To have been delivered at Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1970
Three hundred fifty years after the Pilgrims began their invasion of the land of the Wampanoag, their “American” descendants planned an anniversary celebration. Still clinging to the white schoolbook myth of friendly relations between their forefathers and the Wampanoag, the anniversary planners thought it would be nice to have an Indian make an appreciative and complimentary speech at their state dinner. Frank James was asked to speak at the celebration. He accepted. The planners, however , asked to see his speech in advance of the occasion, and it turned out that Frank James’ views — based on history rather than mythology — were not what the Pilgrims’ descendants wanted to hear. Frank James refused to deliver a speech written by a public relations person. Frank James did not speak at the anniversary celebration. If he had spoken, this is what he would have said:I speak to you as a man — a Wampanoag Man. I am a proud man, proud of my ancestry, my accomplishments won by a strict parental direction (“You must succeed – your face is a different color in this small Cape Cod community!”). I am a product of poverty and discrimination from these two social and economic diseases. I, and my brothers and sisters, have painfully overcome, and to some extent we have earned the respect of our community. We are Indians first – but we are termed “good citizens.” Sometimes we are arrogant but only because society has pressured us to be so.
It is with mixed emotion that I stand here to share my thoughts. This is a time of celebration for you – celebrating an anniversary of a beginning for the white man in America. A time of looking back, of reflection. It is with a heavy heart that I look back upon what happened to my People.
You can read the rest of Wamsutta James’ speech here.
Glenn Ford, 2003
There are myriad small triumphs to be thankful for and to celebrate those things that don’t have anything to do with our collective refusal to deal honestly with our heritage as it really is.
For myself, as an American of multiple lineage, including First Peoples, it’s still difficult to meld my two identities. Being proud for some things on one hand while feeling shame for others on the other hand. Nothing is black and white and we’re all complex, evolving people with conflicting loyalties. I know I am, anyway. Best just to keep eyes wide open and minds open as well.
Your comment started a reply from me.
It grew.
Now a stand-alone post
I got yer Thanksgiving. Right HERE!!!