Cross posted at Pen’s Pages

They’re attacking everywhere and the attack is relentless.

Over at TPM, Josh Marshall is already reporting on the new MSM spin:

This adviser said Obama knows that he must move strategically to balance his pledges to govern inclusively while promoting a progressive agenda. “It’s up to him to educate people on a strategy to move forward.” Part of that strategy, he added, will be persuading people to be patient about the pace of change.

Obama advisers take seriously the senator’s rhetoric about governing in a bipartisan fashion. They are ready for potential conflict with some Democratic constituencies or with some liberal Democrats in Congress, whose pent-up demand for action may clash with Obama’s priorities, and are prepared to say no.

Obviously, they don’t want us to actually, you know, CHANGE anything.  So the new meme is that change, that thing Obama made the centerpiece of his campaign, has to come slowly, if at all.

Over at Freeperville and on pretty much every national forum, the new meme is:  

Well, the election has come and gone like a shot, apparently. After the interminable round of primaries, Operation Chaos, PUMAs, the conventions, Sarah-cuda, and all the rest.

In one night Obama and Biden have won.

This means we have a troika: Reid, Obama, Pelosi. The “rulers of peace” (ROP).

But this also means, they can no longer blame Bush and the evil Republicans for anything that goes wrong.

This includes:

the economy
the Middle East
tainted food from China
gas prices

Let us never lose an opportunity to loudly proclaim:


Secondly, can we now revisit affirmative action? A black man has become President. This surely means that Sandra Day O’Connor’s mythical 30-year period has passed.

Third, speaking of this: let us see what Obama’s cabinet looks like. I foresee many laughs.

If laughing at a Dem is not redefined as a Hate Crime.

Which brings me to the fourth point: beware the ACLU, the Fairness Doctrine, and the Redistribution crowd.

In an earlier vanity, I compared Obama’s tongue to Saruman’s, in a famous passage from The Lord of The Rings. Let us pray and work to assure that we do not re-live Saruman’s usurpation of the Shire; and that our Frodos, Sams, Merrys, and Pippins are equal to the task of Scouring the Shire at the end of the next two- or four-year election cycle.

Which brings me to the last point.

Whatever happens in the next four years, let us hold our heads high. For we can say, proudly, to all the world:

Don’t Blame Me. I voted for McCain-Palin!

This isn’t a lone voice in the Freeper wilderness.  This meme is already being spread far and wide throughout the internet.  So let’s get this one straight:

When they elected Bush TWICE, it was unpatriotic to “blame them”.  Whenever ANY.THING. when wrong during Bush’s two terms it was ineviably somehow “Clinton’s fault” or “Clinton did the same thing”, but now that they’ve found their party totally swept aside it’s all going to somehow be Obama’s fault?

This administration practices torture.  This administration has committed war crimes.  This administration has the worst economy since the Great Depression.  This administration failed New Orleans.  This country has been led by a kleptocracy.  This administration outed it’s own CIA agents.  This administration failed to capture Osama bin Ladin while going to war with Iraq over non-existent WMD’s.

And yes, I blame YOU, the people who voted for McCain/Palin.

To which they inevitably reply:  “its time to move on.” or “That’s all in the past now.”  or their favorite comeback: “Get over it!”

We must remember every day for the rest of our lives that these people will NEVER go away.  They will NEVER change their tune.  They will NEVER stop.  And so we must remain vigilant to their every move, their every meme.  Even on days like today.

Evil never sleeps.