I figured cute would be a good note to end the work week on. 🙂
We have a nice little dusting of snow here this morning. The trees look all winter-wonderlandy out there.
I’m feeling much better about my job issues today. I’m just going to forge ahead with my plans to look for something else, and view it as an opportunity to do something new.
My thought is that I’d like to do something new anyway. I have a call in to an acquaintance who will be a good resource for ideas on what to do next (and where), and I’m going to reach out to some other folks I’ve worked with in the past as well.
Then if I find something, and the current folks want to continue my contract, I can always tell them my availability is reduced, but still pick up some extra money working for them.
What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to a friend’s pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving tomorrow afternoon (can I call it night since it gets dark by five?)
And leaves are on the agenda if the weather ever cooperates.
Morning, CG. I awoke to some fat, lazy snowflakes falling. It was very pretty but has since turned to rain. I’m sure there will be no milk left on the grocery store shelves this morning.
I’m impressed at the way you can switch gears and forge ahead on a change of jobs and just the way you embrace change. Wish I had that in me. :/
What is it with the milk, bread, and eggs obsession people have when it snows?
[Don’t tell anybody, but I’m scared to death about making this change…you know that feeling you get when the roller coaster gets to the top of the first hill, just before it lets you drop? I’m just going ahead with the “fake it till you make it” strategy. 🙂 ]
I think 12F is more than I could handle in terms of cold. I’m whining about 25-30 being cold. 🙂
I’m really surprised that we’re having any accumulation of snow..but everything’s covered, and it’s still coming down. I think I’ll be driving the old car when I go out with CBtE this morning.
curly is headed to her cousin in Baltimore this morning, I’ll head back to my place and hang with young asklet (who is now getting quite big) the rest of the weekend.
I hope you two have a great weekend and curly has a good trip. We’re going to the “big” city (Bloomington, In. population 70K plus about 30K students) to run some errands — college towns are great for having the kinds of places you normally would only find in much larger cities.
Thanks, we will.
We’ll be hooking up the photo printer that curly ordered for my birthday. It’ll be fun to try out (or, maybe very frustrating…).
Have fun in the big city!
I’m off to yoga soon (and I can’t wait to get there)…then to the farmers market to pick up our turkey.
Update on the job thing: I got an email from my boss at 6;30 last night, telling me that she had had the week from HELL (I’m quoting here), and that she truly wasn’t avoiding me. And them mentioning the ton of work they had ahead in December.
I can’t believe we still have snow on the ground here…it usually melts the same day. Which means it must be cold out…
There’s an upside to everything, ID! We’re in the mid-twenties and everything is crunchy outside. It’s been an unusually cold couple of weeks in NC. We’re normally in the 60/40 range and it’s been 40/20.
When we were having our warm November days not long ago, someone remarked that the last time it was so mild in Nov. was the winter of the blizzard of 78. I had just returned to Indiana after living in south FL for 11 years. Boy, what a shock that was!
It seems the family is starting to form for the holiday. Brother and sil are back, grandkids will be here soon and the house will be crowded.
I was looking forward to the food this week, but I think I’ll be on a diet. I’ve got a dental appointment tomorrow, and afterwards I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to eat.
Fortunately no matter what they do to your teeth, you can always eat stuffing (the only reason to cook a turkey as far as I’m concerned).
Sound nice to have a full house for T’day.
Normally everybody goes to my older sister’s but Jim and I were going to Cincinnati because my m-i-l was going to be by herself (her other son, wife, and kids are going out of town) so everybody decided to come to Cincy instead. And just to reward everybody for their niceness, the forecast looks pretty good (46 and sunny).
I’m here, CG! I went to bed at 1:00 AM and had to take the NB to work at 5:30 this morning and when I got back my bed was still warm! so of course I had to keep it company for a little while. We are really chilly for this time of year, too. Last Thanksgiving we all sat outside because it was in the 70s.
I pretty sure, that along with all the Proust, Hector is also well into volume II of the “Molding Your Minions” series Albert left somewhere in the bunny palace.
He certainly is a pliable little chap – as long as he is well compensated for his efforts (gimme a carrot, gimme a head rub).
That should read “Forest raven”. We have two ravens: the Little raven and the Forest raven, and my brain combined the two, and my fingers mistyped that.
oops, sorry about that, I meant Hector. But I have to admit that Albert was first bunny to me and it’s hard to replace him. THIS, however, could do the trick
Even more puzzling to me is the head completely off the pillow and on the ground, so not only are their heads on a hard floor, they’re also lower than the rest of the dog. I had one Pyr who used to do this outside on the concrete. No matter how many pillows we pushed together he always laid his head on the concrete patio.
