Promises, promises. Remember this?
Yesterday, at outside an early voting station there was this:
That’s right, a coffin with Obama’s name on it. So objectionable that the NAACP is considering legal action against the former county commissioner who placed the coffin at the voting site. The NAACP has issued the following letter asking for both parties to condemn this vile action:
I write about a matter of great urgency and seriousness. A casket with a picture of Sen. Barack Obama on it was conspicuously within the sight of voters entering an early voting polling place in Craven County yesterday. State Representative William Wainwright along with local NAACP President Alfred Barfield were alerted to the dangerous situation by their respective constituents, and they were able to convince the Craven County Sheriff to remove the vicious display. The obvious attempt was to use the image of death as a way of demeaning a particular candidate as well as intimidating voters.
This is not subtle people. Everyone knows the past history of the South where African Americans were routinely intimidated and even lynched for trying to exercise their any of their rights, much less their right to vote. Yet I doubt we will hear any denunciations of this coffin coming from the McCain campaign. McCain won’t rebuke supporters at his campaign rallies who call Obama a terrorist and worse. No, he’s proud of them and their hatred.
Hell, McCain freely makes the charge that Obama is a socialist who wants to turn the IRS into a welfare agency. His robocalls are relentlessly negative and misleading regarding Obama, and yesterday his Vice Presidential choice, Sarah Palin, continued to harp on Obama as being unpatriotic and failing to support the troops.
What is readily apparent is that McCain has sold what little soul he has left to Karl Rove and his acolytes in order to slime his way into the Presidency. However, his unclean” campaign is a disease whose symptoms will linger long after McCain himself is relegated to the political graveyard of failed Presidential candidates. He, and he alone, has made it mucg harder for Obama to unite this country in the face of the numerous crises we face with our economic situation, our relations with other countries, the wars we are fighting, peak oil and global warming. He has stained not only his reputation, but in his wake left behind a foul pestilence of hatred and anger among his supporters, dividing American from American, family member from family member. He has raised the specter of racism and sown the seeds foir racial and ethnic violence. Remember the 90’s, a period of prosperity which nonetheless saw the worst domestic terrorist attack in our history, all because of the relentless mainstreaming of extremist views by conservatives in Congress and the media, especially talk radio? We face a far more volatile situation today should Obama, as most predict, win the election.
As more people lose their jobs, as more foreclosures occur, as more hatred wells up from the bowels of conservative talk radio and Fox News, the stage is being set for violence against those whom McCain and his supporters have scapegoated — Latinos, Gays and Lesbians, African Americans, Muslims and liberals. John McCain, had he kept his promise to run a “clean and respectful” campaign, could have done much to prevent the danger of civil strife, and calm the hatred of so many on the right. Instead he choose, out of raw political ambition, to stir up that hatred, and to further the lies and discord in our society which Karl Rove and Lee Atwater and Joseph McCarthy so willingly exploited in their day. It was a telling choice.
No hell is good enough for you Senator. You deserve more punishment for your sins against this nation than anything I can imagine.
How can a man be taxed to death when he doesn’t pay the taxes he owes. He harrasses presidential candidates about fantasy taxes he will never have to pay except in his pipe dreams. There is something very wrong about that guy. I think Joe the Plumber needs to go make meth in his basement its tax free like his life. I cannot stand people who do not pay their taxes. If you do not pay taxes to our nation then you should leave.
I find this offensive and applaud the local officials and the community for how it was handled. More of this please.
On the other hand, it is apparent, and has been for several weeks, that the right is angry, frustrated, and demoralized. The coffin, along with the outbursts heard at the McCain/Palin rallies are reflective of an embittered minority used to manipulating the levers of power. Hate and fear very often manifest as the same reactions. Hope and love trump both hate and fear.
We’ve been getting an occasional negative reaction at our visibilities – when it happens it is mostly just thumbs down. Occasionally, and most enjoyably, are the profanity laced outbursts and middle fingers. It is easier to absorb these reactions when our leader remains calm in the storm. I turned 50 this year, and have never been as inspired as I am now…I wonder if this is what it was like when Bobby Kennedy was running.
Actually, it was more vicious then.
Has anyone checked to see if Joe the Wurzelbacher is related to the guy who was convicted in the Keating Five deal?
The fact that no one has come out with a story disproving it strikes me as peculiar. The whole JtheP scam is so lame that it seems to be a kind of pre-planned, all of McCain’s references to him in that debate, and then The P’s rise to stardom and talk about him running for office. All too predictable.
It smells.
How is that coffin LEGAL?
I can’t wear an Obama t-shirt to the polling place, but a coffin is LEGAL?
Dead people don’t suffer. (I don’t believe in a fairytale afterlife.) McCain, and the rest of his Republican cronies, ought to be held to account for his myriad crimes NOW, in this life. He is a mobster and a gambler… and those debts are coming due. How can he pay restitution to those who lost their savings, to the Native Americans who lost their sacred homelands, or the Middle Easterners who were tortured, killed, and turned into refugees in war after bloody war?
He is corrupt, and corruption will destroy him from within and without.
Hell isn’t something I believe in, unless it’s hell on earth, and we have quite a few of those.