I want to know how you found a dog that’s willing to get on a rocking chair for a nap, Andi…I’m trying to picture mine hopping up on one, and it’s hard to imagine.
An adjustable morris chair? Hmm. The tilt of the chair made me think it was a rocker.
That’s what I get for getting up early, I guess.
It’s gotten awfully chilly here this week. I think today is “face-reality-and-put-the-storm-windows-in-because -it’s-too-cold-to-open-the-windows-anymore” day.
Hi FM! I got distracted with getting people off to school and checking in with my mom to see how her week is going. I’m procrastinating about starting my work day, too. Maybe I should run my lunchtime errands early. Cuz, ya know, going to the bank and Target and the grocery store and paying bills is so much fun.
I need to get started also, but I’ve been putting it off. The big thing today is a haircut. Tomorrow I have to be in B’ham for a dental appointment at 7:45 am, which mean I’ve got to leave here at least by 5:00 am to get there a little early. I’m really looking forward to that. 🙂
We saw the furniture at the National Inn at Mt. Rainier and we liked it so much we asked them where it was made and it turned out the manufacturer (Old Hickory Furniture) is about 50 miles away from us. I was going to link to the chair but it looks like they don’t make it any more but they have lots of other nice pieces.
Except for the Opry, I’ve never heard anybody use that name. And if we were going to do a size comparison to the one in Tennessee, wouldn’t Microscopic Nashville be more accurate. 🙂
Move ’em on, head ’em up,
Head ’em up, move ’em out,
Move ’em on, head ’em out Rawhide!
Set ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, let ’em out,
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in Rawhide.
Good morning!
No problem, he’s an early bird like me (his sister, on the other hand…).
Someone should check the Booman Technorati page – it still lists susanhu as contributor, maybe that’s not so good…
Now that the little weasel will be the guv for another term, there will undoubtedly be an insane rush to outsource Indiana government. Maybe you can get a piece of that action.
Yuck. I guess that curtails your walking a little bit?
It’s funny, where we live, nobody hunts (I doubt any of them know what day deer season opens, but go 5 or 10 miles down the road (where my mom lives), and you have to be much more aware of hunting season.
She only let the compound bow hunters hunt on her property, and we usually knew ahead of time when they’d be there.
It curtails it a lot because they allow hunting on parts of the camp but during the week I’ll go on parts of it where they don’t hunt because it’s close to other property lines.
Nobody who shares a property line with us hunts but some of them let other people use their property. Fortunately it’s almost entirely weekends.
Is it safer during middle part of the day? I’d be most afraid to head out in the early morning.
What else are you up to today, besides dodging gunfire and trying to keep the pack happy? I have laundry and fridge cleaning on my agenda today, and I’m working on an outline in an effort to get all my hours in before the end of the month, even with the kids’ Thanksgiving break.
(since around here the deer population is immense) but I don’t always trust the people who go out and do it.
During this last election we made a lot of fun of one of one of the candidates for state senate who, while a state rep, introduced what we liked to call the automotive deer hunting restitution bill:
The department of conservation shall pay the owner of any motor vehicle the first two hundred fifty dollars for repair of damages to any motor vehicle that collides with a deer. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any damage caused to a motor vehicle that involved avoiding a deer where there is no contact with a deer. The owner shall prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that such damage was caused by a collision with a deer and that at the time of the collision the motor vehicle was legally operated.
I want to know how you found a dog that’s willing to get on a rocking chair for a nap, Andi…I’m trying to picture mine hopping up on one, and it’s hard to imagine.
You can stop trying — it isn’t a rocking chair; it’s an adjustable morris chair. 🙂
An adjustable morris chair? Hmm. The tilt of the chair made me think it was a rocker.
That’s what I get for getting up early, I guess.
It’s gotten awfully chilly here this week. I think today is “face-reality-and-put-the-storm-windows-in-because -it’s-too-cold-to-open-the-windows-anymore” day.
Good morning CG and Andi.
This week we’ll be in the 70/50 range, but next week we’re supposed to be getting cold.
How is everyone today?
We’re firmly in gray-and-brown season here, which also includes cool weather.
We’re still having leaves falling and changing colors. Probably around the beginning of Dec. we’ll be completely gray-and-brown.
See that’s your big clue about the no-snow situation — living where the leaves don’t change until december. 😉
Yep I know, but I can still hope. We did have it last year if only for a day. But there is something to be said for a good old fashioned blizzard. 🙂
Umm, I have been through a good old-fashioned blizzard and there is nothing good to be said for them.
Well I have an early morning con call and the dogs need to work off some energy before I have it so they don’t bug me so I’m outta here.
See ya later.
Have a good walk Andi.
See ya.
Hi FM! I got distracted with getting people off to school and checking in with my mom to see how her week is going. I’m procrastinating about starting my work day, too. Maybe I should run my lunchtime errands early. Cuz, ya know, going to the bank and Target and the grocery store and paying bills is so much fun.
Hi CG.
