Breaking the Bailout

The collection of furtive shenanigans we’ve come to call The Bailout took an extraordinary turn at the start of the week when we guaranteed hundreds of billions of dollars for yet another diminished ex-titan of Wall Street.  The proper response is not resignation but redoubled activism.

For more on pruning back executive power see Pruning Shears.

No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this post

This week the bailout went from outrageous to stupefying.  As in, “half the value of everything produced in the nation last year”.  If it was not already obvious that the show Congress put on for us last week was a complete charade, the illusion did not survive the weekend.  Aside from the dollar totals there are almost no details, but keep in mind deregulation by Washington gave Wall Street free rein to indulge its worst instincts.  The major players have every reason to minimize how bad the situation really is, so don’t use the $20 billion actually spent – use the amount guaranteed.  Further, that likely represents the largest number Citigroup executives were willing to own up to after they decided to offer taxpayers this once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity.  In other words, it’s a floor and not a ceiling.  Keep in mind too that the giveaway is coming from an administration that casually lies about the cost of its initiatives in order to make them more politically palatable (most famously recall the threat to fire Medicare’s chief actuary when he prepared to go public with a higher estimate – as it turned out still less than half the real total – than the White House considered convenient).  So let’s just double it and call it a nice round $600 billion that we will be on the hook for.

Citigroup is just this week’s looting.  Digby tipped me to an extensive New Yorker article by John Cassidy on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke’s response to the crisis.  Cassidy writes of all the shadowy activity behind the scenes: “Over fifteen months, beginning in August, 2007, the Fed, through various novel programs known by their initials, such as T.A.F., T.S.L.F., and P.D.C.F., lent more than a trillion dollars to dozens of institutions….The programs, which have received little public attention, were supposed to be temporary, but they have been greatly expanded and remain in effect.”  He also quotes Bernanke saying “You want to put the fire out first and then worry about the fire code” and Treasury Secretary-nominee Tim Geithner praising Bernanke’s “willing[ness] to act quickly, with force and creativity.”  How do all those programs get started without Congress having a look?  How do they continue?  Why is there no interest in where that trillion dollars went?  Do we not have the ability to put out the fire AND revise the fire code?  Is our government incapable of doing two things at once?  Once the crisis passes there will be calls for harmony, and complacency will set in as well.  Right now is the best chance to do so.  And given the failure of leaders to see the crisis coming (a product of the willful ignorance caused by their refusal to monitor the industry) I do not put much of a premium their acting quickly, with force and creativity.

We now have a government that is entirely unresponsive to its citizens’ needs and unwilling to be frank with us.  There was overwhelming opposition to the first bailout.  What was the response?  Not to demand accountability, fire executives, claw back their lavish compensation packages, assume operational control of the failed businesses and offer transparent oversight to the public.  It was to trust those already shown not to be trustworthy and leave administration to those who had already failed.  Now instead of a second bailout – which would promise again to be terribly uncomfortable for lawmakers – they simply give carte blanche to some combination of the president, Treasury, Federal Reserve and heaven knows who else while they look away.  And the strange thing is, no one in Congress seems to care too much.  Maybe they just don’t want their fingerprints on it, so they are happy to let the White House do whatever it wants in the dark.  But then:  Why are you even in your job?  Why did you run for office?  What do you understand your job to be?  Or has Wall Street assembled such formidable influence that it can force a branch of government into quiet submission?  The whole situation encourages us to believe the worst, most cynical and corrosive possibilities:  That it all is a big con, and they all are in on it.

In that context comes Break the Bailout.  Please have a look and consider making a pledge for the December 7 money bomb.  See the other suggestions on the site for being active as well.  Even if it feels like an exercise in futility (and I’ll grant that on days like Monday it does) those of us who want to at least know what is happening need to register our our disapproval.  Make your voice heard.  Let Washington know you are paying attention, and are not happy.

