I asked this a few weeks ago, and someone did answer, but I have forgotten in the interim, so I ask again. How do I add 1) photos, 2) videos to my comments?
Check out the foto flog diary today for a few links to some photo hosting sites (at the end of the diary). And feel free to practice posting an image there or here in the cafe.
Thanks, Olivia. I made several tries, but it seems I have not got the hang of it yet since they all failed. Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong, though I am sure as with everything technical it is something small and simple that will seem obvious once I figure it out or someone tells me.
Good morning!
Do you already have your images at a hosting site, or is that the problem?
Once on a hosting site, you can either embed the image in a comment/diary, or only link to it.
To embed, write this basic code:
< img src=”” > (the spaces after the opening tag and before the closing tag must be removed).
Now all that is needed is to copy the URL of the image in between the quote marks. In your hosted albums (whether Photobucket, Imageshack or others) there will be several links indicated under the image. Copy the one which is ‘Direct Link’ and paste between the quote marks.
You should also know how to adjust size of an image, since large images can break the margins – and are otherwise a headache for bandwidth challenged people.
Here is how: Basic code and actions exactly as above but with following addition to code:
< img src=”” width=”” > (again, the spaces after/before opening/closing brackets to be removed)
To determine the width, simply add the relevant number between quote marks after width=. Avoid widths above 400-500 pixels (experiment with different numbers and check result with “preview” function).
Your final code before posting will then be something like:
< img src=”the URL copied from hosting site” width=”400″ > (again, remove spaces as explained above)
No thank you. That’s one of the things I’m looking forward to – peace and quiet.
I was lurking yesterday and I saw where Anna in Philly recommended a site. It’s called Margaret and Helen. It’s written by an 82 y.o. woman, and I thought it was a really good site. You can get to it here, Margaret and Helen. When you have time you should check it out.
That’s getting to be a popular place — that’s the fourth link to it I’ve run across in the last week. It’s a fun read. There are some people who think it’s an elaborate fake but if it is, it’s a damn fine one.
Yep I read where some people thought it was a fake, but I agree with you, if it is, it’s a damn fine one.
I guess with anything on the internet, you have to take it on faith until you find out otherwise. What I can’t believe is the number of comments she gets. That site is almost up a one million and it hasn’t been opened that long. One thing I do get tired of is all those people wanting her to be their Grandma. Yesterday when I was reading through the site, I felt like saying, “Give it a rest”. 🙂
I’ve never understood why people would try to fake something like that. I did see where one guy tried to look up the woman and her husbands name from the telephone book, but couldn’t find anything.
It would seem to me it would be harder to run a fake then to simply tell the truth. Oh well, another example of my faith in people being dashed to the ground. 🙁
It could be real…I mean, maybe 82 year olds are hipper than I knew.
And there are some people out there who love to run a fake. Look at that PUMA website, riverwhatever: It’s totally a Republican website, masquerading as angry Hillary Dems.
I can’t believe it’s already Friday. And we have some non-election fun planned for this weekend, too. With cupcakes, I think. 🙂
At the moment, they’re patiently waiting for it to be light enough to go walk but that’s not going to last — we had rain and we’ve still got cloud cover so it may not get light earlier enough for us to go this morning.
Yeah, it’s a little slow getting light here today too.
We’re supposed to venture into the Big Apple this weekend for knitting and cupcakes and maybe even some van gogh. The leaves can wait for our return… 🙂
I hope you’ve had a good week so far. Do you have any big plans for the w/e?
I ordered something yesterday for my computer. It’s one of those roll up keyboards. The keyboard on my laptop is starting to get shot, and this keyboard is supposed to work even under a couple of inches of water. Of course, I don’t know when I would ever be typing under a couple of inches of water, but it nice to know I can if I wished to. 🙂
I suspect it will be, we’ll see what the other culprits say. West Village on a Saturday night can be pretty lively (I used to live literally one block from Sweet Revenge).
Thanks Andi! Olivia’s comment helped me to figure it out, and I posted a few photos in the open thread. As usual with technology stuff it was simple and obvious once I got it.
