Month: October 2008

A Tent That Stretches at the Seams

Maybe some of you don’t know this, but the chief of staff to the president is, in some ways, a more powerful figure than the president himself. The chief of staff has control over what the president knows and who he sees....

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Concentrating the Wealth, Pt. 2

A funny thing happened on the way to the bailout. A number of the members of the bucket brigade — that’s us, taxpayers — realized that for all the billions of dollars worth of bailing we’re doing, we still appear to...

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Palin’s Deep Thought*

The media is now a part of the Government, and it wants to deprive you of your first amendment right of free speech. Palin told WMAL-AM that her criticism of Obama’s associations, like those with 1960s radical Bill Ayers...

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Republican Delusions

McCain’s done some pretty nutty things in this campaign. Okay, he’s done a lot of nutty things. But this idea that people don’t want to spread the wealth around is probably the nuttiest. We just appropriated...

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