I’m actually arriving at the age where I have to worry about shrinking but so far, I’m holding on to that fraction. the doctor tried to talk me into taking some of those bone loss pills but I don’t actually have anything other very minimal and normal aging bone loss and I don’t believe in taking medication just because it’s a current fad (I avoided all the HRT mess too).
I’m not there yet, but I think you’re smart to avoid all that crap. No one has been able to convince me that the “1 in 8” incidence of breast cancer isn’t related to all the hormones in birth control pills and HRT…and I worked on one of those bone-preserving drugs…’nuff said.
Better to eat healthy, get some weight-bearing exercise (like walking) every day, and skip the drugs, IMO.
Nice to have my personal opinions validated by someone who knows. 🙂
Speaking of walking, we’ve finally caught back up with the darkness level before falling back so now I’m back to walking at noon. I wish we’d switch to central time so I could walk in the morning all year.
Painting a mural (the “Women on the Wall” project at the Hobart Women’s Health Centre) and washing the dog. Oh, and 5’7″, although it’s likely I’ve shrunk a smidgen as well.
Technically it’s Summer here, even though the cloudy and cool weather continues. When the bluster is accompanied by rain, I don’t mind it as much because we need every mil, but by itself it gets a bit dreary.
We do get some sun most days, just not a lot. The best description of Tasmania’s weather is “variable” – and that applies from one minute to the next. If you come to visit, be sure to pack clothes that you can wear in layers, especially a waterproof one.
I’ve been taking photos of the whole mural process, and yes, I’ll post a few pics when it is done.
My clock has a battery backup which doesn’t work for the display but lets the alarm go off and keeps it from needing to be reset — features that are a real necessity out here when the power just lurves to go off.
Yeah, we think that’s the reason. At least we hope that’s the reason.
Obviously it’s meant to sucker us into dragging home the daily carcass to feed her and her brood. Or in modern terms, to keep her and the puppies well supplied with mince and kibble.
It’s time for us to go schmooze with the oldsters. Then there’s more painting followed by a movie (the movie is with Imogen, not Luna, obviously. Luna stays in the car for the movie, although not for the painting, as is evidenced by the pink streak on the nape of her neck). Ta.
It’s cold here now but it was warmer yesterday and the snow we had got rained away.
Bebo is like you — she thought snow was the funnest thing she’d ever seen. Did you know if you go run on the snow on the porch, you can slide on it!! And then you can scoop it up and eat it!!!
What’s everyone up to today?
5’2 1/2″
Heh, I feel like I’m only up to 5’4″…life is wearing me down. 🙂
I’m actually arriving at the age where I have to worry about shrinking but so far, I’m holding on to that fraction. the doctor tried to talk me into taking some of those bone loss pills but I don’t actually have anything other very minimal and normal aging bone loss and I don’t believe in taking medication just because it’s a current fad (I avoided all the HRT mess too).
I’m not there yet, but I think you’re smart to avoid all that crap. No one has been able to convince me that the “1 in 8” incidence of breast cancer isn’t related to all the hormones in birth control pills and HRT…and I worked on one of those bone-preserving drugs…’nuff said.
Better to eat healthy, get some weight-bearing exercise (like walking) every day, and skip the drugs, IMO.
Nice to have my personal opinions validated by someone who knows. 🙂
Speaking of walking, we’ve finally caught back up with the darkness level before falling back so now I’m back to walking at noon. I wish we’d switch to central time so I could walk in the morning all year.
Ah well, I need to get going.
Good morning. Another day in paradise. But at least it’s quite warm outside!
Painting a mural (the “Women on the Wall” project at the Hobart Women’s Health Centre) and washing the dog. Oh, and 5’7″, although it’s likely I’ve shrunk a smidgen as well.
Technically it’s Summer here, even though the cloudy and cool weather continues. When the bluster is accompanied by rain, I don’t mind it as much because we need every mil, but by itself it gets a bit dreary.
Hi keres – it’s been rather dreary here for four days in a row now and I’m getting surly without sunlight.
You going to take some pix of the mural when it’s done?
We do get some sun most days, just not a lot. The best description of Tasmania’s weather is “variable” – and that applies from one minute to the next. If you come to visit, be sure to pack clothes that you can wear in layers, especially a waterproof one.
I’ve been taking photos of the whole mural process, and yes, I’ll post a few pics when it is done.
Morning/Afternoon/Evening All. How nice that I need to the “evening” again. I’m really glad you’re back, keres. 🙂
click for larger
I’m glad you need to add evening again too.
I can’t believe I’m awake. this early again…
Sorry about that — was it CBs or dogs?
Just me, actually. I think it might be that the dogs have woken me up at 3 am for a few nights, and now I’m waking up too early on my own.
I also keep waking up, thinking that I’m going to oversleep. Maybe it’s time to break out the alarm clock so I don’t have to worry.
Oh yeah, I always have an alarm even though I never need one — otherwise, I constantly wake up to check the time.
I go through phases with that.
The power went out about a week ago, and I’ve been too lazy to reset the clock again. The power will just go out again anyway.
My clock has a battery backup which doesn’t work for the display but lets the alarm go off and keeps it from needing to be reset — features that are a real necessity out here when the power just lurves to go off.
And my thanks to both of you for the kind words.
Luna is especially glommy (however you spell that) at that moment – giving us some of her best “you love me, don’t you?” looks.
I felt that way when I was pregnant… 😉
Yeah, we think that’s the reason. At least we hope that’s the reason.
Obviously it’s meant to sucker us into dragging home the daily carcass to feed her and her brood. Or in modern terms, to keep her and the puppies well supplied with mince and kibble.
It’s time for us to go schmooze with the oldsters. Then there’s more painting followed by a movie (the movie is with Imogen, not Luna, obviously. Luna stays in the car for the movie, although not for the painting, as is evidenced by the pink streak on the nape of her neck). Ta.
Yeah, I definitely recognize that look. The I’m about to barf look…
Hold that memory for when you need to guilt the kids into doing things — oy how I suffered to bring you into the world.
Aw, poor thing. She’s clearly not getting enough love — tell Hector to get up there and snuggle with her. 😉
Hi keres.
How’s it going? Still got cold weather up there.
Tonight they’re predicting we’ll get down to 26F. Don’t ya just love this weather.
It’s cold here now but it was warmer yesterday and the snow we had got rained away.
Bebo is like you — she thought snow was the funnest thing she’d ever seen. Did you know if you go run on the snow on the porch, you can slide on it!! And then you can scoop it up and eat it!!!