I may start a regular “feature” in the comment section where I post a couple of photos in each open thread. I will call it “scenes from that shithole” in honour of Drew.
It’s a sunny day here today. We’ll only get into the high 60’s though. The rels are leaving tomorrow, which is good news. I think my sil has taken over for FMom on knowing when I’m asleep from a nap. Every time yesterday I’d just fall asleep, she would knock on the door.
I guess she and my brother were a little bit worried, because my ankles were swollen to the size of grapefruits yesterday. Don’t know why, but they’re back to normal today.
Actually I think a lot of people are in a post election funk. It’s like you give and hope and want so much that after the election it’s hard to get back to that level.
Today once I get the energy, I’ll start cleaning on the house. My brother and sil always leave it messy, so I’ll have a lot to do after they leave.
The leaves are falling here too, but I figure once the last one falls, then I’ll worry about getting them up. 🙂
I’ve been feeling low and even a bit anxious since Tues. night. Went to work yesterday to find the entire 20K+ record database had been trashed so badly we had to install the backup from the day before, losing the whole day’s work from Thurs. Oh well, it could have been much worse. We had the system back up by noon and all of my Thurs. work is reentered. I’m happy I saved my notes.
I’ll need every ounce of energy I can muster this afternoon for the 3 yo grandchild’s birthday celebration!
Hey again,
No, that is now scheduled for this afternoon. It was damp and dreary last night, so we remained in the neighborhood. Beautiful out now, and warming up.
Good morning all! Our little town was jammed with tourists again yesterday. We’ll see what happens now that chilly & dreary has arrived. Oh, and the price of regular gasoline has dropped to 1.979 here.
Absolutely delicious calory bombs. We tried the “Pure”, “Crimson & Cream” and “Pumpkin”. After some discussion we concluded that the best muffin was the Pumpkin – best frosting on Pure – but the competition was very close. Write-up in the current Time Out Magazine:
Critics’ pick
Take the cake
News of another must-try cupcake may be more grating than the Sex and the City theme song, but hear us out.
Owner Marlo Scott, a publishing drone turned rebel confectioner, pipes her funky frosting using a St. Honore pastry tip, which deposits it in angular, Mohawk-like waves.
Scott’s final piss-off to pastry platitudes is the cupcake’s wrapper—a square of raw parchment in place of the traditional accordion cup. Carrie would have a fit.
That Mexican Vanilla frosting was to die for! And the Sweet Revenge cupcake is next on my list to try. 🙂
I think we just caught her when she was stopping in to check on things- she wasn’t there long (I recognized her from one of the reviews I read before we went). It sure was busy though!
I took a couple of pictures there…I’ll post them after I get them uploaded.
While I was tending to familial responsibilities, that gang of three were off gorging themselves on your nieces cupcakes. Not fair! I intend to beat a path down to the Village to try a few myself – but perhaps in the spirit of Thanksgiving (and the new wave of “hope” sweeping America) you could convince your niece to share the pumpkin cupcake recipe with us?
In their defense – we didn’t join back up tonight – not that I think a sample would have survived the trip! Can’t wait to check out the selection myself and am looking forward to an autographed edition of the cookbook. Yum!
Ask pretty much summed it up. The niece-unit was very nice, and excited (deservedly so!) about being named the “best cupcake in the city”. And I think she has a great location.
I thought they were WAY better than the ones I got at hey cupcake in Austin.
So, when are you coming to the east coast so you can try them?
Ask made my mouth water. Thank goodness I was at a birthday party tonight and had cake – otherwise I might have to be waiting at the local cupcake shop when it opened tomorrow 🙂
As for the east coast – I think the closest I’ll get might be DC for inauguration festivities, maybe. And that’s not close enough for cupcakes unless I can convince ask and curly to bring some down and do a drop somewhere for me.
I asked this a few weeks ago, and someone did answer, but I have forgotten in the interim, so I ask again. How do I add 1) photos, 2) videos to my comments?
Hurria it has been so long since I’ve added pictures, that I’ve forgotten too. I’m sure someone will be by soon that can explain it.
Here’s a link to the comment that explained it.