Giddy does that all the time, too. Does look at all comfy to me. The really weird one that both Sniff and Bebo will do is lying on with their completely heads off, just hanging down.
George has that same habit of just letting his head hang over the side of the bed or couch. I used to think I have a really odd dog, but I see now that he’s not so odd. 😉
You must be wide awake to make sense of that gibberish sentence I wrote — remind me to wait till I’ve had my coffee to try writing more than good morning.
It’s in the twenties here, heading toward a high in the mid-30s. But it’s going to be in the 40s by Turkey day so it looks like we’ll have good weather for the drive over to Cincy.
So have you picked up that scrumptious-sounding corn bread stuffing I read about at your place yet?
We’re having big shifts in temps here. Low 30’s to mid 60’s. I’m back with the attitude that if it’s going to get cold then stay cold, and the same for warm.
Nope the stuffing will be picked up tomorrow. My oldest brother is going overboard this year. They went shopping yesterday, and he bought back two turkeys just for this house. He’s got to pick up a ham today, and I don’t even know what they’re carrying out to the farm house. Of course as usual I’m just carrying my appetite. 🙂
Well this year I’m trying the not eating so much before Thanksgiving tract. I figure once T’giving gets here, my stomach will have shrunk some, and that way I won’t eat so much. Then again, I might be famished by that time, and gluttony will be my middle name. 🙂
I can hardly wait for the stuffing…that would be the one with Friday’s turkey, btw. I got out my favorite recipes yesterday to make my grocery list, and now my mouth is watering.
I’m pretty indifferent to everything about the Thanksgiving except for stuffing — and it’s clear that if there is a god, she created turkey just so we could all have wondrous, glorious, gorgeous stuffing.
Both boys are home all week this week, and CbtY is already hounding me for the computer this morning. Ugh. Having a half day Wednesday with Thursday and Friday off would have been plenty of vacation for them. Really.
And the dogs have been hounding me (how critterist of them) because we didn’t go for our morning walk (it’s been raining pretty solidly all moringing). And without the morning walk, work is been even closer. Yuck.
Nope – two more horrible days of bitching & pleading as fast as they can cram themselves into our office. The property tax bills went out two weeks ago. And our tax rate is one of the lowest in the state, too! It just sucks to be in charge of the complaint dept. right now, but I did run for the job…
I guess the upside to getting all the complaining is that the 4-day weekend will seem especially sweet after dealing with unhappy taxpayers. 🙂 Is the family coming to your place?
We just watched Keith Olbermann making pies with Martha Stewart. Classic.
I’m hoping to lure my mom over for T-day for a few hours, then we’re off to visit the in laws north of Indy & maybe spend the night there. Have heard nada from the kids. Guess I should call.
We, OTOH, were delighted to finally see a property tax form show up — gave us the warm fuzzies to be all nice and normal like all the other counties in the state. 😉
Old cafe here.
Can’t resist that cute baby bunny, can ya? 😀
I figured cute would be a good note to end the work week on. 🙂
We have a nice little dusting of snow here this morning. The trees look all winter-wonderlandy out there.
I’m feeling much better about my job issues today. I’m just going to forge ahead with my plans to look for something else, and view it as an opportunity to do something new.
I think that’s a good plan. And doing something generally feels a lot better than being passive.
My thought is that I’d like to do something new anyway. I have a call in to an acquaintance who will be a good resource for ideas on what to do next (and where), and I’m going to reach out to some other folks I’ve worked with in the past as well.
Then if I find something, and the current folks want to continue my contract, I can always tell them my availability is reduced, but still pick up some extra money working for them.
and that will be an excellent lesson to them in what happens when you treat people like shit.
True enough. 🙂
What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to a friend’s pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving tomorrow afternoon (can I call it night since it gets dark by five?)
And leaves are on the agenda if the weather ever cooperates.
Nothing much planned. There are two more weekends of gun season to go so walks are going to be constrained until December arrives.
And leaves here are free to do whatever they damn well please.
But dogs insist that I should go walk now.
See ya later.
Good morning, ladies!
Very cute! Just imagine that little fur ball crawling over your tummy and chest.
Umm ask, isn’t it a little early in the morning to be having those kind of fantasies. 😉
And here I was just going to snuggle up to the human furball and watch the snow continue to fall.
