Dork is way to mild for me. Besides … I like dorks, nerds, and geeks (especially since I can be all three at one time or another or sometimes all at once).
He’s more like a fucking clown. Or like your crazy Cajun friend who starts head-banging to the symphony playing Led Zeppelin songs. Not that I would know anything about that.
The young one did have the Mondays, but got over it when I got tough with him. The older one has exams tomorrow, Wed, and Thurs, and then is off until December 1st, so he’s fine with going to school this week.
I’m trying to finish a project and plot my potential next career move today. 😉
What’s shaking?
You really know how to take the sting out of a Monday … who can resist welcoming such cuteness.
Yeah, I woke up with serious case of the Mondays, and it all melted away with a few minutes of gazing fondly at those little baby lop ears. 🙂
I’m waiting for the intertubes to get html-touch code so I can reach out and feel those velvet ears.
That would be enough cuteness to get me through the rest of the week, I think.
So, are you having colder weather this week?
Yep, high in the upper 30s and lower 40s, lows in the 20s. Feh.
I had a feeling it was coming our way when we saw the Steelers playing in snow flurries yesterday. Yecch.
Where is she, I miss her.
She posted last night.
and miss her no more. 🙂
awww, that is one cute bunny.
… Monday showing up. (re-posting from now defunct non-bunny cafe)
click for larger
This made me laugh this morning too. And so did this one…the goofball waving is too much.
Dork is way to mild for me. Besides … I like dorks, nerds, and geeks (especially since I can be all three at one time or another or sometimes all at once).
Okay, my first inclination was to call him a jackass. But the picture didn’t say jackass.
He’s more like a fucking clown. Or like your crazy Cajun friend who starts head-banging to the symphony playing Led Zeppelin songs. Not that I would know anything about that.
He’s definitely the “class clown” in that picture.
The symphony plays Led Zeppelin songs for crazy Cajuns? Who knew. 🙂
How are you and the NaturePeople doing?
We are spectacular. It’s getting cold here this week and I don’t think I’m ready for that. Do the NBs have the Mondays today?
That’s good to hear!
The young one did have the Mondays, but got over it when I got tough with him. The older one has exams tomorrow, Wed, and Thurs, and then is off until December 1st, so he’s fine with going to school this week.
I’m trying to finish a project and plot my potential next career move today. 😉
Good morning all. The start of another week. < sigh >
But hey, we can look forward to a short week next week.
that’s fun!
It’s like an instant van gogh for your photos. Upyernoz has the link if you want to try it… 🙂
I have one for tomorrow’s cafe now too. 🙂
Is it really still Monday?
Yep, its definitely gloomy Monday out here and I thought I spied a few snowflakes earlier this afternoon.
It’s gotten dramatically colder as the day has gone on here. Brrr!
I tried it on a couple of pictures — works best with pictures that have very distinct edges.
So it’s tomorrow, where’s the new one? 🙂
It’s in the new cafe. 🙂