McCain’s done some pretty nutty things in this campaign. Okay, he’s done a lot of nutty things. But this idea that people don’t want to spread the wealth around is probably the nuttiest. We just appropriated $700 billion to shore up our financial system. And Republicans are upset that poor people are going to get a little cash to keep their lights on. Formerly middle class people are losing their jobs and their homes in record numbers, and all John McCain can talk about is giving people a break on their non-existent capital gains taxes. It’s crazy.

Most of the people that are listening to McCain and Palin scream about ‘spreading the wealth around’ are more inclined to vote for Obama after they hear it. It’s like they’re campaigning for the opponents and they don’t even know it. What’s next? ‘They want to give you health care and college education for your kids!!”

Do they really think you have to make $3 million a year to be rich and that 50% of the people in this country make over $250,000 a year? They certainly behave as though they do believe those things. And that is one more reason why Republicans’ behavior cannot be predicted by observing discernible facts. I guess they’ve hoodwinked working folks for so long that they can’t believe that their bullshit isn’t selling anymore.

The fundamentals of the economy are not strong, and it amazes me that McCain could travel the country for eighteen months talking to average American people and still not realize that simple fact. Come Tuesday, the GOP will get a cold dose of reality and have a chance to learn what time it really is. I just don’t know if they are capable of processing the information.