Ms. Malkin asks this very serious question: Who’s afraid of Joe the Plumber Journalist?

Here’s my answer.

Gosh, Michelle, no one I know of is hiding under their bed shivering in fear at the thought of Joe the Plumber morphing into Joe the Journalist. Personally I think we all need a good laugh these days, and I can’t think of anything funnier than a man who lied about his qualifications in one profession going off to play act at being a legitimate member of another one. Though to be fair, calling him a mere journalist is a bit demeaning don’t you think? To my way of thinking you should have named him Joe the Heroic Foreign War Correspondent in your post. Much better branding.

To be honest, I hope Joe keeps his ongoing comic reality show career going as long as possible. Frankly, the other great right wing comedic talent to come out of the 2008 election is in a bit of a slump. Sarah Palin’s act is getting old because she keeps giving us the same old shtick. Joe, on the other hand, why, he just keeps taking it to a new level every time I see him on TV. Or read about him. Or hear him on the radio.

A guy like that doesn’t come along very often. His talent as a straight man (no pun intended) is sheer comedy gold. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next after his gig as a foreign correspondent for Pajamas Media runs its inevitable course. Maybe he could run for Senator in Pennsylvania now that Chris Matthews has bowed out. I think you should talk to him about it. He’s be natural in my humble opinion to lead the next great generation of Republican politicians. It’s either that or a late night talk show on Fox News, but I think he should dream bigger than that, don’t you? After all, what did Fox ever do to enhance your career? Not nearly enough, obviously. I’d hate to see that happen to a guy like Joe. Would you?