They are already talking landslide, including Pat Buchanan and Joe the Scarborough. Pat the friend of Rachel Maddow is saying the conservative era is over and we are entering a new liberal era for the first time since 1932. It’s a total repudiation of the Republican party. Hope they are correct.
Tomorrow watch the Beltway Pundits insist the Dems have no mandate for their agenda of leaving Iraq, health care reform, higher taxes for the wealthy, etc, and must therefore govern in a bi-partisan manner by moving to the “center.” Oh wait. They’ve already done that!
Update [2008-11-4 20:3:12 by Steven D]: Pennsylvania just called for Obama.
Update [2008-11-4 20:18:17 by Steven D]: Sununu loses his Senate seat from New Hampshire.
Update [2008-11-4 20:31:6 by Steven D]: Huffington Post calls North Carolina race for the Democrat Kay Hagan (i.e., they think Liar Liddy Dole is a Loser). MsNBC also calls Senate race for Hagan.
PS. Chill people. Wait until 11:00 or 12:00 pm before you start panicking. If Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico all go for McCain I’ll be shocked. I’d also be shocked if at least one of Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Ohio or Virginia don’t go for Obama. If any of the above states go for Obama, McCain loses. If they all go for McCain, I’d have to think something’s rotten in Denmark America.
PPS. My daughter’s Middle school, in a Suburban Republican majority district, voted over 2.5 to 1 in favor of Obama. In 2004 it was the reverse in favor of Bush.
Update [2008-11-4 21:10:9 by Steven D]: NBC says Arizona is too close to call. Imagine that. I expected that to go into McCain’s column immediately upon the polls closing. It probably still will, but . . .
Numbers are not looking good to me. Kentucky heavy for McCain. McCain ahead in Indiana and Virginia.
Where are all those early votes? They went for McCain because of those damn machines?
Now losing North Carolina too.
Losing Florida big. I think McSame IS going to be Bush III.
And Ohio. Ohmygod. It’s a blowout for McCain! GToddamn Diebold!
MSNBC says Dole is 5% ahead.
Mccain taking Virgina by 14%. Bradley Effect is live and well.
The last time CNN showed this it was all rural counties reporting, so there’s still hope I think.
Obama wins Pennsylvania, according to Norwegian TV.
McCain was way ahead in the polls in Kentucky, so this is hardly unexpected.
Karl Rove map has KY in McCain column yet predicts Obama 338 Electoral votes. Rove’s map .Pdf
Now here’s something interesting…
Polls official close in Florida at 7:00 PM ET. Voting on College campuses extended to 10:00 PM
MSNBC just had McCain giving what he said would be his last meeting with reporters during the campaign, and he sounded like he was giving an obituary for it.
I don’t know why. It’s not exactly looking good for Obama anywhere right now.
MSNBC just called Pennsylvania for Obama. What was McCain’s strategy again? To win Pennsylvania?
Game over. currently has Obama at 101, McCain at 39, and too close 127.
I don’t see how McCain’s people thought they had much of a chance in Pennsylvania, given that it never went for Bush, and the Republican brand has suffered major damage since 2004. Clearly, they were banking on the alleged racism of rural Pennsylvanian voters. But, like one Pennsylvanian told a canvasser: “I’m voting for the nigger.” Even many people with racist inclinations can figure out that the Republican party is shit.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Cautiously optimistic.
Yeah, me too. Cautiously.
Called Illinois 7 minutes after the polls closed. I’ve been an election judge here. No one reports 7 minutes after the polls close. I don’t want exit polls. I’m sick of polls. I want real numbers.
Called PA with 10,000 votes in? Nonsense. The scumbags could still win this. I need a drink.
“What a week to give up sniffing glue”
now that McCain has conceded.
It’s over, man. It’s just plain over. You can have that good stiff drink now.
I had two, paisano (can’t use a certain phrase ever again). This is a glorious day.
Amen, brother.
Mein Freund.
Mon ami.
And other ways of skirting that particular phrase.
103-34! Woohoo!
I’m taking Nate Silver’s advice. Ignore exit polls, they aren’t worth a shit. And this is what the networks are using to do things like calling Pennsylvania for Obama.
As for me, I’m waiting until we see some REAL numbers. You know, the kind that come from counting actual ballots.
I’m hopeful. I have my single malt scotch at the ready to break open when the REAL numbers say, “Obama Wins!!”. Until then, everyone, IGNORE THE EXIT POLLS!
PA did go for Obama. I love it.
I’m listening to these conservatives on KDKA crying in their beers. They ran talking about Wright and Ayers DAILY!
You would think that they could have found ONE progressive to weigh in/gloat.
I don’t know. The networks have gotten burned before for calling a state too early, like Florida in 2000. I would think that the margins in Pennsylvania were sufficiently large as to make it highly unlikely that the actual vote would go the other way.
As I suggested in my previous post, since Pennsylvania never went for Shrub, to think that McCain would win it now, you’d have to assume that Pennsylvanian’s racism outweighs their realization of how badly Republican rule has damaged the country.
I think that’s just total bullshit, no offense. There’s nothing wrong with the damn exit polling. It’s the frickin’ thief-ass Republicans stealing votes is what the problem with them is. IMNSHO.
