Good morning, o pond-mates! Here’s a Catskills haiku for you:
Rain pours from bare trees
My damn truck is stuck in ice
A perch for the wren
Hope everyone’s having a decent week so far.
Can’t wait to figure out the interface problem between Miss Mac & the Photobucket site, so that I can share pix again. Argh.
command/shift/3 captures the whole screen
command/shift/4 lets you select what you want by dragging a “target”
command/shift/4/+ captures just the open window
should save it on the desktop as “picture1″…2, 3, etc.
Print Screen button at the top right of your keyboard will snap an image and copy it to the clipboard. Open MS Paint and click on Paste from the edit menu, then crop the image to whatever you want to display.
The worst part is that I wind up explaining to the drain guy how to fix it, and have to listen to him carry on about how it could be that the tank needs to be pumped, yadda, yadda…so I show him my super septic system and he agrees “yeah, maybe it’s doesn’t.” Duh. And I have no patience sometimes…
I don’t feel very Christmas-y yet either, despite the cold. I’m hoping that hanging holographic snowflakes from the kitchen ceiling and putting the tree up and baking some cookies will get me jump-started. Oh, and playing some Christmas music would probably help.
It probably doesn’t help that I keep having new home repair bills to pay…which takes some of the fun out of figuring out gifts for everyone.
We’re just having a weird, transitional christmas. I have to decide what it’s going to be without “kids”, which as you know is what makes it all really fun. They’re still around but they’re all on their own, and everyone is pretty broke and working all the time and it’s warm out and I’m tempted to not even get a tree. But I guess I should force myself to or I’ll become that grumpy old woman who doesn’t bother doing christmas.
What are the parts of Christmas that you like best? Why not just do those? I thought your Christmas last year sounded like so much fun, with the family Rock Band nights and all.
I actually used to make plans for after the kids left on Christmas Day to go for a hike in one of my favorite parks, get up early for the after-Christmas sales (because I could go without the kids), have lunch with a friend, etc. I still look forward to the peace and quiet that comes on Christmas afternoon, after everyone leaves.
How is the rest of your transitional year going? Making big changes in the midst of all the economic doom and gloom is nerve-wracking, isn’t it?
I think when all of the kids were still living here I would have loved the solitude that comes after, but now it’s so quiet with all of them (except B) gone most of the time and I guess I’m still trying to recreate all of the excitement of when they were little. It’s just one more thing I have to redefine this year… :0
Try to think of it as creating some new traditions instead of losing the old ones. And it probably won’t be too many years before there are new little people to get excited over…
But I know what you mean about wanting all of the excitement that came with Christmas for little kids. It seems like a lot more work now without that big payoff on the 25th.
What are you treating yourself to on the 26th, by the way? When you’re single, you have to get yourself a really nice gift, you know. It’s one of the rules. 🙂
Yes, they have a very intense nature. Unfortunately that nature is carried out at lighting speed, so I rarely get a decent shot.
I also managed to get shots of one of our Welcome swallows and a Kookaburra this morning, but at much greater remove. I’m a bit surprised that the Kookaburra hasn’t started raiding Luna’s dish, as they are fairly omnivorous. Mostly it just sits on the power pole and keeps a keen look out for unwary skinks.
The Welcome swallow was a bit too far away to get a good shot, but thank you for the complement. The Kookaburra was actually farther away, but is a much bigger bird.
I’ll try and get some photos of the baby swallows when they are a bit bigger and you can see their heads above the walls of the mud nest.
I like skinks too. Kookaburras are not actually native to Tasmania. They were introduced here from the mainland sometime in the 1930’s. So, as much as I like listening to them, and they are hilarious, I do feel that they are out of place. And, there’s a lot of evidence to indicate that the skinks have borne the brunt of their introduction. Also, we have a small snake, the White-lipped, that figures high on their menu. But, unlike the introduced European species, they haven’t actually wiped out anything native nor are their numbers anywhere near that of House sparrows or Starlings.
I’m very fortunate that they are so bold and will come that close to me. Of course the dog food helps a lot – which doesn’t exactly make for a “nature in all her glory shot”. 😉
Luna’s “on strike” today, holding out for her favorite foods, so the wrens have had free feed.
