I’ve mentioned this before, but I just can’t see why anyone will want to go to George W. Bush’s shitty library. I think Bush is creating it because that is just what presidents do these days, but I don’t think he gives a crap about making the inner workings of administration a subject of objective study. Oh wait! He cares about that not happening. So Bush is going to create a library that doesn’t have any of the key documents that scholars will want to see. Instead, we’ll be offered video footage of Barney the dog and presidential turkey pardons and Commander Codpiece in various triumphant poses. I can’t think of a better candidate to replace Yucca Mountain than Bush’s shitty library.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
OK seriously, what interview was this from, and what is the full quote? I am guessing it must be something like this:
In these tough economic times, maybe the National Archives should leave W’s papers in Washington. I cannot believe a Presidential Library is appropriate for a President who violated the Geneva Convention against Torture.
Personally, I thought W would retire to his ranch so he could dig for worms and ride in his pick-up truck. Like he did before 9/11.
Just the words “Bush’s Library” evoke all kinds of strong negatives for me. Too bad they won’t let me design it.
I’d give him a nice little plank-built one-person building with a moon shaped cutout in the door. One book of fart jokes inside the building. And, as with his presidency, a stench that rolls out over the neighboring four counties.
And that’s more than he deserves.
Bush will build a LIEbrary, a bizaaro and frightening house of mirrors where everything is false. Strob lights will illuminate the shredding of the consititution, stacks of money will be used to build replicas of boondoggle projects that lost millions, and flags representing our dead soldiers will create a permanent quilt to his hubris. Redacted official papers will hang like cutout paper snowflakes from the soaring ceiling while voices echo the lies over and over hoping to brainwash visitors.
All in in this chamber of horrors known simply as the “W” will become a extreme sport destination for those who want to test the endurance of their sanity.
Back in early November, Mark Fiore did this cute little cartoon:
The George W Bush Freedom Liberry and Family Fun Center
This discussion made me recall it.
Ahh the pride those donors must take in seeing their names listed at the entrance to this fakery.
No doubt that renditioning will be the punishment for returning books late.
Isn’t having a library a way to keep the money coming in? Seems like a lot of money flowed into Arkansas after Clinton left office.
If they ever do finish it, they should definitely call it the, “GWBush Shitty Library”. Everything the man and his administration touched turned to shit, so why not say it like it is?
that’s what I’m calling it, anyway,
I’d go….for the priveledge of shitting in the aisle of the shitty library.
Who wants to vidit for the docs? Ten thousand copies of “Green Eggs and Ham” don’t appeal to me as Presidential reading material…… š
Will everyone PLEASE buy this book and make it a donation to the library?
To find the story ‘The Pet Goat’ (aka ‘My Pet Goat’):
your book up to Lesson 60 on page 153.”
If we can’t get government documents, at least his liesbrary will be full..
In case the cover throws you, this is the book Bushyboy read as
RomeMidtown caught fire.Midtown?
Awright, downtown.
Dysgeographica aside, wouldn’t it be nice to turn the corner from the entrance to the Liesbrary and see 1000 copies of My Pet Goat?
Seriously, has Bush ever willingly gone to a library, any library, to actually do research or check out a book? He’s always shown contempt for that sort of enrichment or intellectual enhancement, and I suspect he just regards his liberry as a status symbol, a monument to his ego. Not that that isn’t true of his predecessors to some degree, but with W., it sure ain’t about open, free access to knowledge.