Some advice for Chris Matthews, if you try to become the next senator from Pennsylvania, you’ll get slapped so hard that you’ll be ashamed to look at yourself in the mirror.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
id like to see him in the primary
id like to see a real primary for a change
not one where rendell and schumer clear the field.
id like to see people other than the same old retreads
If he wants to get crushed in a primary, that’s his right.
Maybe it is time to start trolling YouTube for Tweetie’s most embarrassing moments. Don’t know why PA Democrats should settle for this most contemptible Versailles flunky, PA is a big state, must be plenty of Dem talent.
Me, too. No clearing the field. I’d love to see Tweety in the primary, just to stir things up, although the competition would have to be pretty bad for me to vote for him (and it often is; the powers that be try to find the most right-wing D they can foist on us).
The DSCC has stopped calling me for fund-raising, and I miss getting the opportunity to express my outrage at Chuck Schumer’s meddling. (And I’m about broke now anyhow.)
Surely Joe Sestak would be a far better choice than Tweety.
i didn’t realize you were a fan of Arlen Specter. i’ll have to make a note of that.
Anyone that causes trouble for snarlin’ Arlen, especially someone who runs as a democrat, is going to get my support.
But hey, what do i know, i still believe in the right of habeas corpus, which mr. specter helped suspend.
the fact is that even if Mr. Matthews loses, he will cost Arlen and the GOP money that’s in short supply for that party right now to defend specter’s seat.
I welcome chris matthews and anyone else who wants to challenge the cancerous old coot. WTF has specter done for Philly lately?
where on Earth do you get the idea that I support Arlen?
“Some advice for Chris Matthews, if you try to become the next senator from Pennsylvania, you’ll get slapped so hard that you’ll be ashamed to look at yourself in the mirror. “
The first sentence of my comment, which you object to, was mostly sarcasm: i was surprised and disappointed that you’d warn someone against challenging a sonuvabitch like specter.
It may be difficult to dislodge the old coot, but not impossible. Toomey almost took him out last time, and if it weren’t for centrist democrats and moderate republicans freaked out by Toomey’s radicalism, he might not have kept his seat. I don’t think he’ll have the same allies this time: democrats don’t need to vote for republicans anymore, especially if there’s a well-funded democratic challenger.
2004 was a very different time than 2008, and it’ll be different in 2010. Specter’s old and cancerous, and there’s worry he may die in office. Also, there are lots of photos ofspecter and bush together, which will serve as reminders of the past 8 years.
Democrats, as you say, are on offense. there’s no need to settle for Specter and anyone who wants to rip him down should be encouraged to do so, not warned away.
Why the fuck would we want Chris Matthews of ‘Bush’s sunny nobility’ and his strange fascination with Fred Thompson’s English Leather, and his tingle down his leg, to be our standard bearer. Are you nuts?
I’m with Booman on this one.
Candidates in ascending preference order:
Arlen Spector
Chris Matthews
Any other D.
Can I get a Pat Murphy? Will run strong in Pennsyltucky because of military background (and general whiteness) as well as his base, the liberal SE…
if you’re in southeastern PA/ Philyl area, rosen brothers (based in jenkintown) did fantastic work for me at a very good price. they were reliable, shwoed up on time, and went the extra mile.
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if you mean Nixon-style “plumbers”, i can’t help you.
As for murph, i think he’d be a great ambassador to iraq. maybe he could even move there.
Not a Murph fan?
Brendan’s not letting FISA go.
Brendan’s not letting FISA go.
Good on Brendan, if that’s so. Some of us aren’t constitutionally capable of letting go of our Constitution. Pragmatic is one thing. Cowardice and slight of hand are another entirely.
Are you nuts?
Yes, I was quite amazed that our Blue Dog congress critter voted against it. Maybe there’s hope for him if we keep the pressure on.
Pat Murphy sucks.
