Palin, Amazingly, Takes Prank Call from ‘Sarkozy’
By E&P Staff
Published: November 01, 2008 7:00 PM ET
NEW YORK This seemed like a viral joke but since the Palin campaign has confirmed it, must be true: That Quebec radio team, the “Masked Avengers,” which specializes in prank calls to celebrities, somehow got Sarah Palin on the line and kept her there, one of them pretending to be Nicholas Sarkozy, for several minutes — even as “Sarkozy” told her he wanted to go hunting with her in a helicopter (without Cheney) to “kill animals” and that his wife, Carla Bruni, was “hot in bed.”
This “prank call”. That she could accept this guy as the real thing scares me more that her witch hunter pals. From the first few seconds where he mentions something about his “special advisor Johnny Hallyday” through to where he says how much he loves killing those animals…how can she miss it?
It scares me two ways.
One…her utter stupidity.
Two…If she is NOT simply being stupid, that means that she is immured to this kind of idiocy coming from people in high places.
I do not know which possibility frightens me most.
Y’know what’s even more scary?
Some substantial percentage of the American public thinks that she is something special.
We are SO fucked!!!
Even if Obama wins in a landslide, these people will continue pulling us down more effectively than cement boots on a a mob murder victim.
I dunno what to do.
I really don’t.
I’m past laughing. I know that for sure.
I’m not really Arthur Gilroy.
This is a prank post.
Hi!!! It”s Markos Moulitsas.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
See? I DO have a sense of humor.
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

I think Sarah Palin is SO HOT!!!
What’s Markos got to do with it.
AG, let me ask you a question. Why do you always try to find a way to take a positive situation and turn it into something negative?
Remember when the people gave Poppy Bush a pass on picking Dan Quayle? Poppy Bush, of Enterprise fame?
After eight years of Reagan bullshit?
That shit could have happened again this year. But it didn’t and it won’t. And, Sarah’s Palin and the Palinites aren’t gonna be selling out arenas no more.
I think that Sarah Palin is also a joke.
Sorry, mister.
I didn’t mean to walk on your lawn.
It’s that I mind a poke at Markos, but I don’t understand your point.
In any case, a little Parliament might accentuate the positive for you.
Your assuming that there is one?
when dealing with my posts, boran2.
I may be wrong sometimes, and my mode of expression most certainly seems to fuck with any number of heads…mostly square-type heads, to use the jazz patois…but I always have a point.
If you don’t get that point…not if you do not agree with it, but if you simply cannot find it after some serious perusal…well then, I refer you to the above “jazz patois” reference.
And as always…
Have a nice day.
I could write a book about how a segment of the Left was wrong about almost everything in this election using just your diaries as my source.
But I usually understand your point. On the Markos comment, I didn’t.
1-The original post was about a prank call. Perpertrated on someone who takes herself extraordinarily seriously on scant supporting evidence.
2-It’s Halloween. YOU know…trick or treat? I felt like a trick.
3-After my experiences with Markos…and those of many other out-of-the-box type people, most of whom really had something valuable to contribute to the dialogue, most of whom got trampled by the Comintern-like, clomp clomp clomping Daily Kos United Worker’s Force For Peace bullshit…his little face just popped on up out of my massive subconscious as I contemplated which Halloween-like trick I might post.
4-Then when I image-shopped and almost immediately found those two Kos masks?
How is one to resist such temptation?
Sorry…synchronicity in glorious action. Not to be resisted, if you believe in the arc of the universe as inevitably headed towards justice.
Which I do. With all of my faculties.
I didn’t even put up a mock show of doing so.
And why should I?
It’s funny.
That was the point.
It was…funny.
Lighten up.
Barring some truly awful November Surprise…something that would most likely take more than two days to hype, mount and then execute…everything that you have fought for over the last 4 years or so (or longer, most likely) is about to come to fruition.
Relax, bro’.
It’s about 90 to 1 against another Fitzmas this time.
Go chill some good champagne and await the 11PM EST Tuesday conclusion to this metadrama.
Have some fun.
We have earned it.
I doubt that he even knows the meaning of the word “fun”.
You reside right on the precipice of the same problem.
Don’t fall over. You’ve got…possibilities.
Bet on it.
You “could write a book about how a segment of the Left was wrong about almost everything in this election using just your diaries as my source?”
It’d be a good book, too.
Obama will win…but the promises that he has made in order to get to a position where he can win are going to bedevil his entire tenure as president, and so will his relative unfamiliarity with the secret corridors of power in DC unless he can enlist the constant and intimate aid of someone as heavy as Hillary Clinton.
The “mistake”…the big one anyway (We’ll just try to forget about the John Edwards farce, OK? The rest of the left is obviously trying to do so. Why be different?)…the “mistake” was the demonizing of Hillary Cllinton.
That extra Senate seat? The filibuster-proof seat? I think the addition of Clinton to the ticket OR her elevation to presidential candidate with young Barack as heir-apparent would have sealed the deal.
Possibly for a Ratpub-proof sixteen years!!!
How sweet would THAT have been?
Go ahead.
Write that book.
I dare ya.
It’s Halloween, Markos…errrr, Booman.
Lighten up.
P.S. I imagine that you thought you wrote “It’s not that I mind a poke at Markos…” above, Booman.
Freud would have loved computer keyboards and mistyping.
Bet on it.
Sarkozy is to Sarah Palin
Markos is to AG … hmmm I believe Markos got the bum deal. LOL
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
and this ticket will be so over:
“Nothing is fucked, dude. Nothing is fucked. They’re a bunch of fuckin’ amateurs.” -Walter
What a great word.
However, to call this woman a dingbat is to cast negative aspersions on the wonderful character that Jean Stapleton created in All In The Family, Edith Bunker.
A little dim, maybe, but with a heart of pure gold. Capable of unconditional love.
SarahGirl? Unconditional self– love, maybe…
Yeah, dingbat is too sweet a word for Miz Sarah.
Maybe Wingbat?
Not bad at all.
How’s about”Crazy-ass bitch with a bad case of the cuckoo bananas”?
I had to print this out, coffee through the nose priceless!
Thanks for making my morning, CabinGirl!!!!
You’re welcome. I ‘stole’ it from clammyc, though. 🙂
Soon as I saw that title, I said “That’s not Arthur, he would never wonder if anybody could possibly be stupid.”
Here’s what you do, dear – try to relax and don’t let the bastards get to you. It’s all one big cosmic joke.
is bigger than fucking Alaska if she believed she got that call.
A dangerous idiot.. anyone that could make Bush look smart, while still spouting neo-con and making people love her is the most dangerous puppet in the world.