Here’s an explanation of embedding video from youtube (it works pretty much the same for other video sources).
Thanks. I’ll save it this time so I don’t need to ask again.
Check out the foto flog diary today for a few links to some photo hosting sites (at the end of the diary). And feel free to practice posting an image there or here in the cafe.
Thanks, Olivia. I made several tries, but it seems I have not got the hang of it yet since they all failed. Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong, though I am sure as with everything technical it is something small and simple that will seem obvious once I figure it out or someone tells me.
Good morning!
Do you already have your images at a hosting site, or is that the problem?
Once on a hosting site, you can either embed the image in a comment/diary, or only link to it.
To embed, write this basic code:
< img src=”” > (the spaces after the opening tag and before the closing tag must be removed).
Now all that is needed is to copy the URL of the image in between the quote marks. In your hosted albums (whether Photobucket, Imageshack or others) there will be several links indicated under the image. Copy the one which is ‘Direct Link’ and paste between the quote marks.
You should also know how to adjust size of an image, since large images can break the margins – and are otherwise a headache for bandwidth challenged people.
Here is how: Basic code and actions exactly as above but with following addition to code:
< img src=”” width=”” > (again, the spaces after/before opening/closing brackets to be removed)
To determine the width, simply add the relevant number between quote marks after width=. Avoid widths above 400-500 pixels (experiment with different numbers and check result with “preview” function).
Your final code before posting will then be something like:
< img src=”the URL copied from hosting site” width=”400″ > (again, remove spaces as explained above)
Give it another try!
Thanks Olivia. I was doing just what you described, except that I think I was using the wrong url. Let’s see if this works:
OK! Got it! Thanks.
I mean thanks ask. Sorry about that.
Good morning to everyone.
We’ve got rain this morning. I’ve been waiting awhile for that. Perfect weather gets boring after awhile. 🙂
It appears the rels are leaving this w/e, so I’ll have the house to myself again. I’m ready for that.
Well if you start to miss the noise, I could send the Pack down there and give George something to really bark about.
Morning Andi.
No thank you. That’s one of the things I’m looking forward to – peace and quiet.
I was lurking yesterday and I saw where Anna in Philly recommended a site. It’s called Margaret and Helen. It’s written by an 82 y.o. woman, and I thought it was a really good site. You can get to it here, Margaret and Helen. When you have time you should check it out.
That’s getting to be a popular place — that’s the fourth link to it I’ve run across in the last week. It’s a fun read. There are some people who think it’s an elaborate fake but if it is, it’s a damn fine one.
Yep I read where some people thought it was a fake, but I agree with you, if it is, it’s a damn fine one.
I guess with anything on the internet, you have to take it on faith until you find out otherwise. What I can’t believe is the number of comments she gets. That site is almost up a one million and it hasn’t been opened that long. One thing I do get tired of is all those people wanting her to be their Grandma. Yesterday when I was reading through the site, I felt like saying, “Give it a rest”. 🙂
I tend to think it’s a fake, albeit a good one and still entertaining to read.
How are you and the pack this morning?
Morning CG.
I’ve never understood why people would try to fake something like that. I did see where one guy tried to look up the woman and her husbands name from the telephone book, but couldn’t find anything.
It would seem to me it would be harder to run a fake then to simply tell the truth. Oh well, another example of my faith in people being dashed to the ground. 🙁
It could be real…I mean, maybe 82 year olds are hipper than I knew.
And there are some people out there who love to run a fake. Look at that PUMA website, riverwhatever: It’s totally a Republican website, masquerading as angry Hillary Dems.
I can’t believe it’s already Friday. And we have some non-election fun planned for this weekend, too. With cupcakes, I think. 🙂
Got a busy day of slacking ahead, FM?
Uhmmmmmmm cupcakes. 🙂
Yeah this week has gone by pretty fast for me too.
The biggest thing I’ve got going for the w/e is to help my rels get packed and out the door. 🙂
Of course, slacking is always an integral part of that.
At the moment, they’re patiently waiting for it to be light enough to go walk but that’s not going to last — we had rain and we’ve still got cloud cover so it may not get light earlier enough for us to go this morning.
