not belong to us, but to everyone, maybe we all belong to each other, in love and family. Maybe our days should not be spent in what we can accrue and produce, instead be spent in enjoying life with minimal attention spent to survival, just enough to keep us healthy.
Perhaps like the ancient Greek Philosophers, our days would be better spent in pursuit of conversation and wonderings.
Maybe until we use that extra 90% of our untapped cerebral cortex we cannot change the pattern, no matter what we do.
I do know that this planet is fragile, and we have damaged it, perhaps irreparably. I do know human life is fragile, and I cannot see a way that the Greed and repetition of history can be broken globally.
People are exploited everywhere.
My existence is on the very brink again, and yet I know that my passing will make not one iota of difference. There will be no savior to toss a 170g to pay off my house. I will not hit the Lotto. I will not get a book deal. I will not be found by American Idol. I will die poor.
I am as insignificant as a star in the sky, a molecule of quartz in a microscopic grain of sand on an endless beach. Hell, what we see as our universe might be a molecule in some giant’s world, where he feels microscopic in his universe, which is yet a molecule of another larger one….
The question is, as always…
Do we repeat a broken fractal?
How do we get humanity, our collective consciousness into a totally new way of being?
One that works, and then can be repeated?
The Mayans see it as a time of rebirth.
One can hope.
Strange how the brain connects things, huh?
It seems that the less control we have the more we connect dots.