Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme is Light: Presence, absence, bright, dim, straight, bent … anyway you want to shine a little bit of it on us..
Website of the Week: Art of Science. From Princeton University, a gallery of winning images produced during the course of research. Art in science (h/t to dada for the link).
AndiF Finds the Light
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Light arrives insistently
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Light peeks through quietly
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Light dapples a big canvas
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olivia's Light
- Next Week’s Theme: Fall. Turn over an old leaf and show us how well seasoned you are.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Inaugural Foto Flog Song Titles, Song Lyrics Red Jest for Fun Critters! In the Frame Silhouettes and Shadows Water Halloween
Light works its way into Buckskin Canyon.
That is stunning! The rock looks liquid … beautiful.
Interesting you should say that since liquid created the slot canyon. 🙂
Unfortunately, when I was in the West and Southwest, it was 1996 and I didn’t have a digital camera. But let me rumage through my collection of what I do have and see what I can offer up today.
Amazing shot, Andif,
The veils of time.
Thanks Head but it’s not mine — it’s Jim’s.
Now how come I knew that Andif.
It looked more like Jim`s than what I am used to seeing you shoot, but I had to respond to the poster. It most certainly does not diminish my admiration for your images in the least, though.
it does say it is Jim`s.
It is always amazing what water and time can create.
Now there’s something one could sit and meditate upon for some time.
Jim, how long do you take when capturing these photos. I know you’re usually hiking, so does that mean you can’t stop for too long?
Not too long. Once I get the framing and composition the way I want it, I take 3 or 4 exposures pretty quickly. If I’m using a tripod, 3-5 minutes. If I’m shooting handheld, probably less than a minute.
This photo is pretty grainy, but I did take it over 25 years ago. But as far as light goes, I thought it would be a good one.
That’s pretty nice even at it’s tiny size. How about a pond picture (I’m greedy)?
I’m working on the pond pictures and new ones of George.
How about a pond picture (I’m greedy)? Yep and (I’m Lazy). 🙂
I forgot something. I know when you have <img src= that you can put down the size too. I forgot how to do that.
you use the attribute width=”500″ or whatever number of pixels wide you want it to be.
Thanks Andi, but where does it go? Does it go after img scr= or before? It would seem as many pictures as I used to post, I would remember this stuff.
I usually put it before, as in < img width=”400″ src=”insert url here” >
Thanks CG. I’m going to copy that and put it to where I know it is.
Nicely framed through the trees FM. Is that snow on the branches?
And I’m w/ Andi … some pond photos would be lovely.
Yep that’s snow of the trees. Just a short walk down from the “I wish it was my summer home” place. 🙂
I’m working on more pond pictures. Maybe next week.
Please let me know if you could use a groundskeeper, FM. I’m good with flowers and don’t really eat too much.
Don’t you hate it when George asks to go out when you are on the top floor of the turret?
Great photo keep ’em coming everyone!
Funny you should pick light, one of my favorite subjects lately. Light studies in leaves for the first two.

Hi Bob, what gorgeous colour and play on light and shade. Wonderful framing too. Love it.
Neat photo. I feel like I’m walking through a rain forest.
Emphasis on light – any way you can get it! ;]
Two of these might look familiar to some and all are clickable to view larger on their Flickr page.
This first one was actually a mistake. I had intended to fire the flash off but had set it off for some other shots. The result, however, I’m quite pleased with, especially the lighting on the bookcase.
Yummy Obamarama goodness!
I had taken my younger son to 30th Street Station, as he likes to take trolley and El rides and watch trains. We were watching the R lines coming and going on the platform when I pointed the camera up and fired off a shot. The bright light is a little distracting but the curves and lines and such seemed really appealing after the fact.
Great self portrait.
Excellent photos from everyone — a feast for the eyes today!
Some of the best shots are those that weren’t the intended subject/focus/exposure etc. … I love that atmosphere set by the bookshelf shot. Lovely.
The others are fantastic. Love the self-portrait – how the curve of the cap fisheyes.
What’s the latest update on the new cam, stand strong … getting lots of opportunities to use it?
Wednesday I was out but the weather was kind of iffy. Very overcast which I don’t like when taking shots. Tends to buff out details if there’s a lot of sky in the shot.
That said, there still were some interesting shots to get. I really liked this one. The two covers side by side, one begging ‘Pleeease’ and the other as if in answer to the request.
Stand strong & keep shooting.
Very nice set you have posted tonight.
The train station shot is a great combination of light and geometry. And the food makes me wonder how long till lunch. 🙂
I like the El station shot. At first I thought it was a window and the curves were created by lens distortion.
That should have been photos, need more coffee.

is lovely.
The plant that sits quietly behind me, often unnoticed, in my office.
The second two are both of Tampa Bay.

