Tom DeLay is on my teevee saying that Black Liberation Theology is Marxist.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yeah, I love how the Tom the Exterminator is trying to school Barack the Constitutional law scholar on the Constitution.
Why is he even given airtime?
Jeez. How low will these idiots go to fill up airtime?
Now, now: Tom Delay is a Constitutional Officer.
And too many minority youths were in line to serve in Vietnam, so he couldn’t go, also.
So there.
In Texas, woman gives up on her Obama sign being stolen. Spray-Painted her front lawn a big Obama logo. She won’t be denied.
Awesome! Thanks for posting the link.
Nice tidy paintjob!
Few people here have pretty lawns. Because of the drought and water restrictions, most of us spare barely enough to keep the shrubbery alive.
I’m glad that she’s standing up for her right to speak.
followed up very nicely.
Isn’t it time for him to gag on some bug juice or somethin’? Nobody gives a rat’s booty about what he says.
yeah, but I LOVE it when he is the FACE of the Republicans Party. Where’s Ricky Santorum?
Actually, you make a great point. Another face, just as nasty and down right fugly.
I’ll just try not to look–or listen.
sen kyl [RAT-ariz] is working hard to get out the funnie vote in co:
Obama win would “risk lives” via the denver post:
isn’t he running for re-election? wtf are these people thinking…or are they now completely incapable of forming a cohesive thought?
<head shake>
funnie = fundie….but in reality, they’re actually the same
he is just a scared little pussy…afraid the big angry black man might rebel against the system and push him out of the ruling class.
too late i think
as a lumpenproletariot, i dont care.
I thought DeLay was in jail. How does this sit with his cellmate?
Face down…