Remember when a mandate was 50.7% of the vote and 286 electoral votes? I wonder what that makes Obama’s victory?
Why is it that the punditocracy never once opined, let alone the morning after two elections that were far less decisive than this one, that George W. Bush had to make sure to govern from the center? The talking heads on CNN just said “center” or “centrist” about nine times in five minutes.
I think we’ve just seen the media theme for the next four years. Anything Barack Obama does that is one iota to the left of George W. Bush will be branded as “governing from the left fringe.”
I guess we’ll just have to settle for historic.
Actually, the NYT called it a “Decisive Victory.” Indeed.
Damn, Steven. I’ve got to say…..I am shocked!!! Absolutely f@#$king SHOCKED about this!!!
In many ways, the MSM lost last night, too. Many of them are just as scared of “change” as the most rabid wingnut.
Honestly, I give A LOT of credit to Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Dave Letterman, Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and John Stewart because they, of all people, saw the emperor had no clothes and were unafraid to say he was naked.
I suspect Obama knows that he did NOT get this far by believing their hype. So for now, I’m just gonna laugh at them while they try to spin their particular meaning out of what has just happened.
Meanwhile, feast your eyes on this, boys and girls:
(Emphasis mine.)
…’sailed into the room wearing a towel’…rather confirms my personal belief she plays up the sex angle for herself. Sure she’s unfazed by the ‘boys club’..she thinks she can win them over and if not then stab them in the back.
Well, Steven, the US has now sunk below 44 other countries in freedom of the press. Since the advent of Rupert Murdoch and the demise of the fairness doctrine the left is represented by part of one cable news channel, part of one cable comedy channel and a poverty stricken radio network. The Michael Eisners, Barry Dillers and Jack Welchs have done a thorough job of hiring talking heads who perceive their class interests and those of the public they partially inform as being identical with their conservative ownership. They would love to do the same to the Internet. Let’s resist that by joining the EFF.
BREAKING NEWS: Rahm Emanuel named Chief of Staff
That didn’t take long, did it?
Breaking: MSNBC just retracted; Rahm has not yet accepted
I think he’ll make a good chief of staff, and I’d rather have him out of the House to be honest.
The day has been one with few outside pressures from worrying about the election. I was happy going in to teach, coasted through my Graphic Design class, went grocery shopping and came home listening to call-in shows on the car radio. Everyone in Baltimore, the location of the NPR station I was listening to, was up and positive after the election. None of us will have to get busy until tomorrow… busy trying to get the country that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and their trolls made a mess of back in order. It’s going to be a hard job.
But today we are happy and even the Republicans I’ve heard calling in on the radio are positive and, in a sense, relieved.
It looks like Obama has not only been elected, but has a real mandate for change. We are all going to have to support that change… help with spreading the opinions of the people and communicating the message from all involved in making change. This blog will be there. Honest.
Under The LobsterScope
Steven: We have to talk and keep talking about the Historic Landslide win Obama constructed and it’s accompanying Mandate for Change. May not shut Fox Noise up, but it will at least try to keep things in their proper perspective. 😉