Still cold here, and I should have a better idea about what’s going to happen with my contract renewal later today. I’ve been working on my backup plans (ie, dusting off the old white coat) just in case the news isn’t good.
Cold, wet weather with sharp winds does wonders to cut down on hunters. We’ve had a little dusting of snow Sunday and Monday, just enough for Bebo to discover what great sliding qualities it adds to a leaf-covered deck.
Bebo must be an endless source of entertainment. I can’t wait to hear about the first real snow. 🙂
CBtE has trimester exams today, tomorrow, and Thursday, so he’s sleeping in because he doesn’t have to be there until later. And then he’s off from Friday to December 1st. Yeesh.
Yeah, Bebo is still in the silly puppy stage which is really fun. Her reaction to things are really hard to predict — she started off being really scared of the creeks and lake but now she’s thinks splashing in water is a big hoot.
Having kids makes every day. I remember when my daughters were very young, I would fall asleep on my recliner and they would be asleep on my chest. Great memories.
It’s apparently really time for the dogs to start bugging me to go for a walk. Guess I better go get ready before they drag me out the door in my sleepshirt.
I took out George when it was still night. I guess that’s why I’m feeling today is yesterday. Being retired really does have its drawbacks sometimes. 😉
I judge how cold it is outside by how much Hopey’s pee steams in the semi-dark of early morning. Today, mildly cold. Tomorrow should be a real steamer.
You must have a fenced back yard. If I had that I would put George out until he wanted to come inside. As it is, I have to be outside with George every minute. He might see another dog and go running after them. He just isn’t smart enough to know what bigger dog would do to him.
We have the invisible fence. I know some people think that’s awful for the dogs, but they know where the line is, and it keeps everybody safe from cars, which have a habit of driving too fast on our road.
My brother has that, and I’m sorry SN, but I couldn’t do that. Causing George any pain at all would not be something to do. I understand how that could be, but I’d just rather yell at him and tell him to come back.
Yes I’m being a total AS about this, but I’ve had George for so many years now. I can’t think of anything else but him falling asleep in my lap.
Aw, you’re such a softie. But it’s CG not me with the invisible fencing, though I’d do it if I could afford it and if I knew where I was going to be living six months from now. They learn quickly where the boundaries are and then they don’t get shocked.
You’re telling me 6 months from now? I don’t know where I’m going to live in the next couple of month. Maybe we could get a tent? Although it’s kind of cold right now.
Um, I can understand that…but we have the fence set very low, and the collars give warning beeps well before they would get a zap (so they generally don’t ever get a zap), and again, there’s too many SUVs here that think country roads are for speeding down and would hit them. Plus, the turnpike isn’t too far away through the woods, and that’s an instant dog death.
And we’ve had the fence for 7 or 8 years, since the kids and dogs were small and the dogs getting out would have been a major problem. This way they can hang out in the yard with us without the worry of them getting run over.
Good morning, boran and everyone!
Yes, we had some flurries this morning as well.
Now, the sun is out.
on November 18, 2008 at 11:10 pm
I apologize for Presenting it before you because I have no way. Please help me God will help you. I, Ashek E. Alahi, age 45; am a service holder of a private organization is suffering for a Testicle Tumor for a long time. A Tumor developed in my Testicle. Now it is increasing and present weight almost 400 grams and size like a Tennis Ball and I feel difficult in my regular work moreover it may develop Cancer. Doctor advises me to operation the Tumor immediately otherwise Tumor will turn to Cancer.
Happy Tuesday!
Do you mind if I snitch that image and email it to Marlo?.
Be my guest. 🙂
Still cold here, and I should have a better idea about what’s going to happen with my contract renewal later today. I’ve been working on my backup plans (ie, dusting off the old white coat) just in case the news isn’t good.
How’s the hunter-dodging going?
Thanks — I think she’ll really like it.
Hope all goes well today. Got my fingers crossed.
Cold, wet weather with sharp winds does wonders to cut down on hunters. We’ve had a little dusting of snow Sunday and Monday, just enough for Bebo to discover what great sliding qualities it adds to a leaf-covered deck.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Bebo must be an endless source of entertainment. I can’t wait to hear about the first real snow. 🙂
CBtE has trimester exams today, tomorrow, and Thursday, so he’s sleeping in because he doesn’t have to be there until later. And then he’s off from Friday to December 1st. Yeesh.
Yeah, Bebo is still in the silly puppy stage which is really fun. Her reaction to things are really hard to predict — she started off being really scared of the creeks and lake but now she’s thinks splashing in water is a big hoot.
