Update [2008-11-4 13:48:27 by Steven D]: Philadelphia voters (and maybe Pennsylvania voters, in general) please read this article in the Philadelphia Inquirer before you vote. It seems the voting machines may cancel out votes for Obama if you don’t do things the right way.
Repeated information from my earlier post this morning: if you have any problems at your polling place call Election Protection at this number:
otherwise known as:
Or go to this link and file a report.
Who could have predicted that our high tech electronic voting machines would fail in “massive numbers” across Virginia, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Florida?
Well, a lot of people actually. Since many, many of these machines malfunctioned in battleground states like Ohio in 2004, election integrity advocates have been pushing for the replacement of these easily hackable, costly, slow and prone to break down machines known for flipping votes from Democrats to Republicans.
Too bad no one cared enough to do anything about it. Not the Democrats in Congress, anyway, despite the efforts of a few concerned Progressive Congressional representatives. Thus, despite all the warnings, despite all those who recognized and predicted the numerous problems that voting on these machines would create during this pivotal election in which voter turnout is unprecedented, we have the beginning of chaos on this Election Day:
An election monitoring group is asking officials in Virginia to address reports of massive voting machine failures and voters being turned away from polls, and it may go to court if no action is taken.
Election Protection, a nonprofit group aimed at cataloging and correcting problems at the polls, says it has received more than 27,000 calls from voters since 5 a.m. Tuesday. Most problems have been reported in Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Jersey and Florida […]
“We don’t want to be chicken little here,” said Jonah Goldman, who directs the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Campaign for Fair Elections. “What we’re trying to do is report what we’re seeing out in the field. Unfortunately this is what we expected.”
During a press conference Tuesday morning, group representatives said they were asking election officials in Virginia to extend voting by two hours. The group also wants election to ensure that paper ballots are available in precincts where electronic voting machines break down.
If elections officials fail to act, the group could file a lawsuit in federal court, but it hopes to avoid that option.
Utterly predictable. Utterly ignored by the mainstream media and election officials, who were far more concerned about so called “voter fraud” by Democrats, allegations that an official of the McCain campaign has now effectively admitted were bogus from the beginning:
But Ronald Michaelson, a veteran election administrator and member of the McCain-Palin Honest and Open Election Committee, said in an interview that he could not name a single instance in which [voter fraud resulting from false registrations submitted by organizations like ACORN] had occurred.
“Do we have a documented instance of voting fraud that resulted from a phony registration form? No, I can’t cite one, chapter and verse.”
We knew the machines would screw up. But no one in the mainstream media really ran with that story. Even well known members of the progressive blogosphere regularly seek to downplay this issue. Yet, in every election since at least 2002, we keep seeing the same problems with these machines rear their ugly hydra heads. At the end of the day, whether Obama wins or loses, millions of votes that could have been cast for him will be “lost” or simply not cast at all, because of the failures and flaws of these machines. And no one will know with any certainty how accurate the vote count will have been.
Watch tonight. There’s a very good chance that the last tracking polls before the election and the exit polls will be wildly off from the reported vote totals. And if that is the case, no one will mention that the reliability of these machines might be too blame. No, the exit polls themselves will be labeled “biased” and “invalid.”
And all this could have been prevented if we just used plain old fashioned paper ballots. Cheaper. Easier to use. Faster. Safer. More “little d” democratic. But this is America, and God forbid we make it easy for our citizens to vote.
Let us not fool ourselves. Once a voting machine has failed, that’s it. Those voters have been screwed.
The only hope we have here is that everyone was screwed equally so that it will not affected the final result. Now if a machine fails in Texas, who’s going to worry about Texas going blue on that account.
The only place they fail in Texas is in “blue districts” is my guess.
calling out atrios?????????
tres cool.
Yeah, I’ll probably hear it from Booman. 😉
heh. I’m watching the returns at his house. Hopefully, he’ll be understanding 🙂
“Too bad no one cared enough to do anything about it. Not the Democrats in Congress, anyway, despite the efforts of a few concerned Progressive Congressional representatives. Thus, despite all the warnings, despite all those who recognized and predicted the numerous problems that voting on these machines would create during this pivotal election in which voter turnout is unprecedented, we have the beginning of chaos on this Election Day”
Booman? remember how I remarked yesterday that everyone should be thrown out of DC? This is a good example of why. And it’s the same for every other predicable fiasco that’s happened under the watch of today’s Democratic and Republican parties. If our nation’s motto is “out of many, one”, the offical motto of the DC establishment should be “Who could have predicted…”
It seems that there is no problem too big that our representatives can’t push off to the indefinite future. It’s like that fucking Little Orphan Annie song:
My four-year old has more foresight than any of the chumps we send to DC. For that matter, my four-year old’s foreskin has more foresight.
I wonder if there are enough fucked up machines that we lose again? Wouldn’t THAT be a kick in the pants?
Can you guys verify this? I’ve seen the Fox report of about the 2 Black Panthers in Philly. Google only sends me to right wing sites, the same ones that regurgitated the bogus guy shots at the McCain bus story. That one was easy to verify as it was in a small town. This one is proving harder. None of the PDs I’ve called have a report, but I could be calling the wrong area.
The cable news stations and probably others have been flooded with Rev. Wright ads for the last day. Wright has been out of the general until now. I don’t think Wright can change anything: he did the damage he was going to do during the primary and is old news now. But the purpose of the Wright ads is to provide the MSM with a story of “why the vote shifted so dramatically to McCain at the last minute”. Ultimately , Americans just wouldn’t vote for a man whose preacher said “God Damn America!”. Watch for this meme and counter it as hard as possible. It’s a meta play. It’s not there to change people mind’s, but to provide an alibi for why their minds changed when they did not.
My sister just brought me back from our going to vote…here in one of the reddest parts of Ca. and I was surprised to find out that I had a choice of electronic or paper ballots this time. First time we’ve had a choice here…and yes I opted for the paper. No lines and no more people than I usually see but we got there before what I imagine was a lunch rush.
I hate to say it, but it won’t be pretty if they steal it again. We just cannot let them do this again! period.
A Boston Voting Machine Party, where we dress like Indians, find the voting machines, and smash them.
I am not an expert, but I have been reading a lot of Nate Silver’s blog this cycle. He is very suspicious of exit polling and lists his reasons here.