That’s right, my friends. There are an 57 205 a really big number of card carrying communists in the FDA. Career “employees” and “scientists” who think that any old Joe Six Pack should be able to sue pharmaceutical companies! Can you believe that horse manure? That isn’t the American way, now is it? Capitalists rule and Commies drool! And big multinational companies need protection from their own misguided consumers (and the occasional bailout) if our trickle down economy is ever going to get jump started again. Thank God, President Bush understands that much, at least:

Top scientists and career employees at the Food and Drug Administration opposed agency regulations that weaken consumers’ ability to sue drug makers, congressional investigators said Wednesday.

At issue is language in a drug labeling rule from 2006 that effectively limits when people can sue in state court over injury claims involving medications. The FDA contends federal regulations prevail when there is a conflict with state law. This concept is called pre-emption.

Internal agency documents showed that career officials opposed this approach, according to a report released by Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In the past, the agency had viewed private suits as an additional layer of protection against unsafe drugs, the report said.

“Much of the argument for why we are proposing to invoke pre-emption seems to be based on a false assumption that the FDA approved labeling is fully accurate and up-to-date in a real time basis,” the report quoted Dr. John Jenkins, who oversees FDA’s new drug reviews, as saying. “We know that such an assumption is false.”

So get your all your friends to turn out and vote for Governor Palin and her running mate, what’s his name, next Tuesday. Because we all know that Commie-Freak-Muslim-Islamofascist-Inexperienced-Risky Obama will let these terrorist “career employees” and pointy headed Marxist “scientists” in the FDA write whatever regulations they want allowing patients to sue drug manufacturers if they suffer irreversible harm or death from taking their products, thus leading to the destruction of our fantabulous free market health care system (and the ruination of Big Pharma’s stock prices, too) should he manage to ACORN his way into the Oval Office. You can bet on it.