The Next Crisis Cometh

Like the second eruption of a volcano, retail commercial mortgages are the coming second wave of the meltdown, my friends. So say a fond farewell to your favorite malls and hotels this Christmas, as we may have only their empty husks to look at in the near future:

Malls from Michigan to Georgia are entering foreclosure, commercial victims of the same events poisoning the housing market.

Hotels in Tucson, Ariz., and Hilton Head, S.C., also are about to default on their mortgages.

That pace is expected to quicken. The number of late payments and defaults will double, if not triple, by the end of next year, according to analysts from Fitch Ratings Ltd., which evaluates companies’ credit.

“We’re probably in the first inning of the commercial mortgage problem,” said Scott Tross, a real estate lawyer with Herrick Feinstein in New Jersey. […]

… Pension funds, insurance companies, and hedge funds bought the seemingly safe securities and are now bracing for losses that could ripple through the financial system.

“It’s a toxic drug and nobody knows how bad it’s going to be,” said Paul Miller, an analyst with Friedman, Billings, Ramsey, who was among the first to sound alarm bells in the residential market.

Of course, this is all good news for bankruptcy lawyers, but not many other folks. It means laid off retail workers, more supposedly solid bank assets and collateralized debt securities turning into part of the big shitpile, and an extended real estate slump that could last for a decade or more. It also means more banks and institutional investors in need of bailout cash. At this point it sort of makes you wonder if the only solution that will be left to us in the end will be the complete (or nearly complete) nationalization of our financial sector. From banks, Wall Street investment firms, Insurance companies and pension funds the rot runs so deep, and the downward spiral appears so unstoppable that I don’t know what can be done to salvage the situation absent the Government taking over the mess which our grand free marketeers (from the DLC to the RNC to Greenspan to Paulson) have created. It’s a collapse so complete that I’m sure that right wing conspiracy theorists will be imagining secret Jewish Islamic Marxist deep cover terrorist cells embedded within the Federal Reserve System for a good part of the next century as the primary cause for the collapse of global capitalism.

When really, however, it was simply ideological hubris and the stupidity of greedy assholes on Wall Street and K Street to blame. They made their fortunes, enjoyed their high stakes poker games and high class hookers, shot partridge and quail by the bucket load at private resorts while downing pallet loads of $1000 bottles of wine and champagne and eating the most expensive meals expense accounts would allow. And , of course, now that the bill has come due they’ve left repayment for all their destruction to the rest of us. Greed isn’t good, but I guess it can be fun while it lasts.

Foreign Policy Staffing Decisions

While Peter Beinert is quite possibly correct to predict that Barack Obama’s foreign affairs nominations are meant to protect his right flank so that he can safely move to the left, he doesn’t address one topic that Obama raised in the campaign. Barack Obama said, quite often, that we needed to change the kind of mentality in Washington that got us into Iraq in the first place. Now, everyone has the capacity to learn. Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have presumably adjusted their foreign policy views in light of the debacle in Iraq, as well as the ensuing financial crisis. Some mindsets are changed without necessarily changing the people that are in charge. But the real concern on the left is that Obama is filling out his foreign policy team almost exclusively with people whose instincts were wrong on Iraq. That is not promising if the goal is to change the paradigm through which Washington views its foreign policy options.

There is no doubt that there is value in staffing up with some hawks and some ardent pro-Israeli thinkers if your goal is to move in a more dovish direction. It is wise to protect the right flank. But the Democrats run a risk. Since at least the time of McCarthy, Democrats have consistently found it necessary to protect their right flank, which is why they tend to select Republicans to run the Defense Department. It is a structural feature of American politics that the right wing will attack the Democrats as being soft on defense, even going so far as to concoct intelligence and statistics to make their case.

We saw this happen first with the whole ‘Who lost China’ debate, then the ‘Let’s Nuke China’ debate, then the ‘Let’s invade Cuba’ debate, then the ‘Let’s invade Vietnam’ debate, then the ‘The Soviets have established military superiority’ debate, and finally the ‘Democrats are soft on terror’ debate. At some point, we have to stand up and beat back this structural deficit.

