The media is now a part of the Government, and it wants to deprive you of your first amendment right of free speech.
Palin told WMAL-AM that her criticism of Obama’s associations, like those with 1960s radical Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, should not be considered negative attacks. Rather, for reporters or columnists to suggest that it is going negative may constitute an attack that threatens a candidate’s free speech rights under the Constitution, Palin said.
“If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations,” Palin told host Chris Plante, “then I don’t know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media.”
Another one of the those things she says that reveals either complete ignorance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights or a cynical belief that most Americans don’t know what the First Amendment protects us from: government interference with our right to free speech. For example, using Secret Service agents to remove protesters from public rallies is a violation of the First Amendment. Reporters claiming Palin is making negative attacks against Obama is not.
Actually, Governor Palin is really just angry (but in a mavericky way) that the media isn’t completely in the tank for the Republican Party like it was for George Bush in 2000 and 2004.
* “Deep” is a relative term.
Time to fall back to the original meaning of Maverick, an orphaned calf…as in the herd & its ma left it behind.
40 years sidetracked, here we come, again.
40 years its been since RFK predicted a black man as president. My new favorite quote from Ronald Goldfarb’s daughter:
“Rosa sat down so Martin could march. Martin marched so Obama could run. Obama is running so our children can fly”
Great quote. Great picture above, too…!
that is one of the best pictures ever..
Please, please, please let it come true on Tuesday!
And yeah: Coolest. Pic. Ever.
She’s got air and rocks underneath that beehive. Terrible.
what did people do with all their brilliant ideas before Youtube?
I love the guy’s moose ears.
That was fantastic!!
Fantastic! Big smile on my face now.
That was beautiful. Go Blues.
Either Palin is an even dumber bimbo than she plays at being, or she’s a genuine fascist who is willing to lie about the First Amendment and by doing so damage America’s most precious Constitutional protection, the one that underlies all other freedom. With Palin and Stevens, we now know which part of the country is not filled with “real Americans.”
There is a third possibility. Perhaps she is a really, really, really, really dumb fascist bimbo. It could happen.
I’d LOVE to see the Media presenting people calling Palin out on HER associations with clinic bombers, witch hunters, and secessionists. Talk about hating America…
In a a rush to paint Palin as stupid, people are forgetting this is a person who majored in journalism AND was a broadcaster. She knows exactly what she’s saying and what she’s hoping to achieve by playing the victim in this situation.
Fabooj I always enjoy your comments but I think Palin suffers from a mind devoid of curiousity. Same as being stupid in the end.
Oh, she IS stupid, and I suspect that she knows she’s stupid. Instead of seeking knowledge, however, she’d rather seek power to make the intelligent suffer and go on shopping sprees for herself and her spawn.
Trust me, majoring in journalism is no guarantee that a person has a usable intellect, OR knows what she is saying at any time, and being a broadcaster only means you can read from a teleprompter, which is all she has really proven capable of in this campaign. In fact, she even had to have a teleprompter for her arrival at the airport when she flew back to Alaska for her son’s “deployment ceremony”.
If she even had a clue what she is saying she wouldn’t say most of it!
You know you have been effective they start to complain. Everyone thought Obama was wrong when he told the 537s on our side to stand down. Obama refused to use negative personal attacks. If Obama and the 527s had answered mud with mud MSM would just say everyone does it, but with only one side doing it that side got branded with it. That brand stinks and Palin knows it. I hope they learned a lesson.