Doing any fun stuff this weekend?
Yeah, it’s a little slow getting light here today too.
We’re supposed to venture into the Big Apple this weekend for knitting and cupcakes and maybe even some van gogh. The leaves can wait for our return… 🙂
What are you up to?
Cupcakes — oh I am so excited. And I really mean that, you’ll be the first non-family person I know to go there.
Does she get a discount if she says she knows you? :O
This is a brand new business. Marlo can’t afford to give anything away … but can’t hurt to introduce themselves and see what happens. 🙂
Yep I can understand that. Then again, there’s always digging through the trash cans outside the bakery. Eeeewwww! 🙂
Will there be a live knitting blog tomorrow afternoon/evening?
Maybe we should. 😉
That would be very cool.
BTW, time to change your signature line (yay). 🙂
Totally forgot about sig line.
Yep, saw that link last week and read some of the postings.
Morning Olivia!
I hope you’ve had a good week so far. Do you have any big plans for the w/e?
I ordered something yesterday for my computer. It’s one of those roll up keyboards. The keyboard on my laptop is starting to get shot, and this keyboard is supposed to work even under a couple of inches of water. Of course, I don’t know when I would ever be typing under a couple of inches of water, but it nice to know I can if I wished to. 🙂
LOL, haven’t heard of a roll up keyboard. As for the waterproofing, might be a good thing if one is prone to spilling drinks while blogging … 😉
Looking forward to the end of the day when the long w/e starts. I’ve got 4 days off.
How ’bout you. Saw that your rels might be leaving. Got any plans? Did you find those batteries for you cam? 😉
Here’s a shot of the keyboard.
What holiday do you have for a 4 day w/e?
Yep to the batteries. I’ve got plenty of batteries and the card is in the camera. Now I guess I have to go out and take some pictures. 🙂
Hope I didn’t break any margins, but I’ve forgotten how to size the pictures.
Yep, never seen anything like that. 🙂
It’s Remembrance Day on the 11th (Tues) which we get off (though not all Cdns do), so I took off the 10th.
Woo hoo on the batteries and the card, and most definitely on the taking pix part.
I’ve got to move to Canada. Ya’ll have so many holidays. 🙂
Yep I’ve got to pull the camera out, clean off the lense and start snapping.
crossing the border, since you already hold honourary Cdn status … 😉
If I did have any trouble, I’d just mention your name. I figure everybody in Canada knows Olivia. 🙂
The Friday foto flog is now up: here.
The theme this week is light, but no need to stick to the theme if you have something to share.
Hope to see you there!
Good morning, everyone!
Overslept and have to rush to Parent/Teacher conference – young asklet signed us up early.
Good morning Ask.
Enjoy your Parent/teacher conference.
Have fun at the conference. 🙂
and dogs say it’s time to go.
Have a good one all.
Be sure to go post at pic in Friday Foto Flogging.
See ya later.
Enjoy your walk Andi.
See ya.
Have a good walk. BTW, Andi, I wanted to use one of your photos for a painting. It’s from the other day, a shot up into the trees. Is that okay?
And any time you want to use a picture of mine is fine with me — no permission needed.
Thank you! I probably should have sent an e-mail directly to you.
Drew’s “shithole” and some of the people who live there:
uh oh – it didn’t work. OK, second try:
Still didn’t work.
So, what am I doing wrong? OK, here’s another try.
OK, I give up. I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions?
The problem is that it isn’t the right url. The one you are putting in goes to the page with the image and not to the image itself.
This is the correct code (except remove the space between “http:” and the “//”).
<img src=”http: //farm3.static.flickr.com/2152/2542269402_ab828f5004.jpg” width=”500″>
And here’s the result.
Good morning, Andi!
I should have read the whole thread before posting above to Hurria.
Actually, I suspected that to be the error – I did the very same one when I first tried to post an image.
Hey it never hurts to have the instruction posted and it was great of you to be so thorough.
Is today cupcake day?
I suspect it will be, we’ll see what the other culprits say. West Village on a Saturday night can be pretty lively (I used to live literally one block from Sweet Revenge).