But, but…
My thoughts were entirely pure.
I believe you, ask. 🙂
Morning, CG. I awoke to some fat, lazy snowflakes falling. It was very pretty but has since turned to rain. I’m sure there will be no milk left on the grocery store shelves this morning.
I’m impressed at the way you can switch gears and forge ahead on a change of jobs and just the way you embrace change. Wish I had that in me. :/
What is it with the milk, bread, and eggs obsession people have when it snows?
[Don’t tell anybody, but I’m scared to death about making this change…you know that feeling you get when the roller coaster gets to the top of the first hill, just before it lets you drop? I’m just going ahead with the “fake it till you make it” strategy. 🙂 ]
I’m soooo sorry y’all are having snow.
OK I’m not, and I wish it was down here.
I want a blizzard down here!
Click here to go post your pictures and view what’s other people have posted.
Morning CG, ask.
Hi olivia!
How are you this fine and snowy (here, anyways) morning?
Hi there … doing okay … looking forward to the w/e (as always). 🙂
It’s been snowing off and on all week … and we have a bit on the ground. It was 12F at that beginning of the week! Blech.
I think 12F is more than I could handle in terms of cold. I’m whining about 25-30 being cold. 🙂
I’m really surprised that we’re having any accumulation of snow..but everything’s covered, and it’s still coming down. I think I’ll be driving the old car when I go out with CBtE this morning.
whining is mandatory … 😉
I’m off (late) … have a good day there. Safe driving!
I’m still waiting for Indian Summer. 😉
good mornoonevenight, everyone! still smitten with hector. they sure do grow cute bunnies Down Under
A 4 to Manee every time he uses the word “smitten.”
I think that’s real cute.
what can i say? i’ve always been a sucker for long ears and eyes that will melt any heart.
My grandmother had really long ears….
Here’s a couple of really big aaaaaawww’s for the bunny & puppies. I’m thinking the bunny would be a great model for fuzzy wool slippers.
Good morning, everyone!
Brrr, only 26 this morning, but the radiators were eventually fixed yesterday and now give nice warmth inside.
Got ya beat, only 18 here … oh but this is a competition I’d probably rather lose, isn’t it.
curly is headed to her cousin in Baltimore this morning, I’ll head back to my place and hang with young asklet (who is now getting quite big) the rest of the weekend.
I hope you two have a great weekend and curly has a good trip. We’re going to the “big” city (Bloomington, In. population 70K plus about 30K students) to run some errands — college towns are great for having the kinds of places you normally would only find in much larger cities.
Thanks, we will.
We’ll be hooking up the photo printer that curly ordered for my birthday. It’ll be fun to try out (or, maybe very frustrating…).
Have fun in the big city!
and a short week ahead.
click for larger
I’m off to yoga soon (and I can’t wait to get there)…then to the farmers market to pick up our turkey.
Update on the job thing: I got an email from my boss at 6;30 last night, telling me that she had had the week from HELL (I’m quoting here), and that she truly wasn’t avoiding me. And them mentioning the ton of work they had ahead in December.
I can’t believe we still have snow on the ground here…it usually melts the same day. Which means it must be cold out…
though I still think that sending out your CV would be a good thing — it’s always useful to be to gauge what your options are.
Have fun at yoga. I’m off for a quick walk before we do our errand-running.
Good morning ask, Andi & CabinGirl! It may be chilly, but at least the electricity is on and we’re not buried in snow (yet).
There’s an upside to everything, ID! We’re in the mid-twenties and everything is crunchy outside. It’s been an unusually cold couple of weeks in NC. We’re normally in the 60/40 range and it’s been 40/20.
When we were having our warm November days not long ago, someone remarked that the last time it was so mild in Nov. was the winter of the blizzard of 78. I had just returned to Indiana after living in south FL for 11 years. Boy, what a shock that was!
Yeah, I remember that one! I was in high school in Cleveland and we missed an entire week of class. That had never happened before.
but it’s a short week so I think I can deal.
Oh Andi, Monday is always going to be Monday.
But to those of us retired, hey, it’s just another day. 🙂
I follow you at Mary’s and you follow me here — mutual stalking? 😉
Always I hope. 🙂
It seems the family is starting to form for the holiday. Brother and sil are back, grandkids will be here soon and the house will be crowded.
I was looking forward to the food this week, but I think I’ll be on a diet. I’ve got a dental appointment tomorrow, and afterwards I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to eat.