There is no magic wand that will solve this problem. The Republicans will continue to make these attacks. And one way to deal with the attacks is to bring in reasonable Republicans, like Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, and Richard Lugar, and marginalize the crazies. But this comes with a price tag. Moreover, staffing up with Hawks, even moderate Hawks, is going to determine that the kind of advice Obama is getting has a Hawkish bias. And it is a Hawkish bias that led us into Iraq.

You can see the tension here, which is why I continue to advise the Obama transition team to make sure they have some George Ball-types on their foreign policy team. Many people think Obama is selecting centrists and hawks because he agrees with them. Beinert suggests he is picking them because he doesn’t agree with them. But even if Beinert is right, Obama needs allies in his inner counsels. That is where the left is concerned. We want the mindset that got us into Iraq to change, and we don’t trust that that will happen if the only mind that reflects that change is Obama’s.

I got yer Thanksgiving. Right HERE!!!

I personally do not celebrate Thanksgiving.

Not unless I am forced to do so by social and familial necessities, and even then I am just going through the motions.

I cannot bring myself to celebrate a successful enslavement and genocide, no matter what the end result may have been for my own Celtic immigrant ancestors who had themselves been enslaved first in a Roman-dominated and then a Germanic-dominated Northern Europe.

Can’t see it.

Besides…I don’t like turkey nor I do not much like being stuffed like a turkey, either.

Last night I ate brown rice, a bean dish cooked with a little chicken sausage, onions and cheese, and collard greens. It was wonderful. Then I went back to working at what I do. That was wonderful, too.

Read on for more.
The whole so-called “holiday” season is getting progressively more distasteful as the reality of what this country has become more and more plainly evidences itself. That we can swallow the bullshit that is now coming out of the hypnomedia about “change” while our weaponry continues to kill brown people all over the globe is beyond horrible.

The Native Americans were only the beginning, and those nasty-spirited, lying sacks of shit who called themselves  Puritans are still running the show.

Gotta give them their due, though.

They have been the most successful criminals in the history of the world.

And their public relations firm is AWESOME!!!

Image Hosted by
Image Hosted by

Beyond compare.

No propaganda mechanism in the history of the world has even come close to rivaling it.

300 million plus people here.

Out of that 300 million I will bet you that there are not 150,000 who actually understand its power and are at least to some degree immune to it. Not even most of the people who work in it.


Sometimes I really do believe that we have been successfully invaded and colonized by an alien race and that this whole media control mechanism that is slowly encircling the globe is their conqueror worm.

Deep as shit.

Ol’ Edgar Allen Poe knew.

Bet on it.

In 1843.

by Edgar Allan Poe

Lo! ’tis a gala night
Within the lonesome latter years!
An angel throng, bewinged, bedight
In veils, and drowned in tears,
Sit in a theatre, to see
A play of hopes and fears,
While the orchestra breathes fitfully
The music of the spheres.

Mimes, in the form of God on high,
Mutter and mumble low,
And hither and thither fly-
Mere puppets they, who come and go
At bidding of vast formless things
That shift the scenery to and fro,
Flapping from out their Condor wings
Invisible Woe!

That motley drama- oh, be sure
It shall not be forgot!
With its Phantom chased for evermore,
By a crowd that seize it not,
Through a circle that ever returneth in
To the self-same spot,
And much of Madness, and more of Sin,
And Horror the soul of the plot.

But see, amid the mimic rout
A crawling shape intrude!
A blood-red thing that writhes from out
The scenic solitude!
It writhes!- it writhes!- with mortal pangs
The mimes become its food,
And seraphs sob at vermin fangs
In human gore imbued.

Out- out are the lights- out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”
And its hero the Conqueror Worm.

Deep, eh?

Another fucking prophet.



Libya sends 3,000 tons of aid to Gaza SHIP TURNED BACK

Libyan ship carrying Gaza supplies ordered back

Associated Press

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – The Israeli navy on Monday turned away a Libyan ship heading to Gaza with 3,000 tons of humanitarian aid, ending the most high-profile effort yet to break a blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory.

