John Boehner submitted his application to remain Minority Leader to the Washington Post this morning. He attempts to lay out a roadmap for the Republican Party. If you parse his words, you’ll notice something astonishing. He talks about the core Republican principles of “freedom, opportunity, security and individual liberty,” but nowhere does he mention “traditional” or “family values”. He rails against higher taxes, labor bosses, trial lawyers, and government-run health care, but he has nothing to say about abortion, gays, guns, God, or immigration.
It looks like the early reaction of the Republicans is that they’ve lost the culture wars and they must return to Rockefeller Republicanism. If so, I welcome the change. But I will wait to see if they can stick to this strategy. I somehow doubt it.
And we have a front row seat!!
(OOPS, I screwed up the picture)
And we have a front row seat!!
I kind of like the old strategy, because it leads to nowhere in future elections. I don’t want them to figure it out.
BTW, how sincere was Boehner? Did he cry?
If they stop with the culture wars, then they lose the lunatic fringe.
I was expecting a civil war, and the Rockefeller Republicans splitting from the religious extremists and the black helicopter types. The only question in my mind is who gets to keep the Republican name.
Yes, Tony! Damn straight! If the Republicans would just double down on that culture war thing and keep pushing for the fundie version of Sharia Law, then all those disaffected and disgruntled Republicans will come streaming back in droves. Because it’s not about the economy or jobs or our kids futures. It’s all about that goddamn homo agenda, abortion and banning contraception.
Keep it up Tony! You’ll eventually learn to love living in the political wilderness. And remember, make sure to keep your Swiss Army Knife handy.
And anyone should listen to Perkins . . . why?
He’s a prime example of the adage that where you stand depends on where you sit. He’s sitting on top of a crumbling theocon empire, so of course he’s going to be waving his arms and trying to get people to pay attention to him. His livelihood depends on it.
But sadly, Omir, many people do still listen to him. And I guess that would be the reason he was one of the invited conservative elite who gathered for the soiree at Brent Bozell’s hideaway to map out the future strategy for the conservative movement. Despite their crushing defeat Perkins and the rest of his gang, including their acolytes, will be back. Working another scamming narrative in an attempt to convince people of their relevance.
Oh I don’t doubt that many people listen to Perkins, I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around why.
And if they want to organize around narrow-mindedness and bigotry, it will be fun watching them waste their time and money in pursuit of a (mostly) losing cause.
His lack of insight will clearly be his undoing.
listen to tony, republicans. he’s definitely right. do what he says.
The one lesson the GOP has learned is to attack the Dems for doing what they themselves have done. They learned that from the Village.
Has the Village learned ITS lesson?