Fortunately no matter what they do to your teeth, you can always eat stuffing (the only reason to cook a turkey as far as I’m concerned).
Sound nice to have a full house for T’day.
Normally everybody goes to my older sister’s but Jim and I were going to Cincinnati because my m-i-l was going to be by herself (her other son, wife, and kids are going out of town) so everybody decided to come to Cincy instead. And just to reward everybody for their niceness, the forecast looks pretty good (46 and sunny).
That’s really nice on going to Cincinnati.
We got down to 21 yesterday. The greatest thing about that is when I take George outside, he wants to get back in as soon as possible.
Unlike my dogs who are all harassing me to get going … which I guess I’m going to do.
See ya later.
Shoot, it looks like I missed everybody this morning. Sleeping in after a bit of turkey last night.
And it’s still cold enough that the snow hasn’t melted…which is sort of bizarre for this time of year.
I’m here, CG! I went to bed at 1:00 AM and had to take the NB to work at 5:30 this morning and when I got back my bed was still warm! so of course I had to keep it company for a little while. We are really chilly for this time of year, too. Last Thanksgiving we all sat outside because it was in the 70s.
Good morning all! We’re off for T-day # 2 if 91 y.o. mom feels like an outing.
Hector takes a moment out of his busy Proust reading schedule to send a wave to all the kind people at BooTrib.
[The above bit of ‘art’ was a pictorial response to this blog post]
lol, keres! What a well-read bunny.
All I know is that I’d have to be “snipped” before anyone would catch me reading Proust.
That actually is a miniature ‘book’ that I made for him to hold. The rest was photoshopped.
What memories do carrot madeleines inspire in such a young bunny?
Oh thanks, I now have Maurice Chevalier in a bunny suit singing “as yes, I remember it well” stuck in my head.
Well at least it’s not “thank heavens for little girls”.
Thank ‘eavens, for that.
The cute keeps on going and going and going. Albert clearly has left you folks in good paws.
I pretty sure, that along with all the Proust, Hector is also well into volume II of the “Molding Your Minions” series Albert left somewhere in the bunny palace.
He certainly is a pliable little chap – as long as he is well compensated for his efforts (gimme a carrot, gimme a head rub).
Have you tried the antlers on him yet?
I’m picturing the little dog in The Grinch with those big antlers tied to his head.
Albert could do a stellar imitation of him.
Hopeful would look pretty good in those two.
Here’s a shot I took yesterday, which I’d qualify as a ‘reject’ but at least it shows the Little Froest raven’s white eye really well.
That should read “Forest raven”. We have two ravens: the Little raven and the Forest raven, and my brain combined the two, and my fingers mistyped that.
The white eye is spooky cool. I think I’ll take that image with me to bed and see if I can have some weird dreams.
Good night to me and good afternoon to you.
Since it’s not yet December, there’s still a few weeks grace period, but yes, he’ll be posing with the antlers soon.
Well there’s something for me to look forward to.
hee hee.
Albert looks like I do when interrupted in my reading. “uh … do you mind?”
oops, sorry about that, I meant Hector. But I have to admit that Albert was first bunny to me and it’s hard to replace him. THIS, however, could do the trick
That’s OK, we still occasionally call Hector “Albert”.
OMG. My cute meter is on overload.
Hector, you’re winning my heart.
Stuffing ahead! Warm woodstove! So what if it’s Monday. We can deal with Monday.
click for larger
Good morning!
Aw, that looks so cozy. Wouldn’t mind being curled up like that most of the morning.
The thing I’m always puzzled by is the head on the bricks — every dog we’ve had has done that, like bricks are some sort of comfy pillow.
Even more puzzling to me is the head completely off the pillow and on the ground, so not only are their heads on a hard floor, they’re also lower than the rest of the dog. I had one Pyr who used to do this outside on the concrete. No matter how many pillows we pushed together he always laid his head on the concrete patio.
Giddy does that all the time, too. Does look at all comfy to me. The really weird one that both Sniff and Bebo will do is lying on with their completely heads off, just hanging down.
George has that same habit of just letting his head hang over the side of the bed or couch. I used to think I have a really odd dog, but I see now that he’s not so odd. 😉
You must be wide awake to make sense of that gibberish sentence I wrote — remind me to wait till I’ve had my coffee to try writing more than good morning.
Morning Andi.
Yep I’m pretty much awake. Another one of those “no sleep nights”, so at 3:30 I decided to go ahead and make some coffee.