I’m just sooooo glad she’s not a garbage hound that I pretty much let her eat what and when she wants. Which for the most part is not much and not often – both of which will change dramatically if she really is pregnant.
I’m going to try and schedule an ultrasound for next Friday, at which point we should know for sure (and if yes, approximately how many).
It’s snowing in LA, but not here. It’s supposed to get down to the 20’s tonight and it’s still raining. I’m really pissed off at the snow god right now!
So curly made a foray to Sweet Revenge today.
We’re having dessert now; a mini apple/cinnamon breakfast cake – warmed up and with raspberry/vanilla swirl yogurt.
Very, very yummy.
For some reason I’m suddenly very hungry. Plus it is lunch time.
Unfortunately I was wrong about the haze burning off, so it’s now warm and a bit muggy. The critters are prostrate on the floor behind me (and someone from the property behind us is doing a lot of shooting – since no wildlife is out mid-day either they’re practicing or slaughtering a few sheep).
We should bypass the postal service. Ask will pick them up and make the drop to CG, she will get them to western PA where Jen will pick them up and get them back to Dayton, you’ll go to Dayton to pick them up and get them home, I’ll pick them up from you and get them … where? All the way to FM?
Ha! So I’ll be the only one who gets to see the farmhouse 🙂
Good morning!
Yes, this place got trashed pretty quickly. Busy night last night.
Still raining, 2-3+ inches in the area since yesterday, and we’re not yet done.
New cafe! Here’s hoping everybody here at Chez Cabin feels better today and heads off to school.
so my FFF reminder would be in the new cafe.
Oh well it’s a reminder so nice I’ll do it twice.
Good morning.
I was feeling guilty about leaving the cafe all messy while I slept through most of yesterday. I think I’,m starting to feel human again, though.
I’d say I’m glad but frankly I think being human is vastly overrated. 😉
Well, it’s way better than feeling like you’ve been run over by a bus.
Plus, I can enjoy our 60-degree weather today! How weird id it to go from a high of 32 on Monday to that?
Since our weather seems to be a fairly reliable predictor for yours, enjoy while it lasts because it’s already back to the mid-30s here.
I knew it would be short-lived, but I’ll take what I can get. I need to wash my car today…
You got sun with your warm weather? Well then we aren’t such a great predictor — we had an all day rain.
Um, now that I’ve looked outside (still dark, btw), it appears that there is some wetness on the ground, although it doesn’t seem to be raining.
I just looked at the forecast for Philly and it says 100% chance of rain — so looks like the car will get washed. 😉
Yup. It’s already looking better. 🙂
We have a tornado watch for tonight and tomorrow. Maybe it will blow the leaves and pine needles off my lawn.
We had that eerie orange-ish tornado-color in the sky this morning. Hope you don’t get anything more than gusty winds today.
My car has been “washed” too! 😉
Saving us both one task for the week…
How are you this morning?
Hi CG! I’m good, just getting ready for b2 boy’s 10th birthday extravaganza. Slot car racing, doncha know.
It’s all rested up and raring to go on this week’s theme of Tools and Machines.
Be sure to race on over on Friday
click for larger
and make something wonderful for us.
click for larger
Good morning, o pond-mates! Here’s a Catskills haiku for you:
Rain pours from bare trees
My damn truck is stuck in ice
A perch for the wren
Hope everyone’s having a decent week so far.
Can’t wait to figure out the interface problem between Miss Mac & the Photobucket site, so that I can share pix again. Argh.
Missed ya, dammit! Thanks for the poem. I blush.
how do you do screen-grabs like this?
it’s easy on a mac:
command/shift/3 captures the whole screen
command/shift/4 lets you select what you want by dragging a “target”
command/shift/4/+ captures just the open window
should save it on the desktop as “picture1″…2, 3, etc.
then you edit and post just like a pic.
l know nothing about pc’s.
thanks, but I have PC. MACs seem easier to use for anything graphic.
Print Screen button at the top right of your keyboard will snap an image and copy it to the clipboard. Open MS Paint and click on Paste from the edit menu, then crop the image to whatever you want to display.
What Manny said, only I use Photoshop.
Click for larger
Look what I found!!!
Hah! ’twas a BT cafe near ’bout. I’ll be danged!
Here all I had to do was deviate from the usual trail…
Cafe relocated here some time ago. Busiest time is often the (early) morning.