No, it’s not bullshit. Not to say there haven’t been instances where exit poll errors could be attributed to nefarious efforts, but from a scientific statistical standpoint they have inherent problems.
FiveThirtyEight has a good synopsis on them.
This report right now on MSNBC about the ballots in Palm Beach County Florida is freaking unbelievable. Is anyone else seeing this ballot layout they have down there? Jesus, could they make it any more confusing to figure out how to vote correctly?
If this shit is not fixed by the next election, somebody should thrown into a volcano or something. This is just fucked up.
Standardize the goddamn balloting around the country for gods sake!
That ballot was insane. I’m steal reeling over that visual.
It IS fixed, fixed to be impossible to use. You get that? It’s called election fraud.
MSNBC just said the same!
CNN hasn’t called it but she is down BIG
that’s three senate seats so far…
That is Liddy Dole, not Libby.
local reporting here in maine says obama has all 4 votes
Still waiting for Obama to flip the first red state. Looking pretty iffy in Virginia right now, N.C. is somewhat promising and not enough info from Ohio and Florida yet.
Keeping in mind, he has to flip a red state.
That is why I’m holding my breath for the time being.
Hi Mike..I just broke out my Kahlua and put it on standby but like you I’m not going to start even being cautiously optimistic until ..well until it looks like he’s really won.
I too am cautiously optimistic, but, hell, I need a lass of vino just to keep me from freaking out.
To see Liddy Dole go seriously makes me happy. That final slam was just too disgusting for words and I hope she reflects on how that backfired for the rest of her life.
The Dole implosion was sweetness for the ages, wasn’t it?
Indeed. Now Ohio was called for Obama and he is leading in FL. Oh…I am so glad my daughter is old enough to remember this night for the rest of her life.
I am so happy about Ohio and glad that your daughter can see this, say hi to her for me if you would.
BTW hugs to you.
Hey Diane. We’re both sitting here on pins and needles. She is now a member of her high school political science club and is the president of her school’s first Gay Student Union. Yeah, I done good! :>)
She says to say hi back at you and yes, she remembers meeting you!
Hugs right back.
This whole thing sure makes me wish we could all be together like in San Diego. So glad at least we could all meet at least one time.
Hope to have a toast together with you in a couple of hours and do some serious ice cube rattling. Hangover be damned, I’m celebrating if this thing gets pulled off.
They called Penna. after 10,000 votes were cast. I think the news networks want to wait as long as possible to call Virginia, N.C., Ohio or Florida. They want to keep us watching the hype was any of those states is a stake in the heart of McCain and the other one. Lot of commercials they would like us to watch while we wait. Its all about ratings the rest of tonight. Obama is winning big!
According to MSNBC, Obama flipped your state.
npr just called NM for tom udall
Good news all around and an indicator that Obama will win New Mexico.
According to MSNBC and CNN Obama is way behind in NM.
i hope tonight is the night Traitor Joe gets kicked the curb. he can be independent joe…all he wants..
I will glad when Obama wins..too.
Obama still has not flipped a red state here at 9:15 PM EST.
I don’t know. Cautious about Florida. Newsies may be holding out for the suspense factor. He needs 18 EVs.
Obama’s closed the gap to 27,000 votes in VA with 2 million cast. Its all in what counties and cities remain . He may take VA and N.C. That would be insane. Goodbye Repugs.
Pray to your god that it holds.
msnbc calls ohio to obama
FOX calls Ohio for Obama.
I might be drinking earlier than anticipated.
What’s your line of single malt? I’m a south Islay man myself.
Congratulations on the redemption of your state.
Damn, I am so happy to find that it is still possible for Ohioans to do the right thing.
I have a bottle of Old Pulteney that my brother bought me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I have never tried it before. It has sat unopened waiting for a monumental occasion such as this. And I think when all is said and done and if this thing tonight holds up, this event will qualify as worthy of breaking the seal.
Enjoy! Unhappily, my Caol Ila is finished, so I only have a sift of cognac – but then, it’s suitable with something sweet tonight.
I prefer Irish whiskey.
Hey I’m starting to think I just might have to get my coffee warmed up for that Kahlua bottle that is calling to it..I’ve started to move into the optimistic mode and have passed the cautious mark.
Particularly good news..good old Rick-man on dog-Santorum apparently had his and his wifes vote utterly loverly.
NM to Obama!
Remember that McCain is Mr. Anti Earmarks, which does not endear him to AZ locals. He hasn’t fought for us on the hill, rather he fights for himself. Turnout was great here in the blue part of the state and polling among Indys prior to the election showed a good Obama lead. It could definitely turn blue!
Hi Manny, won’t that be just too wonderful. And I even managed to get out one vote for Obama in Arizona my oldest nephew to sign up to vote for the first time in his life(he lives in Williams).
hi ink! great news!
Thanks for the hope. For a candidate to even struggle in his home state is amazing.
We’ve got 52 Senators without that turncoat Zell Lieberman
I’m no fan of Obama or democrats anymore, for that matter, but I’m not entirely opposed to him being the president. Besides, all my kids voted for him tonight and I surely don’t consider them ignorant or uninformed. Maybe there’s a lesson to be learned from them for a change.