I’m trying to find a shot I took from a train trestle over looking Philly that this shot reminds me of. Given that my Flickr account is in free mode right now, I don’t have access to all my photos. I thought I could find it elsewhere and otherwise, but I can’t.
Grr…I need to renew my membership one of these days.
Thanks, took this one while having dinner at the top of the Grand Hyatt, Tampa Bay after a long and boring board meeting. Have you tried ImageShack, no problems with them here.
The thing is, with Flickr, I have between 1500 and 2000 images online, many in various folders (sets), and all with some types of tagging for easy findability.
When I let the paid account lapse ($25), I went to free account which limits me to my 200 most recent and only a couple of sets.
So long as I pay again, I regain access to all my images. They’re all still there, just currently not accessible. And that itself isn’t entirely true. There are other sites that do complete hash searches of Flickr accounts and I could go that way to find individual pictures. I just can’t remember any of those sites at the moment.
That’s a pain.
But I’d like to have full access to my images again. I have some shots I really like on it.
I have to admit I’d pay to get access to my work.
The rays coming through are beautiful.
A very dramatic shot. The light ripping at the fabric of shade.
I might have posted this a long time ago in a photoflog far, far away.
This photo and the above almost make me sorry I don’t live where I can take cityscapes but then your lovely light study of the leaves reminded that living in the country has its own pleasures.
I was traveling quite a bit for the last seven or eight years while serving as a chapter director and then vice-pres of a veterans organization and got to visit quite a few cities around the U.S.. My terms were up and I was tired so I’m finished with that. My home is in the country/burbs too and I’d not willing leave, even though I grew up in the city. I’d have to admit some times I miss it, but that fades after a trip in.
Awesome skies.
And from a little farther out once more.
The first one — love the b&w effect.
Which just goes to show that just having an SLR doesn’t mean better shots. It can, due to greater control over the shots, but I’ve seen some shots taken from POS’s that simply blow my mind.
I said there’d be a learning curve with the SLR and there certainly is.
I’ve seen some fantastic shots taken by homemade pinhole cameras.
Very powerful stuff! I really like the city hall shot. Goth – or maybe batman;-)
The City Hall shot was and remains to be one of my favorite shot due to the dramatic lighting.
I need to go retake that shot again one of these nights.
I love this set also, but the faraway rainbow one is a favorite.
The silhouetted seed heads is probably my favorite, but I see things in each one that make me like them. I especially like the starkness of the last cityscape and black and white treatment of the first picture.
FFFlog Lights 1
night lights 1


sundown at the lake

clik to enlarge
sundown colour original
Nice clouds – love the lake sundown shot.
Sundown Lake is terrific.
Fav, hands down … 🙂
I probably wouldn’t have tried to change the sunset over the lake shot from color to b/w. I’m glad you did; it’s spectacular.
Nice neon too.
That sundown lake is great.
FFFlog Lights 2
how light “moves” thru a space has always fascinated me, personally, and as a designer. sometimes you get unanticipated results
light wings