I hope you go — I’m really looking forward to hearing an unbiased opinion.
Have a good day, whatever you do.
I’m off to run a bunch of errands. See ya.
Thanks Andi! Olivia’s comment helped me to figure it out, and I posted a few photos in the open thread. As usual with technology stuff it was simple and obvious once I got it.
I may start a regular “feature” in the comment section where I post a couple of photos in each open thread. I will call it “scenes from that shithole” in honour of Drew.
Good morning, all!
Good morning!
It’s grey, mild and boring here this morning. Good chance of rain this afternoon.
It’s gray and wet here too, but not actually raining, so I’m not sure what the weather is going to do.
Last night’s weather was very mild and pleasant for November. We went to the opening of my SIL’s new wine bar, and the place was packed.
Have a good time — and I hope you go eat lots and lots of healthy stuff at Sweet Revenge.
See ya later.
looking forward to SR!
Good morning all! Please eat a cupcake for me, ask;-)
Good morning everyone.
It’s a sunny day here today. We’ll only get into the high 60’s though. The rels are leaving tomorrow, which is good news. I think my sil has taken over for FMom on knowing when I’m asleep from a nap. Every time yesterday I’d just fall asleep, she would knock on the door.
I guess she and my brother were a little bit worried, because my ankles were swollen to the size of grapefruits yesterday. Don’t know why, but they’re back to normal today.
Hope everyone has a good w/e in front of them.
Maybe you’re pregnant, FM? My ankles swelled when I was pregnant.
Although I won’t count it out, the next time it happens I’ll tell the doctor of your findings. 🙂
How’re you doing today? Got any big plans?
Nope, no plans. Just drifting, watching the leaves fall and cover my yard and deck. I’m in a post-election funk. What next?
Actually I think a lot of people are in a post election funk. It’s like you give and hope and want so much that after the election it’s hard to get back to that level.
Today once I get the energy, I’ll start cleaning on the house. My brother and sil always leave it messy, so I’ll have a lot to do after they leave.
The leaves are falling here too, but I figure once the last one falls, then I’ll worry about getting them up. 🙂
I’ve been feeling low and even a bit anxious since Tues. night. Went to work yesterday to find the entire 20K+ record database had been trashed so badly we had to install the backup from the day before, losing the whole day’s work from Thurs. Oh well, it could have been much worse. We had the system back up by noon and all of my Thurs. work is reentered. I’m happy I saved my notes.
I’ll need every ounce of energy I can muster this afternoon for the 3 yo grandchild’s birthday celebration!
Morning ID.
Sorry to hear about the database. At least you did have the backup and your notes. Hate to think what would have happened if you hadn’t had those.
A grandchild’s birthday! How lucky you are. Of course by the end of the day, I’m sure you will be lacking any energy what so ever.
Have a good time.
Thanks! The grandkids are a joy, but nevertheless, I’m looking forward to some serious slacking later this evening when its over.
Yep I always look forward to slacking. Speaking of which, I think I’ll start doing now.
Have a good day.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
Brrr, it suddenly got colder – in the 60s last night, now 48 and seems to go lower.
Your weather is catching up with ours. We had a low of 33 last night, lower with the wind chill.
So did you get a chance to go try the cupcakes?
Hey again,
No, that is now scheduled for this afternoon. It was damp and dreary last night, so we remained in the neighborhood. Beautiful out now, and warming up.
Well then … bon appetit
Heading there now.
Have a blissfully decadent time. 🙂
And yes, that is cute. Playful much?
good morning! Just got out of the shower, and starting to think about coffee and breakfast with our lovely hosts. 😉
Just got back from my walk. Brown and gray season has arrived.
Have a good day.
Good morning all! Our little town was jammed with tourists again yesterday. We’ll see what happens now that chilly & dreary has arrived. Oh, and the price of regular gasoline has dropped to 1.979 here.
Whaaa!? It’s still like $2.50 here.
Perhaps Sen. Bayh spoke to some of his oil company buddies in our behalf.
$1.98 here.
