Month: November 2008

What’s Wrong with Beltway Journalism

Dan Eggen of the Washington Post got the assignment to do a set-piece pre-post-mortem on the Bush administration. You know the drill. You interview a few Bush staffers (current and retired), you get some quotes on how sad...

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A Clean Campaign?

Promises, promises. Remember this? Yesterday, at outside an early voting station there was this: That’s right, a coffin with Obama’s name on it. So objectionable that the NAACP is considering legal action against the...

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Make My Grandparents Proud, Vote for the D’s

I voted Friday in Ohio and although at times in my life I have cast an occasional vote for a local Republican candidate, this time I reverted to my roots and voted like an old fashioned straight ticket Democrat. My Grandfathers...

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The Undecided White Voter

When I was a young teenager, I was a big boxing fan. My favorite boxer was the Heavyweight Champion of the World, Larry Holmes. I liked how Holmes boxed and I liked his personality. I thought he was a funny guy. When I was in...

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Early Morning Thought

It is my belief, and my fervent hope, that one of the most important qualities Barack Obama will bring to the White House is that he doesn’t think like David Ignatius. People that have spent too much time inside the...

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