Hi Super, lovely to see you and I shared so many of your concerns and ideas but I came around and will hope my vote for Obama will be the historic vote but not only historic but a true vote for hope that he can indeed get the country back on track…and usher in a new mindset in the country.
Lovely to see you always :o)
I guess my brats aren’t entirely unreasonable people, after all :o) If he pulls this out I won’t be cutting him any slack though. Just so we’re all clear on that point! lol :o)
You raised good kids.
I did :o)
Come on virginia! We have the lead now!
On pins and needles here. We’re hopeful, we’re hopeful.
Up by 36000 with 87% reporting. π
Just got a pizza at a Little Ceasars in South Tucson All Obama supporters waiting for their pizzas!!!!!!!
lol, mine arrived about 20 minutes ago in the northwest part of town π
Can it be? Can it really be? Ohio and Pennsylvania?
We won? WE REALLY WON????
and New Mexico and Iowa! yes!
Bueno! Muy Bueno!
markey 60.6% musgrave 39.4% with about 1/3 reporting
Hi Manny and Chocolate Ink and Super, the ones I’ve noticed here,so happy to see you and hi booman too. Boy I need the contact with this place tonight.
It’s looking pretty good.
hi diane! good to see you
Ditto Manny, I’m so glad we could all be together tonight, After all the years and all the dreams, is it finally coming true.
Found this clip of Oprah on BBCOprah
I’ve been scanning the channels here and seems like parties are going on all over America and a good part of the world. Can’t wait to hear all the details of the world viewership.
Congratulations, Diane! This is a new beginning for you guys, and maybe for us all, after eight stolen years. Cheers!
Oh hi Sirroco, what a pleasure to see this comment from you tonight. Oh I so believe that you are right, it’s a new day for the world. Just in time with 2012 around the corner…lol.
Hi diane, was just getting ready to post upthread under you name..hope you’re doing good..seems like we all might all be feeling pretty hopeful for the first time in 8 long years. I’m thinking that this might not really sink in for a few days-almost too hard to believe. The next thing I’ll be looking for is prop. 8 here in California and hoping a No will squeak past all the yes votes for it.
I’m almost afraid to be not afraid, lol. I know about the sinking in, yeah I agree.
I’m worried about 8 too, please powers of the Universe do not let this happen to Ca. thanks to you know who. The ads were very scary for the uniformed, the taught in schools and all that.
That simply has to fail. Please, oh please, let it fail. Next to Obama winning, that is the most important issue for me this year. I was talking about the changes people have made with my 89 year old boss over his lifetime and it is amazing. He voted No on 8 and if he can see how it is a civil rights issue, anyone can. There is hope.
Hi Diane. It’s an exciting night.
Hi Maryb, I’m all but jumping up and down and doing the happy dance. I was babysitting my 2 year old gson today and everytime I would clap(whenever a state was called) he wondered why.
How about that group in Grant Park.
I’ve been trying to get hold of my cousin in Chicago but I’m hoping she’s down in Grant Park.
We are dead even in N.C. and Indiana with well over 80% counted.Its out of control now. Everyone here has waited a long time for this night. Enjoy it. History is being made.
Missouri is slow to come in – it will never be dead even. McCain will be winning all night and if Obama is going to pull it out it will be at the very end.
OMG my rural state just went blue for the first time since 1964!
Missouri is dead even Obama down 19,000 with over 1 million votes cast. 42% of returns. Its always harder on us folks from “rural states.” π
Al Franken is looking good in MN right now with 9% reporting!
Yeah, baby, yeah…
I love the sound of Senator Franken… It rolls off the tongue…
Our cuz is gonna make one hell of legislator.
Fox just gave it to Obama. Hume and Rove looked sicked.
npr just called it for obama too.
Chris Bowers called it for Obama at 9:23. It was obviously over once Ohio went for Obama.
Well, that’s a good sign, given that Fox’s calling Florida for Bush in 2000 was a decisive point in the stealing of that election.
Hume looks like a cadaver.
Fox News has stopped covering the election. They’re talking about what liberal policies the Obama administration might implement.
So much for the power of racism in this nation now. Goodbye racism.
I can has new thread?
MSNBC just called election for O.
I have tears.
CNN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!
kos reporting mccain to concede
Obama! Woohoo!
It’s fun to be a fly on the wingnut wall. Random comment from a freeper thread called “Virginia and Florida Go Obama Landslide Continues…” (sic):
“I’ll be buying all non-American products for as long as this commie is in office.”
15 posted on 5. november 2008 04:51:49 by Geddy
Perhaps it’s time to rename some food again? Should “hot dog” revert to “frankfurter,” or maybe something French?
Country First!
Crying like a baby
I put up a diary.
Yup, kinda hard to type isn’t it…I’m heading off for my kuhlua and coffee.
The whole room is celebrating.
He did it.
HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!
NO MORE WORDS. I just have no more words.
OMFG…I am crying like a little girl. I can’t believe it. I just never thought I would see this day. KamaKid and I are dancing and crying and wow.