We’re here at Sweet Revenge, Andi. Your niece is very nice, but a little taller than I expected. 🙂
Ooh, how exciting. Give her a big hi from me. (BTW, her dad is 6’2″, though her mother is a little shorter than me.)
And hope you have lots of yummy goodies.
Absolutely delicious calory bombs. We tried the “Pure”, “Crimson & Cream” and “Pumpkin”. After some discussion we concluded that the best muffin was the Pumpkin – best frosting on Pure – but the competition was very close.
Write-up in the current Time Out Magazine:
Menu (pdf)
Careful! You may experience weight gain simply from reading the menu.
I’m glad you all had good eats! Thanks for the report and for the link to write-up. My auntie-heart is just all swelled-up with pride. 😉
My friend-of-auntie heart is all swelled up with thoughts of cream cheese frosting on dense, sweet carrot cake…
You didn’t want red velvet? Bless your heart.
Well now you have a reason to go visit NYC.
Me, I’m going for the savory goodies.
The savory goodies could not compare to those chili-lime air puffs you made Jim and I eat.
Thanks for reminding me — I really ought to go back to the little grocery store and get some more of those.
But I do think Marlo’s savories will be more, um, substantial.
That Mexican Vanilla frosting was to die for! And the Sweet Revenge cupcake is next on my list to try. 🙂
I think we just caught her when she was stopping in to check on things- she wasn’t there long (I recognized her from one of the reviews I read before we went). It sure was busy though!
I took a couple of pictures there…I’ll post them after I get them uploaded.
I love hearing that it was busy — her timing on starting this in bad economic times has been worrying.
And yay on the pictures.
Hi Andi –
While I was tending to familial responsibilities, that gang of three were off gorging themselves on your nieces cupcakes. Not fair! I intend to beat a path down to the Village to try a few myself – but perhaps in the spirit of Thanksgiving (and the new wave of “hope” sweeping America) you could convince your niece to share the pumpkin cupcake recipe with us?
What, they didn’t bring you back anything!?! How shameful.
I don’t think Marlo is ready to give away her secrets just yet … though a cookbook might be a good thing for her to think about selling.
In their defense – we didn’t join back up tonight – not that I think a sample would have survived the trip! Can’t wait to check out the selection myself and am looking forward to an autographed edition of the cookbook. Yum!
Um, we’re drooling out here!
I think Andi should get you some. With that vanilla frosting.
Details. Cupcake details.
Andi-niece details too if you want. I hope you asked her for embarrassing Andi stories. 🙂
Ask pretty much summed it up. The niece-unit was very nice, and excited (deservedly so!) about being named the “best cupcake in the city”. And I think she has a great location.
I thought they were WAY better than the ones I got at hey cupcake in Austin.
So, when are you coming to the east coast so you can try them?
Ask made my mouth water. Thank goodness I was at a birthday party tonight and had cake – otherwise I might have to be waiting at the local cupcake shop when it opened tomorrow 🙂
As for the east coast – I think the closest I’ll get might be DC for inauguration festivities, maybe. And that’s not close enough for cupcakes unless I can convince ask and curly to bring some down and do a drop somewhere for me.
MMM…inauguration festivities. I love the sound of that.
A drive-by shot of Sweet Revenge. Not sure why the windows looks so funky:

A quick shot of the goodies:

I thought the bird on the celing was cool:

Marlo was already gone, but here’s one of her employees behind the counter.

I liked this banner over a nearby bar:

Just wanted to take a picture from the middle of a busy street…

On the way back to te car, we walked up a Gingko-lined street (that’s the Hudson river off in the distance).

And as we were leaving town, I got a kick out of the high-visibility placement of this Obama sign.

What is going on with my thumbnails? hmmpf.
Nice set of photos. The ginko lined street looks lovely. But that one of the goodies is perfect for a new cafe — yes, that was a not very subtle hint.
I knew we needed one, but didn’t want to cut off an ongoing cupcake conversation. 🙂
I’m sure it can carry over to the new cafe if people are hungry enough. 🙂
(Except for poor curly who should really be excused from hearing about it.)