I wish there was some way to map the energy and activity of the Obama ground game during the day so that we could have a kind of symbolic representation of this human movement of unprecedented scope and positivity. Use this thread to share your election day experiences.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i’m in nyc, but i just saw this coatsville s.o.s. on the great orange, so you pa folks might want to dive in. they need some warm bodies over there.
Pulled into the VFW at about 8:00, parking lot full, but no lines. I was greeted by a couple of high school students trained as poll workers by a local judge. On the other end of the age spectrum, the elderly crew working the site had to be told by the woman in front of me for both men to intitial her signing in (I’m not sure what they are supposed to do, but neither were they). We use optical scanners, so it was quick, easy. But, nothing in the way of a receipt on paper that I could see. I was only number 175. This is definitely McCain country, and I didn’t see the dempgraphic that would indicate they were coming out in big numbers.
nearly a half-hour wait in Kingsessing, line out the door. Obama signs everywhere, even on the local houses of ill-repute.
Thoroughly enjoying david brooks’ “sour grapes” column this morning:
Someone needs to remind him what happened the last time the GOP handed a ruined economy beset by scarcity to a Democrat: the GOP was out of power for YEARS and the Democrat became known as one of America’s greatest presidents ever.
Let’s hope for a sequel.
Yeah, I made my way through Brooks’ lament this morning, but at least he closed with a correct statement;
“In an age of transition, the children are left to grapple with the burdens of their elders.”
yeah, but that’s because our elders refused to grapple with those issues themselves. they’re supposed to hand the planet over to the next generation better than how they found it. epic fail.
Youth voters turnout encouraging. Older voters encouraging
Darmouth College stirs
78 percent of U.S. Hispanics favor Obama over McCain
86 year old grandmother in New Mexico, Republican, voted for Obama
The turnout everywhere via Ben Bmith’s readers:
Harlem to Lubbock
Petersberg VA, No VA NC, Delaware, D.C.
I can attest to the #s in Pburg! 🙂
I’m heavily involved in Obama’s GOTV effort here in rural NH. I can tell you we’re reporting volunteer numbers almost on the hour. We’ve got a dozen people canvassing all day, 8 doing viz at the one poll, and half a dozen people doing Houdini (vote checking at the polls). We have runners and we have stand-bys for anything that comes up.
My wife signed up for two shifts of viz – she decided to stay all day (what the hell am I doing here?) We also have a dozen vote counters for when the polls close (fortunately, we still use paper ballots here). We are hosting an election result watching party at my home – hopefully it’s a celebration not a New Orleans style funeral.
This is for a town of 3k.
I hope they make the final volunteer numbers public. It’s amazing!
I got there 20 minutes before the polls opened, 100 people in front of me. 100 behind me by the time I got in the door. Broken scanner, they were collecting the ballots to scan later. Confused workers, they didn’t highlight me in their book of registered voters before giving me my ballot, which I pointed out before and after filling the ballot out. Looked like they were trying to be prepared to accomodate huge turnout, but the way they had the room set up wasn’t good. Hope it gets better there.
Longer line than I’ve seen before at our precinct but everything went smoothly and it took about 18 minutes from when we walked in the door until we walked out. Michigan uses paper ballots & optical scanners.
in line here in ann arbor now. parking lot is overflowing. the wait is about an hour. this is nuts, in 04 i waited about twenty mins
Counting on you, A2. Medical marijuana is never going to pass just on the votes in SW MI. I do think almost all counties will go for Obama, though.
Being a poll watcher today (just ran home to get a sweater–a/c system is on overdrive) in Pinellas Cty. Ran some stats before the day began and FL statewide seemed to have 37% early voting, with both parties evenly matched. Surprised by the parity. My own precinct had 39% EV.
The line was long at 7 am opening, but all cleared by 8 am — no wait. Talked with a SOE person and he said all precincts in his jurisdiction seem to be going well. Also, the new scanners are going well, and the “id match” system seem to be causing no hang-ups, and rare to have provisional ballots.
In my precinct of 2,200, a total of 65% had voted by 1 pm (30 minutes) ago. It’s actually very quiet. Of course there will be the evening rush, but with only 755 voters who haven’t voted at this time, it shouldn’t be a late evening.
I hope it is like this all around FL.
Since things are quiet in the poll, taking a break to do some canvassing to get those 755 voters to the polls…and to warm up the body!