Who do you think the real winners and losers will be in Congress?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OMG I just saw Sarah Palin on a CNN clip from last night or maybe earlier today. She seems to think the economic crisis is over. It was something we found ourselves in “a couple months ago”. Get ready for this to be all Obama’s fault. She really does not seem to realize this is unfolding not over. Sheeesh, where did they dig her up?
Obama understands there are tough times ahead. Now we will sort out who wants to work toward a stable economy and who wants to grandstand some more. Expect filibusters without end from the repugs.
I was just telling my sister that I can’t believe I’m saying this but she almost makes bush seem like a Rhodes Scholar…I did say almost.
No, seriously, she DOES make Bush look better by comparison. Case in point: Bush mangles the language – we can all agree on that – but at least he has been known to deliver complete sentences now and them, and you can almost always figure out what he is trying to say. With Palin, unless she is reading from a teleprompter or reciting memorized talking points, all you get is an incoherent word salad from which it is difficult to impossible to construct any meaning at all.
And naive? Yeah, she MUCH more naive than he is on just about every level. And dumb? I think she IS dumber than Bush.
And they are both narcissistic as hell.
They should date. But never breed.
the last word on Sarah Palin. McCain is said to opine More trouble than a pitbull.
A complete lack of common sense.
My comments extend to more than just members of Congress.
McCain will be a pariah among Democrats and Republicans both.
Rove. His math doesn’t work anymore.
All those GOP staffers whose President didn’t extend unemployment benefits.
Ted Stevens — he’ll be impeached or otherwise thrown out of the Senate should he win his seat.
Mitch McConnell. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him step down as Minority Leader.
Hillary Clinton. Unless Obama bails her out and gives her something important to do.
Howard Dean. If the Dems don’t continue him as head of the DNC they’re idiots.
Pelosi, Reid, Schumer and Hoyer. They don’t deserve any credit but they’ll get it anyway.
good list steven, and l would add lieberman to the list of losers.
with a bit of spine from reid and the rest, he’ll lose his chairmanships and be relegated to the back bench. and as far as l’m concerned, he can caucus with whomever he chooses…tho l suspect, it’ll prob be the d’s…he’s not got a lot of choice…abandon what’s left of his core princples and join the RATs? not bloody likely, as they don’t much care for him.
plus, there’s going to be a serious bloodletting in the RAT caucus over this election, and mcconnell is not likely to survive as ML.
ol joe bet on the wrong horse and lost, big time.
Lieberman would like us to forget that he promoted and advocated that Obama doesn’t put country first, ..Is Obama a Marxist? ..a good question he replied. Who can forget when Lieberman spoke at the RNC he smeared Obama as undermining the troops.
Show Lieberman the door.
Leiberman may switch parties and seal his fate four years from now. Knowing his end is near expect him to become even more republican then the republicans even if he doesn’t switch.
Pelosi, Reid, Schumer and Hoyer. They don’t deserve any credit but they’ll get it anyway.
We need some new leadership. That is for sure. Good grief in my joy I almost forgot how you can be defeated from within.
I’m interested in seeing Dean at HHS.
you have a good point, but with all due respect not this time around. IMHO Dean has yet anouther round of ground work he needs to finsh…like in 2012. We have yet to finish getting the whole thing a done deal. ut good request BTW
Maximum time heading the DNC is typically 4 years, so we’ll see.
Add John Ensign as a loser. Didn’t he head up the Republican Senatorial Campaign?
You forgot Lieberman (I resisted saying ‘Poland’). He is as big a loser as any of them. His creds as a ‘centrist’ are shot. And he no longer as any weight as a swing vote in the Senate. The Republiks won’t take him, and the Dems will toss him out. He is just going to draw a salary. What else is new?
Screw Nancy. She’s the enemy already. Her first post election statement? She wants Obama to govern from the middle!
Did anyone here honestly think Nancy and the House leadership was going to back Obama on a Democratic Party mandate?
6-9 Senate seats and 80 House seats aren’t a mandate, silly Obama! It’s an order to roll over and do what the GOP and the Village TELL you to do.
He’ll get no help from Democrats in the House and Senate. Too many people remember the Contract with America. They’re too terrified to do a damn thing, because the Powers That Be don’t want Obama messing things up with this “progressive” bullshit, no sir.
Another two years of cowering and sniveling that the GOP and the Village will call them bad names…and they’ll do that anyway and laugh as Obama’s agenda goes exactly nowhere.
The good news is Nancy’s made it clear that she’s playing for the other side right off the bat. We have time to do something about her.
The New Power Brokers in DC?
Exactly. She’s not a triangulator, she’s a mat for the Rethugs to walk all over.
Too bad San Francisco couldn’t dump her. The Dem machine there pushed her up the ladder really fast; they have a lot of “liberal” money in Northern California, and she was their robot darling. The Democratic Party in California has preserved her like a mummy. The Dems of San Francisco didn’t have a choice, and like sheep, they refused to vote for Cindy Sheehan, and voted Pelosi in again.
Chris Shays, loser by party affiliation.
curly was almost sad to see him concede last night – mostly a decent guy.
Well, he ran into the same problem Lincoln Chaffee did two years ago. People would come up to him and say, “Linc, I like you, but I gotta send a message.”
I think the messages need to continue to be sent, myself.
Absolutely agree!
biggest winner in Congress.
But I still think he’s a smarmy putz.
Except he won’t be in Congress any more.
I know, splitting hairs.
He’s a dangerous, slimy scumbag. Pure selfishness, bad decisions, a wanna-bee richese. Disgusting old politics. If he ends up chief of staff, forget the campaign slogans, it’s “meet the old boss, same as the old boss.”
Losers: I sincerely hope we have heard the last of Sarah Palin, Joe Sixpack, and Joe the Plumber. I hope O’Rielly and Limbaugh and Savage find themselves in an unemployment line real soon. I hope Jon Stuart and others of his ilk have a successful career as something other than political satirists. (at least for the next eight years)
Winners: John Dean, Joe the V.P., Pond dwellers, Blue Collars, Old folks, Kids and Parents.
Oregonian calls it for Merkley!
First, The Winners:
On the other side are The Losers:
Time to go to work. Frame the newspaper, enjoy your drink, then dig in.
The real fight starts now.
I think it’s time to give Howard Dean some love for his 50 state strategy.
Purge of the moderates? Are there any remaining?
Grab some popcorn.