From the very beginning,it was clear that Obama was favored by a faction of American jews who were getting tired of the steady drumbeat of war by the likes of Perle,Feith and Kristol.That suppport is now out in the open after the discreet and decent interval of the election season.The appointment of Rahm Emmanuel,the jockeying for power among Richard Holbrooke,Dennis Ross says that a new group of intellectuals is stepping forward to assist Obama in solving the problems in the Middle East.

Obama also has the support of many powerful Jewish business and political leaders who want a different approach to the problems.The Pritzker family in Chicago,which has been very forthcoming in its support to Obama comes to mind.

I believe that this will strengthen Barack Obama’s hand in dealing with  the Palestinians in a spirit of give and take.The great advantage Obama has over past American administrations is that the color of his skin makes him immune to attacks by the Arabs as a white colonial master perpetuating the dominance of the Europeans.

I am hoping Obama will recognize this and see the opening for a new day of peace in the Middle East.