How’s your weather up there. We’re down to freezing right now, and I hoping George will stay asleep until it hits at least 35F. 🙂
I’m up too … 🙁
Morning Olivia!
Seems the early bird club is up and running pretty good this morning. 🙂
How are things up there?
Snowy … 🙁
parl hill cam
Awful? That’s just my kind of weather. 😉
And just to think I’ll have to put up with 65F/17C high temp today. There just is no justice. 🙂
I’ll say … 😛
Well, I better prepare to go out in it … hope you get some sleep there.
You be careful driving out there this morning.
I’m sure I’ll be able to squeeze in a couple of naps here and there later on.
Take care.
Morning (again)
It’s in the twenties here, heading toward a high in the mid-30s. But it’s going to be in the 40s by Turkey day so it looks like we’ll have good weather for the drive over to Cincy.
So have you picked up that scrumptious-sounding corn bread stuffing I read about at your place yet?
We’re having big shifts in temps here. Low 30’s to mid 60’s. I’m back with the attitude that if it’s going to get cold then stay cold, and the same for warm.
Nope the stuffing will be picked up tomorrow. My oldest brother is going overboard this year. They went shopping yesterday, and he bought back two turkeys just for this house. He’s got to pick up a ham today, and I don’t even know what they’re carrying out to the farm house. Of course as usual I’m just carrying my appetite. 🙂
Now I’m feeling full and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.
Well this year I’m trying the not eating so much before Thanksgiving tract. I figure once T’giving gets here, my stomach will have shrunk some, and that way I won’t eat so much. Then again, I might be famished by that time, and gluttony will be my middle name. 🙂
I always have an easier time not pigging out at T’day than other holidays because stuffing is the only food I get weak at the knees for.
I guess I’m an equal opportunity glutton. You set it in front of me, and I’ll usually eat it.
You’re a credit to progressives everywhere. 🙂
Well I’m off to start my day (dogs first, work second).
See ya later.
Enjoy your day.
See ya.
Speak for yourself …
I don’t have any stuffing ahead. And no warm woodstove.
The woodstove isn’t a big deal but NO STUFFING — that is a tragedy.
I can hardly wait for the stuffing…that would be the one with Friday’s turkey, btw. I got out my favorite recipes yesterday to make my grocery list, and now my mouth is watering.
I’m pretty indifferent to everything about the Thanksgiving except for stuffing — and it’s clear that if there is a god, she created turkey just so we could all have wondrous, glorious, gorgeous stuffing.
I was just looking for a carrot casserole recipe too. You know, the creamy kind with the sliced carrots and crunchy stuffing or breadcrumbs on top?
Is it really Monday? Can’t we just have another Sunday today?
But, but, but … if go back to sunday, stuffing will be one day further away!
And so would work…such a dilemma!
Both boys are home all week this week, and CbtY is already hounding me for the computer this morning. Ugh. Having a half day Wednesday with Thursday and Friday off would have been plenty of vacation for them. Really.
And the dogs have been hounding me (how critterist of them) because we didn’t go for our morning walk (it’s been raining pretty solidly all moringing). And without the morning walk, work is been even closer. Yuck.
See ya later.
Good cold morning all! A 3 day week for me! 😉
Yay for short weeks!
Me too! Me too!
Are you already done for the week?
Nope – two more horrible days of bitching & pleading as fast as they can cram themselves into our office. The property tax bills went out two weeks ago. And our tax rate is one of the lowest in the state, too! It just sucks to be in charge of the complaint dept. right now, but I did run for the job…
OTOH, I’ve borrowed Hector to send around to the coworkers in the morning. A big dose of cutie to start their day.
I guess the upside to getting all the complaining is that the 4-day weekend will seem especially sweet after dealing with unhappy taxpayers. 🙂 Is the family coming to your place?
We just watched Keith Olbermann making pies with Martha Stewart. Classic.
I’m hoping to lure my mom over for T-day for a few hours, then we’re off to visit the in laws north of Indy & maybe spend the night there. Have heard nada from the kids. Guess I should call.
KO is making pies with Martha? I’m trying to picture that!
Here you go…it’ll come up in the box on the right after the ad.
Quite funny.
Thanks! I’m off to rustle up a dish of homemade chicken & noodles, now that I’m finally hungry.
We, OTOH, were delighted to finally see a property tax form show up — gave us the warm fuzzies to be all nice and normal like all the other counties in the state. 😉