I need to get started also, but I’ve been putting it off. The big thing today is a haircut. Tomorrow I have to be in B’ham for a dental appointment at 7:45 am, which mean I’ve got to leave here at least by 5:00 am to get there a little early. I’m really looking forward to that. 🙂
Wow, the pleasure of the dentist at that early hour. Sounds like fun.
Morning Boran.
It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to drive two hours to get to it. Sort of adding insult to injury.
We got new windows this fall. No more storm windows!
Here’s a picture that shows how it adjusts.
Okay, that’s very cool! And it matches my house. 🙂
We saw the furniture at the National Inn at Mt. Rainier and we liked it so much we asked them where it was made and it turned out the manufacturer (Old Hickory Furniture) is about 50 miles away from us. I was going to link to the chair but it looks like they don’t make it any more but they have lots of other nice pieces.
Hey, they make those Grove Park Inn Rockers! Somebody went there and commented on how much they liked those chairs…was it Second Nature, maybe?
Too bad we are on an eternal austerity budget here.
So, how was your humpday? Mine was pretty productive.
Yet another reason for us all to visit Andi.
I’m just not sure I can camp out in my tent in her yard in January..
I intend to stay in the local inn. 🙂
But I’m still thinking I might be in DC on 1-20-09. So maybe … March Madness?
We have a little guest cottage with hot tub that would be empty & lonely that time of year. Let me know when you get serious;-)
Andi & Jim could preview it for you.
Except for the Opry, I’ve never heard anybody use that name. And if we were going to do a size comparison to the one in Tennessee, wouldn’t Microscopic Nashville be more accurate. 🙂
Yeah, I think the web designer who did the 100+ cabin pages must have been running out of descriptors at that point.
ID’s cabin probably won’t be so lonely then but May is the best month to visit — spring is just gorgeous here.
Tomorrow’s theme is Fall. Turn over an old leaf and show us how well seasoned you are.
Good morning, Andi!
Young asklet spent the night at my place, got to get him ready for school.
Move ’em on, head ’em up,
Head ’em up, move ’em out,
Move ’em on, head ’em out Rawhide!
Set ’em out, ride ’em in
Ride ’em in, let ’em out,
Cut ’em out, ride ’em in Rawhide.
And a good morning to asklet. 🙂
Good luck with that. The b2 boy is soooo slooow in the morning, when I’ve got to get going.
I had an easy morning here for a change: everyone got up and got ready without much urging from me, so I slept in a bit.
Good morning!
No problem, he’s an early bird like me (his sister, on the other hand…).
Someone should check the Booman Technorati page – it still lists susanhu as contributor, maybe that’s not so good…
and awaits your pictures of Fall. Come on over here and post ’em.
click for larger
Just popping in before I run of to de-stress at my yoga class, but they are very cute.
Thy almost make me forget to worry that I might be much less employed at the end of the year… 🙂
Huh, I would think that contract work might go up in a downturn since pay as you go would be more appealing than full-time employees.
Good morning Andi and CabinGirl!
Now that the little weasel will be the guv for another term, there will undoubtedly be an insane rush to outsource Indiana government. Maybe you can get a piece of that action.
Heh, synchronized leaf-gazing. They need matching uniforms.
They do seem rather adept in that pose.
I’m not buying anything for slackards that will only hold a pose for a couple of seconds and make me nearly miss the shot.
so I guess the weekend will go out with a bang. 🙁
Good morning!
How long does that season last? Keep the dogs in!
Two weeks for gun season. There are also archery and black powder seasons but those people are very careful.
The dogs stay close by. They don’t like the sound of guns at all.
What’s the ‘black powder’ season?
Hunting with old flint-locks?
Essentially but very modernized. And that’s why it’s not a problem being out when people are hunting with black powder guns — they don’t waste shots.
Yuck. I guess that curtails your walking a little bit?
It’s funny, where we live, nobody hunts (I doubt any of them know what day deer season opens, but go 5 or 10 miles down the road (where my mom lives), and you have to be much more aware of hunting season.
She only let the compound bow hunters hunt on her property, and we usually knew ahead of time when they’d be there.
It curtails it a lot because they allow hunting on parts of the camp but during the week I’ll go on parts of it where they don’t hunt because it’s close to other property lines.
Nobody who shares a property line with us hunts but some of them let other people use their property. Fortunately it’s almost entirely weekends.
Is it safer during middle part of the day? I’d be most afraid to head out in the early morning.
What else are you up to today, besides dodging gunfire and trying to keep the pack happy? I have laundry and fridge cleaning on my agenda today, and I’m working on an outline in an effort to get all my hours in before the end of the month, even with the kids’ Thanksgiving break.
Not safer later — the longer you wait, the more time they have to drink or get bored or get desperate.
Typical Sunday for me … laundry, reading, surfing.
Good morning Andi, ask & CabinGirl! I’ll be happy when the guns of autumn are silent again.
(since around here the deer population is immense) but I don’t always trust the people who go out and do it.
During this last election we made a lot of fun of one of one of the candidates for state senate who, while a state rep, introduced what we liked to call the automotive deer hunting restitution bill:
I forgot to look to see if he won.
… another Monday showing up.
click for larger
Gorgeous…I think you should re-post it in the new cafe. 🙂