Prosecute Butch and Cheney? Sure. But Be Careful What You Wish For.


Bill Hare recently wroie a piece on My Left Wing called We Talk About Impeaching Blagojevich! How About Bush and Cheney?

In it, he wrote:

Clearly Cheney believes that the U.S. Congress lacks the requisite backbone to do what is obligated under our system.


Me too.

That would signal a house-cleaning that would bring down the house.

The Senate, too.

In fact, it would knock our whole Humpty Dumpty right off the wall.

Please folks…think about it.

“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master-that’s all.”

Think on it.


Read on…
The conviction of the top crooks for war crimes or for any continuing high-level malfeasances whatsoever would have three inescapable messages attached to it.

Those who approved and/or took part in the committing of those crimes were either:


2-Too stupid to see the plain truth of the matter as it unfolded over nearly 8 years.


3-Too cowardly to take action.


There goes the House, the Senate, the DemocRatic and Ratpublican parties, the leadership of the military and intelligence systems and the media.


It’s going to be business as usual under Obama. That’s why he was (s)elected by the powers-that-be.

Better business, more honest business and not much more. (Of course, there is so much room for improvement on that account that this whole kleptocracy could continue almost unchecked and it would still deserve the term “better” applied to its business.)

And y’know what?

I think that this is the best option open to us.


I got four woids fer ya, an’ they ain’t “Happy boithday, ya fuck!!!”

U. S. S. R.

That’s right.

Its collapse and rebirth as a true gangster state.

You want wet-work CIA guys in charge?

Of everything?

Please take a careful look at this man.


He is a highly intelligent, highly successful world-class killer. And I mean a hands-on killer. He survived the vicious inside games that were going on in Berlin before the wall came down.


Do you think he was having tea with Mrs. Thatcher? Tradiing inanities with poor, vacant-eyed Preznit Ronnie?


He was in the trenches, where the wet work was about. You want to know what was up there? Read The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, a book that was written by someone who was there and had a real narrative artist’s eye, John LeCarre.

Putin makes these willful little putzes that have been running their pathetic three card monte game on the world look like what they really are.

Second-rate thieves with no stomach for the real rough stuff.

And bet on it…start a process that would gut this system of its managers and into the vacuum would fall Putins.

What do they call them in Russia?




A gangster by any other name still kills as viciously.

‘Cuz that’s what’ll happen if we start naming names and exacting punishments.

I wish that it were otherwise, but it is not.

Yeats knew.

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned…

Be careful what you wish for.

Obama IS “the center”.

He is further proving it with every move.


It’s gonna get better if we do not panic.

Crime and punishment?

Punishment is only useful if it deters further crime.

And it also feels good, of course. But that good feeling rapidly fades.

Punish the ringleaders of this little fiasco? It will only start a process that is quite likely to bring down this whole fragile house-of-cards system.

And then what?

There is a Putin waiting in the wings.

Lots of them, probably.

You think you have problems now?


You ain’t seen NUTHIN’ yet.

Bet on  it.


We had damned well better support Obama in his efforts, because babies, if he fails…

If he fails, we are through.


Play nice for a while.

We’re lucky to have him.




Author: Arthur Gilroy

Born. Still working on it.