Or, to be precise, Mark Begich, Anchorage’s Mayor and Ted “Hulk” Stevens’ Democratic opponent for Steven’s Senate seat from Alaska has gained more votes in the ongoing counting process. The lead for Begich is now up to 814 votes!
Begich, who was losing after election night, now leads Stevens by 814 votes — 132,196 to 131,382 — with the state still to count roughly 40,000 more ballots over the next week.
The state Division of Elections tallied about 60,000 absentee, early and questioned ballots from around the state on Wednesday. The ballots broke heavily in the Democrat’s favor, erasing the 3,000-vote lead the Republican Stevens held after election night Nov. 4. […]
The state still needs to count at least 15,000 questioned ballots and an estimated 25,000 absentees. With all the absentee votes coming in, this will be one of the biggest turnouts, if not the biggest in terms of ballots cast, the state has ever seen. That’s despite questions in the media and on blogs about why turnout appeared low on Election Day.
Most regional elections headquarters will count their remaining ballots on Friday. But the most populous region, based in Anchorage, won’t count its ballots until either Monday or Wednesday, state elections chief Gail Fenumiai said.
The real benefit to a Begich victory is that it would keep Sarah Palin out of the Senate, since Stevens will be kicked out by his fellow Senators if he wins. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are anxious to have a convicted felon in their midst. Two thirds of all Senators are required to expel a member under the Constitution and the Senate Rules, but my guess is that a resolution to kick Hulk Stevens out would easily muster that many votes in its favor.
That would then set the stage for a special election in Alaska in which Palin would likely be a candidate. It seems she has developed a taste for the national stage, and the media spotlight that comes with it, now that she isn’t under the thumb of McCain’s handlers. She’s given more interviews since Election day than during the entire campaign. I don’t know if Begich could turn out as many votes against Palin as he did against Stevens, even with the suspicion that Stevens’ had “help” from the electronic voting machines and his political machine in amassing his current vote totals.
So let’s all pray that God doesn’t open any more doors for Sarah Palin right now. Begich would be a reliable vote for much of Obama’s agenda. Palin would just be another distraction for the Beltway media, a new toy to play with. They have enough of those already. And even though it would make Mittens cry, that’s not enough of a reason to wish Senator “I can see Russia from my Front Porch” on America right now.
Maybe, it’s destiny, bit I feel that Alaska is going Democrat, and Georgia too. So with the two independents and Holy Joe voting with the Democrats, the magical number of sixty is achieved. Hooray!
I wouldn’t trust Holy Joe as far as I could throw him. And since I wouldn’t touch the man with a infinitely long pole, that should tell you what I think about his reliability as a Democratic vote. I think Obama will have to rely on convincing Olympia Snowe to come on board for critical votes because Lieberhoser is as likely to bite the hand that helped him (in this case Obama) as he is to feel any sense of loyalty to party or to President, much less to his country.
on all things save National Security and Israel. He is pro-choice, and very reliably so. He is a reliable vote on health care, on unions, on all D issues EXCEPT National Security. And we can pick off one of the Mainers or Arlan Spector or maybe McCain (??) on some issues.
Don’t shoot Holy Joe now. Wait.
I miss eastcoastmoderate. He was funny.
There’s no such magic number — it’s a media myth. Dems rarely vote unanimously on anything. Filibusters can be overcome by smart Senate leadership without needing 60 Dems votes. Having a Dem in the White House will make a huge difference in the Dems’ congressional power.
Oh yes, Framken gets the Minnesota Senate seat too. How could I forget this race?
Let’s hope. I see lot’s of litigation in Al’s future. Wouldn’t surprise me to see the RNC try to take this to the Supremes again.
It’s a State thing. As long as there is Equal opportunity, I see nothing for the SC to get involved with. I cannot see them picking up a State-only matter.
What do you see as the basis?
I’m sure with 120 lawyers already hired they’ll find a basis. Just like they found a basis in 2000.
I simply cannot see the SC accepting this case.
But, since IANAL, who knows? 120 lawyers, as you say, can come up with a whole bunchanonesence, and some of it might stick.
They took Bush v. Gore for no good reason. They now have one more hard conservative vote than they did before since Alito replaced O’Connor. And all it takes is four votes to accept cert on a case. Here are your 4 votes: Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Thomas. Trust me if the GOP pushes it into federal court it will reach the Supremes on appeal.
Actually if the US Senate confirms Al Frankin as the Senator from Minnesota come January, based on him winning the recount, the Supreme Court wouldn’t have much say so;
Separation of power and all;
There is precident, the Bilbray special election after the Dukester went to prison for one.
Once a the House or senate admits a person which is what the constitution requires, the Supreme court actually has no constitutional role.
Article 1
Section 5: Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide.
Which means if they don’t stop the recount there is a good chance we have seen the last of Coleman (except for investigation for the mysterious 75 grand and the trial of course) …..
Why do you think the moved so quickly back in 2000? To keep Congress or Florida from deciding the election.
of Stevens and Palin. They rail against “socialism” while cashing their yearly dividend checks from state owned natural resources.
Simple : Republicans love hypocrisy. Their entire platform is based on it.
Don’t try too hard to figure them out. You’ll hurt your head. They are most illogical, Captain.
Either way, there will be a recount followed by intense litigation. I just hope the recount is finished before the new Congress opens. That way, I assume if Begich wins he will be seated while the litigation goes on?