The Al Marwa was approaching the Gaza coast when it was stopped by an Israeli navy vessel. The navy vessel ordered the Libyan ship via radio to turn back, said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, adding that no force was used.

In Gaza’s small port, spectators, journalists and dozens of porters had assembled to await the arrival of the Libyan ship.

Link HERE for the rest of the story via MSNBC.

Additional information indicated that the Al Marwa was going to dock in an Egyptian port and that there would be an attempt to deliver its humanitarian cargo to Gaza through the Rafah crossing, which is controlled by Egypt. By this latest report, it is not clear that that is happening.

Israel’s blockade of Gaza has reportedly led to the deaths of 261 medical patients in need of treatment outside of Gaza, but who were prevented from leaving.

That the Israeli navy continues to control the Gaza coast merely shows that the siege of Gaza is just an extension of the military occupation that Israel has exerted in the Palestinian territories for over 40 years.

This Libyan chapter in the Gaza siege is still developing and further information may be available later in the day.

Last week, Arab foreign ministers issued a joint statement in Cairo that their governments would send food and medicine to Gaza. They said they would coordinate with Egypt to ensure the supplies enter Gaza, suggesting they would take the land route, rather than confronting Israelis at sea. Egypt has otherwise kept the Rafah crossing with Gaza closed most of the time.

The following is the previous reporting on this story:

Syria and Turkey to follow Kaddafi’s lead to rescue the Gazan Palestinians

Regarding these latest events concerning Israel’s siege of Gaza, one can’t help but to repeat the words of the great Brooklyn actor, William Bendix: what a revoltin’ development dis’ is!

The scary Islamic world, in the form of Arab nations no less, have entered the Gaza saga acting like a bunch of damned humanitarians, while Israel, its great friend, the US, and its partners, the EU and Russia, the so-called Quartet, are acting…well, how can one put it in a polite manner: like a bunch of fucking…sorry, the proper word just won’t come.

This news was reported by numerous sources including Middle East, US and British newspapers (Google Libya Gaza, too many to quote all).

Gaza Strip, 25, November, 2008

In a prompt press release issued a few hours ago, Chairman of Popular Committee Against Siege PCAS, Jamal El Khoudary announced that a Libyan ship (officially) sailed this evening shipped with 3 thousand tons of humanitarian and medical aids.

Upon a call with Libyan officials Tuesday evening, El Khoudary said the ship is presented from the Libyan State and its people in coordination with the Libyan foreign affairs ministry.

He added that this ship is number one and it would be followed  by tens of other ships in case of getting today’s trip succeeded.

This work came out after considerable coordination exerted by PCAS in the past days. It would be considered the first practical Arabian stance to end the inhuman siege imposed on Gaza.

The recent situation in Gaza is gloomy as Israel fools the mainstream with its closed crossings saying she has reopened them yesterday. Around 70% of Gaza still plunges into deep darkness while fears arose the water is being contaminated across Gaza.

Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak said that Gaza crossings will remain closed.


The donation of “humanitarian” aid is reportedly being made by the Libyan Fund for Aid and Development in Africa and is made up of 500 tons of oil; 750 tons of milk; 1,207 tons of rice; 500 tons of wheat flour and 100 tons of various drugs.

The ship is due to arrive in Gaza in one week after departure (last Tuesday, November 25).

Within the past 24 hours, it was reported that other Arab countries, taking their lead from Kaddafi are getting into the humanitarian act:

Syria says to join with Turkey in sending aid to Gaza.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan plan to send humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, which is under Israeli blockade, the Syrian ruling Baath party’s mouthpiece daily said on Thursday.

The two leaders also agreed, in a telephone call, to work towards pressuring Israel to end the blockade of the impoverished Palestinian enclave which it imposed when the Islamist Hamas movement seized power in June last year, the Al-Baath newspaper said.

Israel tightened its blockade after a November 4 surge in violence and has allowed food into Gaza only three times since. The border crossings which are the sole gateway for goods for the territory’s 1.5 million people were closed again on Thursday.

