It’s hard to believe that people still don’t believe that Hawaii is one of the United States. As a result, whenever Obama visits Hawaii, he is ‘out of the country’.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
BooMan: it’s not hard to believe.
a large number of us also believe Obama is a Muslim.
it all gets back to:
“Ignorance is the disease of America”.
Norman Mailer
it’s why I’m not always optimistic about our future.
I thought he was half-Egyptian and was going to convert the White House into a pyramid.
An even larger number of you believe that there is something WRONG with being a Muslim. In fact, an alarming number of even the more enlightened among you entertain all kinds of weird ideas about Muslims, even though – “well, you know, there is nothing WRONG with it”.
At least Sarah Palin won’t have to keep going “outside”, which is what Alaskans call leaving the state. I’ve known Alaskans to brag that they haven’t “been outside for thirty years”.
Now, it is an amazingly beautiful state (my Aunt’s lived there for 46 years and I’ve visited several times), but surely it worth taking a trip to Canada on occasion.
It’s not shocking, just disappointing.
Point to the flag. Ask why there are 50 stars on it. If they get THAT question wrong, then give up, because it’s a lost cause and Hawaii is another country to them.
The whole uproar about Spam Musubi (Moo-sue-bee)was funny and typical of the attitude the MSM has about Hawaii.
Earlier events at Pearl Harbor having apparently been long forgotten.
Apparently some people still don’t know where in the world is Carmen San Diego or Hawaii.
Maybe some people are saying that to make a wry, ironic remark that Hawaii was annexed in an illegal imperialistic maneuver to prop up business concerns.
Nah, who am I kidding, Americans are idiots.
Does this mean that Sarah Palin is out of the country too?
Well, you know, they don’t look like Americans down ’round them there parts…