If you’re poring over every poll looking for evidence that something could still go wrong, take a breath. Take a breath, and think about the fact that John McCain has been reduced to spending money on robocalls in his homestate of Arizona. Okay? Game over. So, what’s worrying you?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Assassination. Seriously.
Yeah, there’s always that. Strangely, I am mostly able to push that fear to the back of my mind.
There’s only so many clips of yahoos saying “kill him” or “bomb him” I can block out of my mind. I can think of no bigger target in recent memory.
do not fill me with confidence.
These guys had better step up the moment the election is called for Obama, or indeed there will be people harkening back to Kennedy and figuring–yeah–that this, no doubt, really was a rub-out.
As I said elsewhere, the SS and FBI are extremely good at protecting the president from crazies. They are powerless against insiders.
Make no mistake. If Obama is killed, it will NOT be by fringe people, no matter how much it looks that way.
But seriously? The elite NEEDS Obama right now. They need him to put (literally) a new face on America to the rest of the world. They’ve screwed up and they know it. They’ll work control over the Senate and key House members to make sure Obama doesn’t go too far, but right now – assassination truly isn’t in their best interests, even seeing it from “their” side.
i have trouble getting that out of my mind.
i wish people were willing to really do some violent protests and protests that have meaning and can bring down the system if that happens…..i hope if it happens we dont just all sit around teary eyed….
if he survives i hope he motivates the AA community to use their new found voting power to give marriage rights to homosexuals instead of denying them.
its hard to worry about much having just had a cheesesteak and cheese fries….i feel like im in a fatty foods stupor.
That doesn’t concern me too much. Certainly the chances are higher that Obama gets killed than past presidential candidates, but it’s pretty hard to get a clear shot at a presidential nominee these days. They all have Secret Service details, and the only attempt since that time — the attempt on Reagan — wouldn’t likely happen today, since no one gets near a president or presidential candidate without going through a ton of security.
overall I’m not worried. But sometimes I worry that the rednecks in Southern Missouri will keep us a Red State in the middle of a Blue landslide.
On the other hand, Joplin is as deep red as it gets here and the Joplin newspaper endorsed Obama. First time they’ve endorsed a Democrat since William Jennings Bryan in 1908 apparently. Gotta do it every 100 years I guess.
Luckily I think Obama margin is high enough that McCain won’t be able to steal enough states. He has to run the table on battlegrounds, plus take one large or two small Obama-leaning states. More places have paper trails now than in 2004, and the Repubs seem to have lost most of the voter challenge fights, so I am cautiously optimistic.
I applaud you BooMan. Earlier you told me to know Hope.
This is encouraging – AP has thrown in the towel: ?
We still have work to do.
I’m trying to know hope, too, but it keeps bumping up against the “will they really vote for him” side.
But tell ya what–seems like Gov. Whack Job Diva seems to be cutting McLame loose:
“Will they really vote for him”
the Bradley effect..can the polls all be wrong?
we shouldn’t underestimate the Obama ground game- neighbor to neighbor, etc., the millions of new registered voters…the armies of volunteers. Imho, the turnout of AA will nullify the Bradley effect. Moderate whites who have gotten pass the racial issue. Turned off GOP.
Secondly I doubt the GOP really wanna have to deal with the financial mess ahead. I’m thankful these financial WMDs went off on Bush’s watch.
As for Palin in 2012. If she survives what awaits her in AK, more ethics probes.
I will admit–this is completely irrational reaction I have. When McLame has to make robocalls in his home state, then you know there’s a problem.
I don’t believe in the Bradley effect anymore. The campaigns of Kirk, Ford and Patrick have forever dispelled that notion.
That still doesn’t mean I stop worrying. I can’t explain it. All I can do is everything I’ve been doing and try to let go. It’s just easier said than done lately.
this just up from across the pond…their reporter in NC:
6 days
I believe that this year you will actually see a reverse-Bradley effect – soon to be dubbed “The Palin Principle” – where Republicans publicly support their candidate, as all good Republicans do, but privately pull the lever for the Democrat. Understanding Republicans generally and conservatives in particular, they expect each other to be absolutely loyal to the team – this is why they’ll call a certain Republican a liberal if he deviates from orthodoxy on two or three issues, even though he’s essentially reactionary on every other issue: he’s proven disloyal to the team so he’s no longer considered part of the team. Thus conservatives, when asked publicly (including surveys), will virtually always support their team, even in the face of the prospect of President Sarah Palin. However, once behind in the voting booth, they’ll grit their teeth and vote for the sane candidate, the Democrat.
The Palin Principle.™
It’s much like the old saw about Baptists: if you’re going to take a Baptist fishing with you then make sure that you take two – one, alone, will drink up all of your beer, but if two Baptists are together with you then neither one of them will drink a drop…
My understanding is that the Bradley effect is questionable even in the election for which it is named. There was some late shifting in the polls. Also, the claim was that it was an effect that showed up with white voters talking to black exit pollsters. Since pre-election polls are not typically done in person and probably don’t feature that many people with recognizably black speech patterns, I don’t see how it emerges.
I’m an economist, Boo. I’m prone to worrying.
I’d like to see those polls at the national level bump up a bit. Give me a seven-point margin in RCP Monday night, and I’ll feel reasonably comfortable. Until then, not so much. Our nominee is still a black guy with a funny name, and this is still America. As far as I’m concerned, it ain’t over until Olbermann’s shouting it at me through the television Tuesday night.
“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”
“Pride goeth before a fall.”
I’m sure we will see attempts on Obama’s life during his Presidency. The only question in my mind is whether it will be a bunch of incompetent amateur skinheads who fail, or a well-designed assault by professionals. Obama has already spoken of this possibility– he knows it’s a risk. I feel sorry for his little girls, they will spend the rest of their lives surrounded by a security detail.
dude, shit can ALWAYS go wrong.
don’t get overexuberant. We’re almost certainly gonna win… unless something totally fucked happens.
In other words don’t celebrate prematurely: it has a way of jinxing things.
keep your hand on the plow, hold on…
What’s worrying me?
The American public! I have no faith that the ‘average’ American has even a minimal ability to make the correct decision.
Right now if you walk down an ‘average’ street over 4 in 10 people think McCain/Palin are viable candidates. And it’s more like 6 out of 10 if you walk around my town. It makes you want to shout ‘What? Isn’t EIGHT FREAKING YEARS ENOUGH???’
I worry because the ‘average’ American is to stupid to vote for his/her own economic self interest. They are dumb bastards. I talk to them every day, and they are as dumb as a bag of hammers.
Faithful bootrib member ejmw here checking in from my cell phone so please forgive spelling and grammar mistakes.
i am currently in florida for a weeend of ultimate frisbee watching followed by a couple of long days of volunteering with the obama campaign. mccain gave up on michigan, so i decided to volunteer in florida.
I should have real internet access early next week (sunday thru tuesday) so i will attempt to give better reports of what is up here.
judging by yard signs, mccain is winning the ‘rich enough to own an oceanfront condo’ demographic.