A week ago, I had a long conversation with a four-star U.S. military officer who, until his recent retirement, had played a central role in directing the global war on terror. I asked him: what exactly is the strategy that guides the Bush administration’s conduct of this war? His dismaying, if not exactly surprising, answer: there is none.
But, hey Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist so who cares, right?
Bush is looking to set a precedent. He wants to prove to the World that the United States will use its military force illegally, unjustly, and disproportionately and on the slimmest of pretenses and there isn’t anyone or anything that can stop it. In short, Bush and the right want to prove that the U.S. will open up a Mel Gibson size can of unjust whoopass on any poor fool that even looks askew at us. We’re showing the World we have no respect for the law or even reality and will act crazy and lash out at the slightest provocation.
Bush and the Republicans used to try to come up with cockamamee legal reasons why they could bomb places like Somalia now they are dropping all pretense to any sort of legal justification and just saying the U.S. is going to act (read: commit acts of war) by bombing Syria, Pakistan and threaten Iran because we want to. Screw the legal mumbo jumbo Bush says (or “blah, blah, blah”, as Johnny Mac would say), no need for Congress to debate, no need to consult those pansies in Europe, we’re going to act and you just try to stop us!
Apart from the moral abomination of making America a very deadly bully it just hasn’t worked. My God, Bush hasn’t even completed his first mission, Afghanistan, so what the hell are the right-wingers doing trying to start wars in so many parts of the World? It’s just insane.
This Frontline program does a really good job of reminding us that
Afghanistan is now more deadly than Iraq and is more than enough war for the United States. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/warbriefing/
These fools can’t even win their first war so I don’t know why we let them dance around acting tough and starting other wars.