Happy Monday to all. I’m starting the week off by having coffee at the local coffee shop with friends, then coming home to do some much-needed paperwork and slide writing.
I’m thinking about heading downstairs in this great big farmhouse to build a fire in the woodstove. That means I gotta dig up some kindling from the shed.
Another day, another 20 degree drop ..
That’s a lovely photo up above, CG. One of yours?
Speaking of, I’m looking for a resource where I can have digital photos made into prints. Not much of that sort of thing here in the boonies. Thoughts/links, anyone?
Many thanks to all in advance & I do hope your holidays are joyful.
I can’t take credit for the photo above; it’s one of Andi’s from her Saturday trip to Cincy. We actually have a clear blue sky here today, though-what a nice change from the last 2 months of gloom.
Re the photos, I know people who’ve used shutterfly for photo printing, but have no experience with that myself. I bet someone else will come along with more suggestions for you though.
Happy Monday to all. I’m starting the week off by having coffee at the local coffee shop with friends, then coming home to do some much-needed paperwork and slide writing.
What are you all up to?
Working the in-between week, but it’s quiet and not much stress.
Kos meet-up in NYC tomorrow.
Sometimes it’s better to go in when everyone is gone, isn’t it?
The Kos meetup sounds fun. Is boran going to make it there too?
Sometimes it’s better to go in when everyone is gone, isn’t it?
Part of my strategy.
I’ll put a reminder in the morning cafe for boran, don’t know if he can make it.
Tuesday, Dec 30, starting at 6:30
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St (between Irving Place and 3rd Ave)
I thought that might be your plan… 🙂
Probably not. 🙁
Too bad…
I’m thinking about heading downstairs in this great big farmhouse to build a fire in the woodstove. That means I gotta dig up some kindling from the shed.
Another day, another 20 degree drop ..
That’s a lovely photo up above, CG. One of yours?
Speaking of, I’m looking for a resource where I can have digital photos made into prints. Not much of that sort of thing here in the boonies. Thoughts/links, anyone?
Many thanks to all in advance & I do hope your holidays are joyful.
Hi ww! I hope your holidays have been pleasant.
I can’t take credit for the photo above; it’s one of Andi’s from her Saturday trip to Cincy. We actually have a clear blue sky here today, though-what a nice change from the last 2 months of gloom.
Re the photos, I know people who’ve used shutterfly for photo printing, but have no experience with that myself. I bet someone else will come along with more suggestions for you though.
Best wishes to you for the new year!
Thank you — belatedly! — for your New Year’s wishes & photo recommendation.
Best wishes to you, too, for the coming year.
I hope the new year brings you much joy … and many more visits to the cafe. 🙂
I bought a Canon S530D printer several years ago (for about $200 IIRC) and with photo quality paper, it does a pretty nice job.
This is really cool. Sad that he died, though.
It was quite a year for losing subjects in brain research.
I had missed that. You’re right.
Going to Indy to meet up with a couple of old (that’s old as in we go back to 1965) friends this morning.
Hope everybody has a good day.
Hope you have fun with your friends!
Safe trip!
This young Yellowtail black cockatoo gave me the gimlet eye in response to the giant eyeball (camera lens) I was pointing at him.
“Cheeky” (aka Pacha) and her mum, taken on my way back from taking the above image.
Great photos. The alpacas have such wonderfully expressive faces.
Good morning all! YAHD and TFSMIF rolled into one today. I could get used to that. Happy New Year everyone!
Your favorite announcement in the Democrat, eh? 🙂
Its one to clip and save;-)
I only do that with the year end sheriff’s log wrap-up. 🙂
to everyone.
And don’t forget to get ice for the party tonight. 🙂
click for larger
That looks like a perfect picture for a new cafe…
I figured you’d be going for party hats and cosmos. 🙂