Guess who is sticking their Gallic noses into our (i.e., America’s) business? And using their subtle diplomatic wiles to seduce our allies and enemies both to sit down and – gasp – talk! Here’s the story from that Commie rag, the New York Effing Times:

PARIS — Afghanistan and most of its neighbors agreed at an informal conference here on Sunday to work together to stabilize the country, restrict narcotics traffic and coordinate action against terrorist groups.

The conference of foreign ministers, organized by France, was aimed at shoring up regional relations in the interest of security and stability.

“There is a consensus that there can be no peace, security and prosperity in Afghanistan without the strong involvement of its neighbors,” the French foreign minister, Bernard Kouchner, said after the meeting. “And there can be no peace, security and prosperity for the region without a stable Afghanistan.” […]

The conference was meant to bring together all the countries touching on Afghanistan, including former Soviet republics like Turkmenistan and Tajikistan as well as China, India and Pakistan. Held behind closed doors at the Foreign Ministry residence at La Celle-St.-Cloud, west of Paris, the conference also included the United Nations special representative for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, and senior European Union officials responsible for foreign policy and aid.

Germany, which provides significant financial backing for NATO operations in Afghanistan, was also invited, and it will be asked to do more on the ground there, with civilian and police trainers, if not with many more troops. Russia also attended, along with all countries with troops in Afghanistan, including the United States and Britain. […]

The Paris conference also provided an opportunity for a high-level diffusion of tensions between India and Pakistan after the terrorist attacks on Mumbai last month, which have been linked to a Pakistani militant group.

Pakistan’s foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, said at the meeting that the siege “was an attack on us all” and promised to do more to stop terrorism, a French official said, speaking on condition of anonymity in accord with normal diplomatic practice.

Don’t they understand war is the answer to all our hopes and dreams of spreading our freedoms and democracies and free markets to the Islamofascists? What’s happening to this world when those wimpy french diplomats can butt into our personal little colony fiefdom shining example of President Bush’s success in Afghanistan without a by your leave? Don’t they know Dick Cheney can nuke their pretty little Eiffel Tower anytime he wants to?

Oh wait. I forgot. The Bush doctrine (whatever Sarah Palin thinks that might be) is in its final days and on its last legs. He won’t be Our Dear Leader much longer now.

Soon we will have a the hard socialist boot of Obama grinding our faces into the cement floors of the “re-education camps” to which he sends all of us Real Americans. Places where no one will be allowed to own a gun (much less carry or shoot one) or play Guitar Hero (either the original or the new World Tour edition), and where the only internet or TV we can have access to will play endless loops of You Tube videos like this one:

Oh, the horror.