No matter what you ask them to do, young people are very horny and will act accordingly.
Teenagers who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are just as likely to have premarital sex as those who do not promise abstinence and are significantly less likely to use condoms and other forms of birth control when they do, according to a study released today.
So, these abstinence-only programs are not only ineffective in reducing randiness, they’re also counterproductive in promoting safe-sex and reducing unwanted pregnancies. These are not statistics to comfort that Purity Ball father.
“These are not statistics to comfort that Purity Ball father”
—Good… Less comfort, more parenting (which means, taking the time and effort to talk to your kids about the birds and the bees.
If it were that this were also tough on the kids, I’d have no sympathy at all.
Kids don’t deserve to be dragged along for their parents’ idiocy-ride….
Hell, for many folks the idiocy-ride is parenting. That’s all there is to it.
Purity Ball fathers will convince themselves that their daughters are the exception to the rule.
Exactly. Hopefully the incoming administration will stop pouring federal dollars into these worthless programs.
Congress is where the change needs to be made.
So I’m sure that when the time comes a compromise will be reached where the Republicans get to keep their precious abstinence only funding in exchange for getting some needed health bill past the cloture rule in the Senate. It’s pretty much a guarantee.
The only good thing I could see coming out of it is if some crafty Dem is able to make use of a Republican vote on this in 2010 to hammer his opponent for pushing for “costly government programs that have been proven not to work” and for doing it “with your tax dollars.” It really should work that way, but I doubt it will.
Am I the only one who thinks there is something creepy and incestuous about urging your daughter to stay pure for Daddy?
No you’re not the only one Voice…I’ve always thought this was downright creepy. To be more blunt these Purity Balls are just another way of saying that daddy is in charge of helping keep your hymen intact until he can pass you on to another male who then becomes in charge of that part of your anatomy…apparently the only real thing of value in a women. As far as I know there are no Purity Balls for Mother/son ..and that the mother is in charge of her sons virginity..wonder why that is. Just plain creepy/sick all the way around.
Anyone who thought that abstinence pledges would work (at all) has truly forgotten what it was like being a teenager. Really, this isn’t at all surprising.
Prohibitions against common human nature will always be useless.
Lack of birth control does at least prove fertility before marriage. Witness the Palin family. These holy rollers have already said it’s OK, because the boy is willing to marry her. This is how the Right plans to re-populate their ranks.
I guess God protects you from AIDS.
ehh ehh I like randiness. Most teenagers do. 🙂