Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
On the other hand, I notice that has a prominent “Jobs” tab that links to a form you can fill out to apply for a non-career position with the Obama administration. I wonder what would happen if I filled out that form. I could be a technology wonk, eh what?
according to huffington post, reid offered to allow him to remain in the d caucus with that condition. as he is wont to do, LIEberman declined to accept.
apparently his next move is to attempt to circumvent reid by going directly to the senate democratic steering and outreach committee in an attempt to maintain his position.
fdl has organized a petition to the members of the sdsoc, asking them to “to relieve Joe Lieberman of his gavel before the start of the next Congress”.
if you think it’s time…past time actually…for joe to go, you may sign it HERE.
I love it! After trashing the new President and actively campaigning against him, Lieberman proceeds to spit in the face of the Majority Leader and attempts a revolt against his authority. What an incredibly dumb guy. I’m astounded that Gore picked him for VP. Maybe he can run in 2012 as Palin’s running mate.
One second thought, will Reid eat Joe’s shit? I can’t say no with 100% confidence. Or even 90%.
I read on Kos that Reid has offered Lieberman Veteran’s Affairs as a substitute for Homeland Security. Lieberman stays in the caucus. Lieberman stays a major committee chairman.
With Nancy rolling over on centrism, Harry rolling over on Joe F’ckin Lieberman, Boehner still acting like he runs the House, and the Village still acting like Obama is Unserious, what the hell is different about DC today?
Obama is going to have to knock some heads soon before his agenda is mapped out for him by Broder and the lot.
I gotta tell ya, Boo, I’m a little tired of the blogosphere being so full of drama queens. The fights throughout the day over Rahmbo, whom I don’t even like, have long worn out on me.
Speaking of transitions – here’s the new Obama site for the transition. Sign up now to stay in touch:
Hey, thanks, Lisa. It’s good to know about this.
One of my favorite things about Obama is his commitment to “open-source government.”
I like. It’s amusing.
Obama’s Chief of Staff pick has ticked off the GOP. Waaaaah – leave it to AP.
and the GOP is now in a civil war…over Sarah Palin’s clothing.
Just imagine. Sarah just keeps
givingtaking.Well, sometimes Sarah has other options…once greeted McCain’s top campaign advisors, Schmidt and Salter,… wearing only a towel.
They gotta make sure to save the unmentionables for Rich Lowry.
Well, I’m still working for the man.
On the other hand, I notice that has a prominent “Jobs” tab that links to a form you can fill out to apply for a non-career position with the Obama administration. I wonder what would happen if I filled out that form. I could be a technology wonk, eh what?
have been made “non career” by the Bush administration.
Pretty impressed by the way they’ve hit the ground running. More than anything else, I appreciate that Obama and his people plan ahead so well.
I noticed the job thing too. And, hey, I live in DC. Don’t know what the heck I’d do in an Obama administration, but I wondered.
from his chairmanship of homeland security.
according to huffington post, reid offered to allow him to remain in the d caucus with that condition. as he is wont to do, LIEberman declined to accept.
apparently his next move is to attempt to circumvent reid by going directly to the senate democratic steering and outreach committee in an attempt to maintain his position.
fdl has organized a petition to the members of the sdsoc, asking them to “to relieve Joe Lieberman of his gavel before the start of the next Congress”.
if you think it’s time…past time actually…for joe to go, you may sign it HERE.
I love it! After trashing the new President and actively campaigning against him, Lieberman proceeds to spit in the face of the Majority Leader and attempts a revolt against his authority. What an incredibly dumb guy. I’m astounded that Gore picked him for VP. Maybe he can run in 2012 as Palin’s running mate.
One second thought, will Reid eat Joe’s shit? I can’t say no with 100% confidence. Or even 90%.
Joe Lieberman wants to be forgiven for all that election mud-slingling that he led.
Joe where’s Zell? You can’t just break up our furniture and expect we’ll kiss and forgive.
watch this, traitor joe must go
I read on Kos that Reid has offered Lieberman Veteran’s Affairs as a substitute for Homeland Security. Lieberman stays in the caucus. Lieberman stays a major committee chairman.
Harry Reid does eat Lieberman’s shit.
Berlusconi to Obama: “Nice tan.”
Transition denotes change.
With Nancy rolling over on centrism, Harry rolling over on Joe F’ckin Lieberman, Boehner still acting like he runs the House, and the Village still acting like Obama is Unserious, what the hell is different about DC today?
Obama is going to have to knock some heads soon before his agenda is mapped out for him by Broder and the lot.
I gotta tell ya, Boo, I’m a little tired of the blogosphere being so full of drama queens. The fights throughout the day over Rahmbo, whom I don’t even like, have long worn out on me.
Speaking of change…
Transition? What transition?
Check out these two blog posts from Alaska. Something is very, very wrong with the election totals up there….
Don’t know about me, but evidently the transition makes the New York Times think that it should be more accurate about the recent events in Georgia:
Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question
I don’t think that anyone in the US took those Georgia claims seriously other than neocons and Booman. (The corporate media does not count.)