light sabre w/ lamp

light sabre

arc light reflection

clik images to enlarge
These are wonderful. I’m fascinated with the top one, the way the thin stream of light is as delicate as the structure of the wings and the bottom is deceptively simple — there’s so much in it to look at.
Light Wings
I`d sort of close the drapes though, before Batman shows up.
Very creative abstract work! I like the wings too, but the third one is fantastic. Light pouring in from the window to light the lamp … love it. 🙂
It’s nice the way contrails make the sky so much more interesting.
I particularly liked these which were created by military jets flying in formation.
click for larger
Nice! It seems to hint at chilly times to come, with the bare branches on the horizon. Say – are those persimmons overhead?
I’ve never checked to see what that tree was but it could be as there are several further up the road.
A fascinating skyline and lovely colors, LEP.
Kid scribbles in the sky over the rooftops.
Very very nice shot.
The chimney pots are reminiscent of the industrial age.
The sky disproves that notion.
Beautiful colours in that sky. All those trails in the sky of delighted visitors to your wonderful city … 🙂
Maybe that sky made painting in a garret worth it to all those French artist.
There’s a chill in the air tonight, a reminder of times soon to come.
Crisp, sunny days
And silent solitary nights
Nice set of shots. I particularly like the sparkling ice on the tree in the top shot and the first night scene, which has a really nice stillness to it.
Is it really christmas already.
These shots of yours have a Saturday Evening Post aura about them.
Very nice.
Love the stillness also — especially the shot of the street — is that downtown or main street? It’s a familiar image of some of the small towns that I grew up in … 🙂
Actually, its the first block of Main St. The main intersection is in the background by the white 2-story building with the small 2nd floor balcony (our favorite restaurant, BTW).
I’ll have a bowl of pepper steak soup, an order of steak fries, and the mixed greens salad with the house dressing.
That sounds really good.
We finally braved the tourist crowds and stopped in for Thurs. night dinner. Too bad – no more apple crisp:(
This was taken by my brother in Muir Woods in Marin County, CA:
When we went on vacation hiking in the Redwoods, we’d intended to stop at Muir Woods on our way back to SF airport but after all those hours in the car, we were too tired to stop. Someday we’re going to have to go back and get there (and Point Reyes which we also skipped).
I think I just saw a “Wee one” run by.
It’s funny you say that. At this spot or one very similar where the sun was streaking through, there was steam streaming out of a hole in a tree. A mom was pointing it out to her young son and telling him it was a gnome’s pipe smoke.
“How to Treat Elves“
Fantastic capture of the sun rays … I love the look of the forests/woods on the West coast. Beautiful.
I could not access the Foto Diary for the past many hours, although with a long enough wait I could get to BT
Think Evolution
I`ll Always Wonder
Squeezing The Last Drop
The Prancer & The Queen
Hand Out
(By flashlight)
Mirrored Reflections
Martion Dawn
Sunny With Slight Winds
Look Into My Eyes
Another fantastic set. It’s a real challenge picking a favorite. I really like the spider and the iridescent fish and the ant but I’m going to have to go with the water droplet close-up, Squeezing The Last Drop. Wow again and wow some more.
Thank You Andif
More lovely eye candy! My favorite? Hand Out, hands down!
Thank you Indianadem,
It makes as much noise as one hand clapping.
I have this also titled as “The Supplicant”.
MY favorite is the succulent/cactus with the water drop. But they are all wonderful.
Thank you Boran2,
What was strange about that one was that while I was looking at it, the slight breeze seemed to be moving the plant enough to see the drop of dew change shape, as it was rhythmically squeezed
a pic … 😉
Hi Head … I really like the diamond in the water droplet, but Ms Pipi always comes first for me … Her wild fashion style is an eye-catcher.

For some reason, I had not downloaded this pic I had especially picked out for you.
As you can see, Pippi is peeking back at you.
She`s curious you know.
Thanks for the showcase.
She’s so colourful. What is that orange piece sticking out between the eye stalks?
Wouldn`t you like to know.
Those are antennae. If you look closely, there is another one foreshortened but none the less there. In the first pic, they can clearly be seen.
It`s definitely a strange set of probes or feelers. They seem to vibrate quite rapidly. I have never really been as curious as you about them though. Hmmmn
“Squeezing the last drop” looks like fingers squeezing a watery world. Sort of reminds me of the last scene in Men in Black when the aliens pick up the galactic marbles and put them in a bag.
Thanks Jim.
Although I`ve not yet seen “Men In Black” I can understand what I think you mean. The fingers of fate gently moving a world to another plane, unbeknownst to it`s inhabitants, which in this drop, may harbor millions.
your titles are as good as the snaps, and that’s saying something, mr K!
You PPl are simply amazing with the camera!!!!! I admire you all….the photos are magnificent!!!! I really did enjoy the light and the theme of today’s topic. Olivia you are the greatest!!!!
Brenda Stewart, you with my same last name.
I take this moment to thank you from everyone here for the nice words.
And yes, Olivia is the greatest along with the other great one. “That one”, the inimitable Andif.
Thanks Brenda. Olivia and I are really enjoying doing this.
There are lots more great photos in the older FFF’s so be sure to click on the links to them and enjoy. 🙂
What Andi said … 😀