Holy Chihuahua? Where’s Manny?
We missed ya. So did my trees. 😉
Hope you are going to be a regular at Friday Foto Flogging too. I know you’ve got some great shots for tomorrow’s theme of Tools and Machines.
i thought i felt a disturbance in the force (of the good variety). Hi NDD!
Had an exciting evening with a backed-up septic line trap last night…ugh.
Tell me again why I thought living in an old log cabin would be cooler than some new construction with ultramodern plumbing?
We had that happen once — not a fun thing. OTOH, that’s once in 29 years.
Are you still warm today or has the cooling off arrived there?
The worst part is that I wind up explaining to the drain guy how to fix it, and have to listen to him carry on about how it could be that the tank needs to be pumped, yadda, yadda…so I show him my super septic system and he agrees “yeah, maybe it’s doesn’t.” Duh. And I have no patience sometimes…
Cold and rainy here now. Miserable, in fact.
Warm and rainy down here. Still not looking a bit like Christmas.
I don’t feel very Christmas-y yet either, despite the cold. I’m hoping that hanging holographic snowflakes from the kitchen ceiling and putting the tree up and baking some cookies will get me jump-started. Oh, and playing some Christmas music would probably help.
It probably doesn’t help that I keep having new home repair bills to pay…which takes some of the fun out of figuring out gifts for everyone.
We’re just having a weird, transitional christmas. I have to decide what it’s going to be without “kids”, which as you know is what makes it all really fun. They’re still around but they’re all on their own, and everyone is pretty broke and working all the time and it’s warm out and I’m tempted to not even get a tree. But I guess I should force myself to or I’ll become that grumpy old woman who doesn’t bother doing christmas.
What are the parts of Christmas that you like best? Why not just do those? I thought your Christmas last year sounded like so much fun, with the family Rock Band nights and all.
I actually used to make plans for after the kids left on Christmas Day to go for a hike in one of my favorite parks, get up early for the after-Christmas sales (because I could go without the kids), have lunch with a friend, etc. I still look forward to the peace and quiet that comes on Christmas afternoon, after everyone leaves.
How is the rest of your transitional year going? Making big changes in the midst of all the economic doom and gloom is nerve-wracking, isn’t it?
I think when all of the kids were still living here I would have loved the solitude that comes after, but now it’s so quiet with all of them (except B) gone most of the time and I guess I’m still trying to recreate all of the excitement of when they were little. It’s just one more thing I have to redefine this year… :0
Kids really are a huge factor in our lives. We probably wouldn’t do half of what we do without the b2 boy.
Try to think of it as creating some new traditions instead of losing the old ones. And it probably won’t be too many years before there are new little people to get excited over…
But I know what you mean about wanting all of the excitement that came with Christmas for little kids. It seems like a lot more work now without that big payoff on the 25th.
What are you treating yourself to on the 26th, by the way? When you’re single, you have to get yourself a really nice gift, you know. It’s one of the rules. 🙂
Where’s Family Man? I just realized it’s snowin’ in the south.
Not in this “south”. Looks like we’re gonna be sunny and warm today. It’s a bit hazy at the moment. but I figure it will burn off in an hour or two.
brought to you courtesy of our female Superb Fairy wren.
Her much less blurry mate (one of them anyway, she has two [that I know of]).
What an intense look on its face.
Yes, they have a very intense nature. Unfortunately that nature is carried out at lighting speed, so I rarely get a decent shot.
I also managed to get shots of one of our Welcome swallows and a Kookaburra this morning, but at much greater remove. I’m a bit surprised that the Kookaburra hasn’t started raiding Luna’s dish, as they are fairly omnivorous. Mostly it just sits on the power pole and keeps a keen look out for unwary skinks.
Keres you always amaze me with the shot you get. Beautiful as usual.
The Welcome swallow was a bit too far away to get a good shot, but thank you for the complement. The Kookaburra was actually farther away, but is a much bigger bird.
I’ll try and get some photos of the baby swallows when they are a bit bigger and you can see their heads above the walls of the mud nest.
I like that pole picture a lot … but I wish you hadn’t told me about the skinks. I like skinks.