Poor CBtE. Study on, dude.
Off to walk.
Puppies are so much fun.
Don’t feel sorry for CBtE, he has the most laid-back attitude about exams evah. Its just wrong.
It shows he’s very smart. Be very happy for that. Plus your son is very caring. You and he are both very lucky.
Aw shucks. You just made my day, FM.
I can only hope to be as lucky as your mom was to have you.
Having kids makes every day. I remember when my daughters were very young, I would fall asleep on my recliner and they would be asleep on my chest. Great memories.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you too.
Really like what you did with the picture you have up at your place today.
Hi CG, Andi and Olivia.
Is it really almost 6:30 am? Geeze I’ve been sleeping too much. I thought it was last night when I woke up.
Are you sure today is Tuesday? I mean it could be Friday. Well maybe.
It’s apparently really time for the dogs to start bugging me to go for a walk. Guess I better go get ready before they drag me out the door in my sleepshirt.
See ya later.
I took out George when it was still night. I guess that’s why I’m feeling today is yesterday. Being retired really does have its drawbacks sometimes. 😉
Wow, you’ve raised slacking to an art form when you think today is still yesterday, haven’t you?
So today isn’t Friday? Geeze I thought I would sleep through the whole week! I guess it’s time to go back to sleep.
I judge how cold it is outside by how much Hopey’s pee steams in the semi-dark of early morning. Today, mildly cold. Tomorrow should be a real steamer.
Helloooooo SN.
I judge cold if I can wear shorts. Right now it’s cold.
Yeah, you have a lot of leg to keep warm. 😉
Hey I’m only 6’4″. But then again, I do have some pretty good legs. 😛
Hmm. I just judge it be how shiver-inducing it is to open the door and let the dogs out.
I must be getting better at the slacker thing.
You must have a fenced back yard. If I had that I would put George out until he wanted to come inside. As it is, I have to be outside with George every minute. He might see another dog and go running after them. He just isn’t smart enough to know what bigger dog would do to him.
We have the invisible fence. I know some people think that’s awful for the dogs, but they know where the line is, and it keeps everybody safe from cars, which have a habit of driving too fast on our road.
My brother has that, and I’m sorry SN, but I couldn’t do that. Causing George any pain at all would not be something to do. I understand how that could be, but I’d just rather yell at him and tell him to come back.
Yes I’m being a total AS about this, but I’ve had George for so many years now. I can’t think of anything else but him falling asleep in my lap.
Aw, you’re such a softie. But it’s CG not me with the invisible fencing, though I’d do it if I could afford it and if I knew where I was going to be living six months from now. They learn quickly where the boundaries are and then they don’t get shocked.
You’re telling me 6 months from now? I don’t know where I’m going to live in the next couple of month. Maybe we could get a tent? Although it’s kind of cold right now.
Um, I can understand that…but we have the fence set very low, and the collars give warning beeps well before they would get a zap (so they generally don’t ever get a zap), and again, there’s too many SUVs here that think country roads are for speeding down and would hit them. Plus, the turnpike isn’t too far away through the woods, and that’s an instant dog death.
And we’ve had the fence for 7 or 8 years, since the kids and dogs were small and the dogs getting out would have been a major problem. This way they can hang out in the yard with us without the worry of them getting run over.
Have a nice walk.
Good morning all. It’s snowing lightly here! Time to panic shop.
How lucky are you?
no kidding. we flirted with 90 yesterday
(good morning, everybody!)
90 sounds real nice right about now. Can we all come over to your place?
Lets see. Snow, the Southwest and Manny too! I’ll be there tomorrow. Well maybe day after tomorrow, but I will get there.
Hi Manny, it’s good to see you.
hi FM, sounds good to me. I’ll try my best not to call you a snowbird 🙂
Me a snowbird? Are you kidding? Down here in the South, I’m still wearing short! Of course if it didn’t tear my back up, I would love to ski again.
Good morning, boran and everyone!
Yes, we had some flurries this morning as well.
Now, the sun is out.
I apologize for Presenting it before you because I have no way. Please help me God will help you. I, Ashek E. Alahi, age 45; am a service holder of a private organization is suffering for a Testicle Tumor for a long time. A Tumor developed in my Testicle. Now it is increasing and present weight almost 400 grams and size like a Tennis Ball and I feel difficult in my regular work moreover it may develop Cancer. Doctor advises me to operation the Tumor immediately otherwise Tumor will turn to Cancer.
Hey CG, hope you’re celebrating hump day with a new contract.
We’re celebrating ours with a little snow.

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