Every day brings news of more terror in Gaza. The IDF’s attacks are indiscriminate, causing a large number of civilian casualties. But if you only follow the traditional media, you would barely be aware of that here in the US. The European media is much more nuanced, with graphic reports on the humanitarian crisis occurring before our eyes.
It appears that the Israeli propaganda war is quite effective in controlling the media narrative.
One reason is the long-term efforts of lobbying organizations, such as AIPAC.
For more than half a century, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has worked to help make Israel more secure by ensuring that American support remains strong.
For an alternate view of AIPAC, check this site.
But then there are the specific actions for the current conflict.
A little over a week ago the IDF (Israel Defense Force) launched it’s YouTube Channel.
We thank you for visiting us and will continue to update this site with documentation of the IDF’s humane action and operational success in Operation Cast Lead.
(my emphasis)
In other words, a classic propaganda effort – echoing the words of Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who stated that “There is no humanitarian crisis in the Strip, …” as entire families were wiped out by bombing raids. The channel shows clips of attacks on tunnels and other military targets while conveniently leaving out civilian casualties and mass destruction. Since Israeli authorities deny access to Gaza for international journalists, they can maintain a strict control of the information released.
Another recent effort is Help Us Win – organizing the netroots and social site in influencing the global media.
What is this site? A site where you can ensure that the international coverage of the Campaign Against Hamas is balanced. What should I do? You can leave comments on blog posts and newspapers that tells Israel’s side of the story Is that all? Nope – you are a part of the effort. It is all about the power of the masses!
The Jerusalem Post reports:
Links to the news articles about the war are also provided, so that users can post positive talkbacks about Israel.“This truly is Israel’s first new media war,” said Michael Dickson, director of Stand With Us International. “We’ve seen demonstrations and rallies around the world, and they have been really militant and extreme.
It was a discussion on New Year’s Eve that really alerted me to the problem. A good friend – highly educated, resourceful and politically adept – seemed to have no knowledge of the reasons for the truce not being renewed or the effects of the recent blockade of Gaza. Her arguments could have come straight off IDF talking points.
So while I will not totally follow AG’s advice of ‘News Strike’, I suggest that everyone diversify their news sources to include a variety of international channels – The Guardian, The Independent, Al-Jazeera, etc.
I am glad this site has contributors that point us to the news that was filtered out by the traditional media.
Thanks for this diary.
There is indeed a propaganda war going on along side the Gaza massacres of Palestinians, including civilians. Alternet had an article this morning indicating that Americans are getting upset with Israel’s invasion. Richard Silverstein also reported that the Israeli foreign services are making an effort to recruit bloggers to counteract negative publicity about the invasion. Try to get you the links later.
I cross posted this on Kos, a number of comments – let’s see if the discussion remains civil…
Well received, I think, which is always a relative statement when it comes to DKos. Some IP diaries are so on target that they are actually given little attention by the right wing that stands guard over there. No defenses available. Their avoidance suggests effectiveness that could only be magnified if they engaged in a flame war.
At livestation.com you can watch Al Jazeera in English. Is the station available in the land of the free?
I can watch Al Jazeera in English OR Arabic whenever I am in the Middle East, you can only get English Al Jazeera in the Land of Freedom if you buy an Arabic satellite dish. (The dish plus installation is a few hundred dollars, and there are no monthly charges. You can get BBC in English and Arabic as well as English and Arabic Al Jazeera).
Ironic, yes?
You can watch it on livestation.com in Arabic too. Yes, ironic is the word! Another one is hypocritical.
By the way, it is very easy to get Al Jazeera in Arabic in the USA. Dish Network offers it. I guess people who understand Arabic are already tainted so it is only non-Arabic-speakers who have to be protected from it.
It’s interesting for people who don’t have TV, like me.
Thank you. I’m watching it now.
If Americans would see an EMS worker shot down in the street like I did they would think differently.
I translated some paragraphs of an interview done by Aftenposten – Norway’s paper of record. Interviewed are Prof. Erik Fosse of the Rikshospitalet University Hospital and Prof. Mads Gilbert from the University of Tromsø.
Interview with Prof. Mads Gilbert:
From: CBS, January 05, 2009
Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor in Gaza, tells Sky News that the number of civilians injured and killed in Gaza proves that Israel is deliberately attacking the population.
The American press seems to keep playing down the number of civilians killed, includng children, then repeating Israeli claims that militants hide among civilians, even in schools.
No wonder they will not allow reporters into Gaza.
I don’t know if this link will work but I found this site to be very good with many many good links to other sites or blogs from Gaza/Palestine, including one video blog from there.
Ok the link didn’t work after trying it dozen different ways but the site is http://www.desertpeace.wordpress.com.
Check this out. <Electronic Intifada punks Israel collaborator recruiter.
The English transcript is good, but if you can understand the Arabic it is even better. The punker sounds like and probably is `Ali Abu Ni`ma – same vocal and speech patterns.
State sponsored terrorism, indeed.
Israel strike kills up to 60 members of one family
H/T to zannie for the link.
This happened yesterday morning, has anyone seen it reported here?
Watching Countdown/Rachel Maddow last night, there was a paid ad supporting Israel’s actions as necessary self-defense — heavy on photos of badly injured Israelis due to “indiscriminate” Hamas rockets (and presumably suicide bombers?).
No word at all about what happens when Israel sends bombs into one of the most densely populated stretches of land in the Middle East. No acknowledgment of the human cost on the Palestinian side of the border.
So the image and public opinion war is definitely on.
Heartbreaking — for the victims of violence on both sides — and knowing that the Palestinian casualties are just as graphic and far, far more numerous.
I heard Martin Indyk on Morning Joe say that Hamas gained power in Gaza via a coup and NOT ONE person called him on that LIE!!
No wonder Americans are uninformed.
That’s because 99% of people in the United States – including people who should know better – actually believe that tripe.
Repeat something enough times, and it becomes the truth.