Month: November 2008

A Tale of Two Phonebanks

I thought I’d share my phone banking experiences today. I went to two different sites, and both were very encouraging. I started at the Culver City Studios site. Yes, the movie studio lot on which the Atlanta burning scene...

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Wingnut Littering

Earlier today a friend showed me an anti Obama hate/fear flyer she had found on her car windshield. Apparently, some wingnut slithered in and left them all over our southern Indiana town. Since I had a couple of hours to spare,...

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Open Thread

Got any predictions? Electotal College math? Total House and Senate pickups? Last-second surprises? Election-day mayhem?

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Cheney Endorses McCain

One of the odd things about this election season has been how seldom I have heard Democrats mention the name ‘Dick Cheney’. I know that Bush is spectacularly unpopular and that it makes sense to talk about...

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