Wingnuttia never sleeps, even on holidays.
Yes, Joan of Arc was a loser. Moses was a failure. Churchill was an outcast and then an outcast again. The Lord Jesus himself was defeated. This is an important thing to remember at times like this. The election has been lost. But even the defeated never lose – even when they do – if they preserve that core of self deep within that no one but our Creator can touch.
You can do your own casting for this musical. Joan of Arc could be played by Marilyn Musgrove (if she ever comes out of hiding to concede the race). Churchill could be played by Sen. Ted Stevens…he fought in that war. As for Jesus, why not the Muslim-bashing congressman from Virginia, Virgil Goode? None of these folks will feel like they really lost if they just ‘preserve that core of self deep within that no one but our Creator can touch.’ Right?
Joan of Arc was likely a schizophrenic. She did, however, restore the Dauphin to the throne of France. Moses is quite possibly a myth. Churchill was the product of a dysfunctional family who had great timing at the end of his political career. I doubt anyone has any clear idea what the historical Jesus was like, but by all accounts he was a charismatic faith healer who scared the bejeebus out of the Romans or they wouldn’t have had him crucified, a death reserved for slaves and criminals.
What any of them have to do with modern conservatives is beyond me. But then I’ve never found delusions of grandeur particularly appealing.
Silly Steven, they’re doing the Lord’s work.
How’d that work out for the National Republicans and the Whigs?
My deep is still asleep.
From an old punkrock song from my old punkrock band, “Jesus Was An Athlete”:
Jesus was an athlete
even though he wouldn’t compete.
As a man he was complete.
Jesus was an athlete.
He walked on the water and he walked on the land.
He never took money to endorse any brand.
He didn’t care about Rosie Ruiz.
Every loser was a friend of his.
Jesus was a….
Sort of to the tune of “Louie Louie”. There’s more, but I’ll spare you.
Well, here’s the REALLY nutty part of that post:
(By the way, I think there are parallels with Sarah Palin, who was despised by insiders for her appearance and demeanor and lynched in a media show trial. And Palin, unlike her persecutors, actually accomplished things worthy of praise and, I feel, has good insights for going forward!)
Sarah Palin, our new Joan of Arc!
I swear those old wingnuts inhabit a universe different from the one I live in. I think their brains are energized by some kind of alien vibrations, a strange music of the spheres which I can neither decipher nor appreciate.
Imagine, spending time and money on that bizarro ticket of the angry old man and the unfeeling and ignorant turkey woman. Can these wingnutters really be serious? How do we solve our many problems at home and abroad with citizens whose intellects function so differently? Truly, I am at a loss on how to educate them. Perhaps, a trip to Ox in search of a brain from the mighty wizard.
My bad, Oz not Ox.
Jimi Hendrix was a nigger.
Jesus Christ and Grandma, too.
Jackson Pollock was a nigger.
Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger,
nigger, nigger, nigger.
-Patti Smith
tweety is in for pa senate
ill go out on a limb here and predict he wins
I don’t care if he wins or not, as long as the GOP has to spend money it doesn’t have to defend a race it shouldn’t have to. The more they spend defending specter, the less they have for other races.
Please enter the race, tweety!
How about we beat Specter with a Democrat?
Tweety IS a democrat.
I won’t pretend he’s a very good democrat (quite shitty actually), but some of the guys you’ve supported, like Sestak and Pat Murphy, aren’t exactly great progressives themselves.
I’m not saying Tweety should win, I am only saying that anyone that forces the GOP to spend money they don’t have is better than someone who will get steamrolled.
Tweety’s a democrat? In what world? Have you witnessed his career on cable news? What he is, is an idiot.
In the real world:
I didn’t say i liked him, I didn’t say he’s a good democrat, I just said he IS a democrat (so’s Harold Ford). i repeat, anyone that forces the gop to spend money they don’t have to spend is a welcome candidate. I also welcome a repeat Toomey run from the right.
Democrat, my ass.
you mean like casey?
no. not like casey, but I’d take Casey a hundred times over Tweety.
For every Joan of Arc there’s a Heidi Ingraham. For every Moses, there’s an Ivan Leopoldovich Lubinov. For every Churchill there’s a Moishe Lefkowitz. For every Jesus, there’s a Brian.
Brian you may have heard of, but who are Heidi Ingraham and Ivan Leopoldovich Lubinov and Moishe Lefkowitz? Exactly. They are losers not of the caliber of Joan of Arc or Churchill, let alone Moses or Jesus. You know. like most of the wingnuts who mistakenly think they are of the caliber of Jeanne d’Arc or Churchill.
No, wingnuttery is the kudzu of ideologies. Its only virtues, if that’s what they are, are its ability to spread,, its resistance to being killed off, and the threat of overwhelming and killing off any ecosystem it insinuates itself into unless it’s monitored vigilantly and beaten down at the earliest opportunity.