Right about now, Christmas in Hawaii doesn’t sound too bad.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Right about now,
Christmas inHawaii doesn’t sound too bad.Does anyone else hear that Jaws music?
Nah, it’s hammerheads that get you in Hawaii. We’re the ones who get the killer great whites.
Uh, beg to differ, there are a few great whites here too. Tiger sharks also. Took a young surfer gir’s arm off a couple of years ago. She is still surfing and finished first five times this year in the semi pro circuit. I think she is 16 years old now.
80 degrees here today on Kauai. Sunny with ome sun showers and rainbows. Its rough living here but somebody has got to do it. Not to rub it in or anuthing.
In Syracuse today, the mercury fought its way over 36 degrees and some of the snow even melted. But, the weekend is going to see temps in the fifties. What does 80 degrees feel like? I have forgotten.
but the tropical trade winds keeps it oh so pleasant. Pass the aloe please. teehee
I didn’t mean to imply that Great whites never attack in the US, it’s just that Australia gets mainly Great white attacks, and per capita, more shark attacks than anywhere else in the world.
Visited Kauai years and years ago. It was nice – not as touristy as some other islands, or maybe it was that I was staying with family-by-marriage who lived there, so was not subjected to the tourist stuff.
My most memorable event on Kauai was spending a day hiking by myself in the Alakai swamp and spotting a bird – the Hawaiian Thrush – that had recently been pronounced extinct. I became very excited because there was no doubt about what I had seen since there was no other bird on Kauai that resembled that bird at all. I rushed back to the visitor center to tell them, and described as best I could the location. They were very happy, saying it was the second sighting in the last couple of weeks, but of course there was no way to know whether it was the same individual or two different birds. And later that day, at dusk, while walking along a trail I suddenly found myself quite literally face to face with a wild boar – quite a heart-pounding experience, since they can be very aggressive and dangerous beasts. Fortunately, he faded quickly into the undergrowth and I proceeded on my way.
That was before the big hurricane that devastated the island, and I have often wondered how it affected the Alakai Swamp and the Hawaiian Thrush. It seems the species is still around, but critically endangered.
Me, I love it, but after well over a week of snow and ice (twelve days, the newspaper says) many of my fellow Seattlites are a bit tetchy about the subject of having snow on the ground.
On the other hand this was only the second time I can remember having a white Christmas (the first being last year), so I’ll take it. And the forecast is for warming temperatures and the snow to be gone by the end of the weekend. But this could involve flooding . . . stay tuned.
Oh, and merry Christmas all you tribbers out there, even if it’s a bit belated.
Tips for awesome Firefly/Serenity quotes.
You’ve heard about the showing of Serenity on cable TV on the 3rd of January?
No I haven’t!
Now I have to go look for it on my TiVo (even though I have the DVD sitting right here on my desk).
I’m pretty sure it’ll be on the SciFi channel. Good luck!
Obama has often talked about the greatest danger he perceives in the White House, being cocooned and not having enough time for himself. I’m thrilled that he’s figured out how to relax. (I always thought that Bush’s crap about cutting brush had something to do with his addictive personality and not about about relaxation at all)
It’s a real study in stupidity to watch the medica coverage this week. Wouldn’t it have been a great week to buy BBC feeds on poor and developing areas of the world and educate the country on issues that they normally ignore.