Assad and Erdogan agreed to “work towards sending humanitarian aid urgently to the Palestinian people in Gaza and affirmed the need for combined international efforts to break the blockade,” the paper said.

Is the world turned upside down? I thought the US and Israel were the good guys. Live and learn.

UPDATE: The ball is rolling!

Arab Foreign Ministers to Dispatch Instant Aid to Gaza

CAIRO, November 28, 2008 (WAFA)- The Arab Ministers of Foreign Affairs, who had held, Wednesday, an extraordinary session, decided to dispatch food supplies, medicines and medical equipment to Gaza immediately.

In a statement, published Wednesday Arab Foreign Ministers decided to dispatch instant food and medical aid to Gaza and to receive patients from the Palestinian people.

It mandated the secretariat of the League of Arab States to coordinate with the concerned Egyptian and Jordanian authorities to secure the entry of food, medicines and medical equipment into the Gaza Strip.

Source: AJP

UPDATE II: Latest (excerpted) news from the Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald this morning (November 30):

Israeli officials were also mulling what action to take against a Libyan cargo ship laden with almost 3,000 tonnes of goods that was headed to the Gaza Strip after weighing anchor on Wednesday.

It is the first time a foreign government has attempted to break the Israeli blockade, although pro-Palestinian activists have since August made three trips from Cyprus without being intercepted by the Israeli navy.

Israeli officials were also mulling what action to take against a Libyan cargo ship laden with almost 3,000 tonnes of goods that was headed to the Gaza Strip after weighing anchor on Wednesday.

It is the first time a foreign government has attempted to break the Israeli blockade, although pro-Palestinian activists have since August made three trips from Cyprus without being intercepted by the Israeli navy.

“A ship like that is capable of carrying weapons no less than what was on the Karine A weapons boat that was seized,” a security official told the Maariv newspaper in reference to a ship intercepted by the navy in 2002 and found to be transporting 50 tons of weaponry to Gaza.

“From our perspective, it is a hostile ship that left from an enemy country and we will treat it accordingly,” added the unidentified official.

The official said it had been a mistake to let in the boats carrying pro-Palestinian activists.

“We should have stopped those ships,” he said. “The humane behaviour displayed by the foreign ministry is liable to end up sending terrorists or weaponry into Gaza by means of assistance ships of these kinds.”

Defence Minister Ehud Barak was to consult with the foreign ministry before deciding what action to take, the Maariv newspaper said.

Today in Wingnuttia

Wingnuttia never sleeps, even on holidays.

Yes, Joan of Arc was a loser. Moses was a failure. Churchill was an outcast and then an outcast again. The Lord Jesus himself was defeated. This is an important thing to remember at times like this. The election has been lost. But even the defeated never lose – even when they do – if they preserve that core of self deep within that no one but our Creator can touch.

You can do your own casting for this musical. Joan of Arc could be played by Marilyn Musgrove (if she ever comes out of hiding to concede the race). Churchill could be played by Sen. Ted Stevens…he fought in that war. As for Jesus, why not the Muslim-bashing congressman from Virginia, Virgil Goode? None of these folks will feel like they really lost if they just ‘preserve that core of self deep within that no one but our Creator can touch.’ Right?


Friday Foto Flogging

Notice: The next Friday Foto Flogging Diary will be December 12, 2008.

Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.

This week’s theme is P
. They’re in nature, on the walls of your house, in the building where you work, on the sidewalk at your feet, and … we hope … in your camera’s viewfinder.

Website of the Week: Life Magazine Photo Archive on Google — millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archivefrom the 19th century to today, many of the photos never published and available for the first time.

AndiF’s Patterns

Bebo’s Checkered Past

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Patterns in patterns

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Catch the wave

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olivia's Patterns

Original floor tile mosaics, Herculaneum

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Hall in the Palace of Versailles

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Clouds in Herculaneum

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  • December 12th Theme: Tools and Machines:
    if you build a picture of it, we will come look.

    But remember, we’re not going to be looking until December 12.

Info on Posting Photos

When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails
. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.

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