I have to tell you, I slept so good last night! It was the first time I can honestly say that in close to 9+ years or so that I actually had a carefree mind when I hit the hay last night. I worked yesterday and was extremely tired from this and was not really anxious to get to the bed for, if I did, I would surely go immediately to slumber land.
I sat up watching all the news and was just so overwhelmed as to what the American people did yesterday and all those who did the early voting and absentee voting. I want to commend you all for your bravery. We had to stick together no matter where in the country you hail from we all stood tall and never let intimidation overcome us, to loose, ever again!
I want to send out the very much needed good ridding of the worst administration ever in my lifetime. I watched gw this morning clinch his jaw and parse his lips and say all the good things that had to be said. He did not mean a word of them. ( I promise you)
Even though I have not come in here and spent time writing words lately, my heart has always been here and your spirit has kept me from going nuts. You all will never know just how frustrated and completely unhinged I have become in the privacy of my own home. If I had let loose, you all would have called the dr’s and had me committed asap!
I have been so angry since 1999 that I could hardly see straight. Actually, since the newt/grinch took congress, is when I got angry.
As you all know (at least those who know me), I am an independent and I let people/politicians say what they want and then make up my mind on those words spoken. I never had to hold my breath and close my eyes to vote this time around! I knew exactly what I was doing and wanted to do it with all my heart and soul.
I actually after working all day and sometimes anywhere from 13 to almost 15 hours a day, all I feel like doing is just reading what you all were saying. After about 2 more years, I plan on retiring. I am almost 64 years of age and I have seen and done all I care to do in my career. It is time for this old lady to give in and let the younger ones do that hard work for a change. I may volunteer some place, but it is over for me. So this is where I am at in my life and I almost could see it slipping away from me with this Republican administration. I could see the younger ones of my family get set up for a life time of horror, if we did not change things and asap!
A lot of things have happened in the past 8 years…so many, that it is really hard to sit down and name them all without getting angry all over again.
What the world saw last night is what I think John Lennon would sing about in IMAGINE. Do we dare to let our hearts and minds go free enough to think about peace and harmony? Can we really see the world working together with each other to make it a wonderful place to live for everyone? Can we of the world laugh instead of cry? It is the simple things I want. I do not expect miracles; however, I do expect a change that will make life a lot easier for everyone not only here, but in the world.
I will not go into my credentials of my career and who I am, but I think I am wise enough to say, we must not ever be foolish enough to ever let this happen to us again…and I really mean ever again. So, dearest Friends of BMT, you have me back and I am in much better mental health than I was a few days ago. (wink, wink)
God bless you all, each and every one of you for helping me though this hard time in my life. You are a life saver …a million hugs from here in a red state of TN. I think things will change a lot more from here on out.
Oh, BTW, my oldest GD turned 18 this year and she registered to vote and her Nana saw that she went and voted. I told her of the hard times women had in securing the right to vote and never let up on her. I think it is one thing in my life that I actually did the right way. I honestly think she will never forget this year and how her Nana kept telling her that she has a voice and to never let it slip away from her.
I watched the people of the world and especially us in America last night and we were so thrill and happy….It was something like I had never seen ever in my life. It was just everywhere!!!!!!
We must not let go of this feeling. Let us hold onto it with all our might and build from it something that will never cease to amaze any country that might want to be like us. Live by being a shining example of democracy and we will reap the world. A million hugs go out to you all……
And (((HUGE HUGS))) to you our dear friend from both of us. Hope is alive!
Thanks there Indiana. Yes HOPE is so very alive. Thank you for your friendship and your great thoughts on just about things.
Sharing tears, feelings, emotions and relief with you this day. Big hugs to you Brenda.
Hi there my friend. Yes for sure….all the emotions. YOu know, Bush did one thing right, I hate to say…;o) He brought us together..all of us here at the pond. All the places like us…all over the world. He brought the all mighty of all of us to get this job done. Thank you for helping me to keep my sanity…;o)
In mind and spirit, now we can continue work in our community and (re-)building lives. You have been on my mind many times during the past months, good to hear from you … many (((hugs))). Be well.
Liberation, election of Obama will change lives!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oh, Oui, you will never know how sad I had become! I just had to step away and let things happen without getting my panties in a wad so bad that my personal life took the punch of things that was happening. I had, of course my personal thoughts on things and ppl who were running for POTUS, but I just had to step way and let my heart go with Obama. I at first could not think he would have a flippin chance of wining, but it became very evident that he had a great group of ppl put together and he knew what he was doing. When I realized this, he became my choice.
Yes, now, the world can and will take a deeeeep breath and try to get back to working together like it should and we can make progress. It is wonderful how the world has responded. I hope the repubs see this and know just how rotten they had become for everyone….
Bush, if he had a brain, could see this as of Tuesday night.
Something that has been said before, that when the Americans came to liberate them there would be dancing in the streets and laughing instead of crying and happiness instead of sadness……well you get the drift. It happened to OUR country on the 4th day of November of 2008! It happened to US! Who could have thought!!?? Like I said, I never thought in my lifetime that I could see something like I saw on Tuesday night! Such happiness!
Thank you, Oui, for just being there for me with your articles and your views. They are very necessary and important for us to read and think about. My very best to you and your family across the big pond. Many hugs back at ya kiddo.
This is the new beginning we have all so longed for. We must not ever become complacent. As BArak says, “I cannot do this alone”. We need to become more active in our communities, be of service and help one another. The long uphill battle has just begun. GW is leaving this country in a total mess for Barak. I have full confidence he will point it back in the right direction.
We did it, we really did it.
Nancy, yes we did it! now the work really gets started and we must hold his feet to the fire. I don’t care if he wants to become inclusive but up to a point. If he give the Repubs a lot of room for continuing their divisive attitudes and hate projects, they will tear us down again. This must stop and we must never let it happen again…EVER!!!!! We have come way too far to let it happen again to us. Thank you Nancy…hugs