Blank checks for iraq; voted for the FISA amendments; comes to Philly when he wants votes (i had a particularly fun phone conversation with a campaigner asking me to knock on doors) but won’t take calls from Philly voters because we’re not his constituents. Oh and he’s comign to Philly sometime soon to discuss the consitution with us: I presume he’ll only take questions from audience members from lower bucks county, and will helpfully explain why he doesn’t believe in the Fourth Amendment.
loud and clear, but to be sure, no one is saying that tweety has any sound policy ideas AT ALL. The guy is a power fetishist. The further away from the halls of power he is the better.
Well, that’s what primaries are for right?
There’s a weird dynamic with the Matthews clan going on right now. Brother Jim, one of the commissioners of Montgomery County was just censured by the MontoCo GOP for deigning to work with Democrat Joe Hoeffel.
( )
So you already have one brother on the outs with the local GOP; if the other runs as a Dem, wow, who knows how the Republicans will handle that one.
Hey, I say if he wants to throw his hat into the ring, then go for it.
I don’t think he would get very far, but it’s still a free country…..well,… mostly free anyway.
What makes you think Democratic voter in Pennsylvania wouldn’t vote for Tweety?
I don’t mean that sarcastically – I live in a state where Jerry Springer was once a major political figure, and Ken Blackwell managed to get elected to high office. Pennsylvania voters may well be smarter than Ohio voters on average, but I doubt they’re that much smarter.
Did Jerry Springer become a nominee for Senate?
Matthews is nowhere near as embarrassing as Springer.
I heard Matthews for the first time in 2001. He was being interviewed by Ron Owens on KGO. He was absolutely vile. He was so thrilled and excited about the idea of attacking Afghanistan, and his racist comments toward the Afghan men, women, children, and elderly people were simply unbelievable. He was, among other things, going on and on in the most vicious and depraved way about how every time a bomb landed on a village innocent Afghans were going to spoil the whole thing by “running out of their tents” in front of cameras waving their bloody hands and making the U.S. look mean and nasty. (And that would be the Arab racist stereotype. Afghans don’t live in tents.)
He is a completely odious person.
tweety is no worse than casey and maybe better in some ways…and the progressive blogs had an orgasm over casey.
what will be more interesting is the republican primary…i think there could be some real challenge to spector from the former us attorney patrick meehan…he wants to run for something….senator? governor?
and what is hoeffel running for? didnt he finally get elected to something like dog catcher or something? that guy runs for everything.
sestak i like in theory but he hasnt really distinguished himself.
patrick murphy….nice guy, big disappointment….going nowhere.
arent there any hispanic lesbian females ready to run?
Tweety is infinitely worse than Casey.
I don’t know of anyone in the Netroots that was more vociferously opposed to the coronation of Casey, but he has been better than expected. He ranks 23rd on the Progressive Punch ‘Chips are Down’ metric. That’s a metric of how he votes on tough, contested votes.
He’s ahead of Amy Klobuchar, who I absolutely love. He’s ahead of Feinstein and Mikulski and Clinton and McCaskill and Lincoln and Landrieu.
He did cast the deciding vote against stem-cell research, and that was awful. But he cannot be compared to Tweety in any way.
I don’t know any of those people. All I know is that the first time I heard Matthews he was so odious, so disgusting, so enthusiastically bloodthirsty for the blood of brown people half way across the world, and so viciously racist that I can never give him any credibility, ever. Even after all these years the sound of his voice makes me feel ill.
He’s awful. Terrible. A buffoon.
I don’t know what you are specifically referring to because I don’t consider him to be especially blood-thirsty or anything more than a casual or lazy racist (he’s conventional that way). But he’s not senatorial material. He’s not even a reliable Democrat. He’s just sucks up to power.
What I am referring to is an hour interview on KGO, probably the premier talk radio station in the country, with Ron Owens, who is one of the top talk hosts in the business. It was simply appalling. He was practically wetting his pants with excitement over the impending attack on Afghanistan, and his only concern about the inevitable bloody fate of the civilians there was that they would “run out of their tents waving their bloody hands in front of the press” and make America look bad for killing and maiming them. It made me literally physically ill to listen to him, and I got ill every time I thought about it for weeks afterward.
I had no idea who he was at the time, but to me he is not even human material, let alone senatorial.