I like skinks too. Kookaburras are not actually native to Tasmania. They were introduced here from the mainland sometime in the 1930’s. So, as much as I like listening to them, and they are hilarious, I do feel that they are out of place. And, there’s a lot of evidence to indicate that the skinks have borne the brunt of their introduction. Also, we have a small snake, the White-lipped, that figures high on their menu. But, unlike the introduced European species, they haven’t actually wiped out anything native nor are their numbers anywhere near that of House sparrows or Starlings.
Well in that case, I’ll still feel bad about the Kookaburras but I won’t hate ’em.
Another shot of the fabulous male. I’ve left it rather sizable, so don’t open it if you are on dial-up or a small monitor.
That’s a wonderful shot Keres. I feel sorry for people on dial up.
I’m very fortunate that they are so bold and will come that close to me. Of course the dog food helps a lot – which doesn’t exactly make for a “nature in all her glory shot”. 😉
Luna’s “on strike” today, holding out for her favorite foods, so the wrens have had free feed.
And Luna should get her favorite foods. Just from the pictures you’ve show lately, poor thing. 😉
I’m just sooooo glad she’s not a garbage hound that I pretty much let her eat what and when she wants. Which for the most part is not much and not often – both of which will change dramatically if she really is pregnant.
I’m going to try and schedule an ultrasound for next Friday, at which point we should know for sure (and if yes, approximately how many).
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I hope she is. I want to see a lot of little Lunas running around.
so bright – what a beauty.
Hi Olivia.
What are you doing up so late?
Hey Mary I just saw this.
It’s snowing in LA, but not here. It’s supposed to get down to the 20’s tonight and it’s still raining. I’m really pissed off at the snow god right now!
There’s snow north of us, but none here! What do I have to do to get some snow here?
How lucky can you people up North be?
I want some snow!
There’s snow north of us, but none here! What do I have to do to get some snow here?
Obviously, move “here” to the north. 🙂
What and leave the heat down here?
I just want a little snow……OK a lot of snow!
Two words: road trip!
Hi keres.
If I could make a road trip, I wish I could make it to where you live. Who am I kidding. I wish I could visit every one.
And you would be universally welcomed.
Thanks Keres.
Maybe one day I’ll make it there.
So curly made a foray to Sweet Revenge today.
We’re having dessert now; a mini apple/cinnamon breakfast cake – warmed up and with raspberry/vanilla swirl yogurt.
Very, very yummy.
Ask did you have to tell me how delicious all that was? Geeze I’ve got hot dogs!
For some reason I’m suddenly very hungry. Plus it is lunch time.
Unfortunately I was wrong about the haze burning off, so it’s now warm and a bit muggy. The critters are prostrate on the floor behind me (and someone from the property behind us is doing a lot of shooting – since no wildlife is out mid-day either they’re practicing or slaughtering a few sheep).
It’s cold here. Even for the deep South. Haven’t heard anybody shooting guns around here lately. But then again, down here in the deep South. 🙂
Well, I just had to brag.
Don’t know if you saw the previous report from Sweet Revenge. make a trip up here and you can enjoy as well.
Yes I saw it and I still have hot dogs!
I’m getting ready to tell Andi to tell her niece to send me something down here. You all can’t have the fun. 🙂
I think she’ll have to do some research to figure how to make a cupcake that can survive the US Postal Service.
From the way they sound, I don’t think the postal service could do anything to them.
Just remember……..I have hot dogs!
I’m pretty sure the postal service could mash them into nothingness. But you’d still have hot dogs.
We should bypass the postal service. Ask will pick them up and make the drop to CG, she will get them to western PA where Jen will pick them up and get them back to Dayton, you’ll go to Dayton to pick them up and get them home, I’ll pick them up from you and get them … where? All the way to FM?
Ha! So I’ll be the only one who gets to see the farmhouse 🙂
I like that thought. There’s always room for you at the farmhouse.
This is a bummer. Tell you niece she needs to do the research.
That sounds really good. And I’m glad curly finally got to go — it wasn’t fair she got left out last time. 🙂
in here just begging to be used in a new cafe. 🙂
Good morning!
Yes, this place got trashed pretty quickly. Busy night last night.
Still raining, 2-3+ inches in the area since yesterday, and we’re not yet done.
We’re drowning here too. It seems like it’s been raining forever…I hope we get to dry out a little this weekend.
You chatty cathy people last night..I’ll meet you in the new cafe.