Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme: Color/Colour. Andi and Olivia are tired of the grey and brown all round us. Brighten up our world.
Website of the Week: Photographer’s Journal: Following Obama. Staff photographer Damon Winter of The New York Times talks about his journey following and photographing Obama in this video journal.
AndiF’s Winter RGB
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olivia’s colour
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Hyacinth (from last Spring)
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Tulips (from last Spring)
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Periwinkle (from last Spring)
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- Next Week’s Theme: Random. Post whatever you want.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Some from over the past year at Harry P. Leu Gardens, Orlando.
I keep coming up short of crafting a “frog in your throat” pun. Which is really sad since I still have one from that damn cold I picked up on xmas.
How about, “Oh dear, you have a throat in your frog!”?
Beautiful color, Bob. The top one, in particular really chases away my winter blahs.
Lovely colour indeed. I love dsc0047sy2.jpg … I like the line of the trees and the line of lights, and the way the branches angle over the path. What lens did you use for that — the scene is big in scope (great capture of the height of the trees)?.
Beautiful photos.
Thanks, it was the 55-200 vr at 60mm.
The couple also helps w/ the scope. I like it a lot.
I love the spindley orange legs of the flutterbye.
cherry blossoms
bittersweet berries
They’re all good but I love, love, love the second one. And then I love it some more.
It’s the little speckles of pollen, isn’t it? It makes you feel all fertile…. 🙂
I am delighted to say that absolutely nothing makes me feel fertile.
But I think it’s a combination of the beautiful colors and that it looks like a fantastical busby berkley scene.
Between the Osteospermum and the Viola (I love it!), you’ve got fertile covered for sure … 😉
My favorite too. I love the symmetry.
Are you trying to illustrate the dictionary entry for heliotrope?
Those arching branches over the cherry blossoms are neat too.
I prefer my chocolate bittersweet. 🙂
Let’s start with a rainbow, or rather, a picture of a rainbow that got f’d but I liked how it came out anyway.
Low Altitude Photon Weapon Fired On The Philadelphia Energy Shield Barrier
Man In The Shadows (In this week’s Citypaper, btw)
A Pretty Flower
Man In The Shadows (In this week’s Citypaper, btw)
I’m just entranced by Incandescent. Everybody should be sure to click on the largest size to see its full splendor.
I really liked that one too.
That was taken with my old point and shoot and the only way I was able to capture a still of such motion was by using the flash as the camera simply wasn’t up to par otherwise.
It’s something neat that I think everyone should try. Turn on your faucet and either put on a slow drip and use flash on the contact between the drops and the sink. Or, if you have an aerator on your faucet, set it to shower (cold water only as the steam from hot can permeate your camera) and take some flash shots of the spread that comes out.
It’s neat what you end up with!
It pops right off the screen … wow.
Like the top photo too — experimentation can be fun … 😀
Is the dome Philadelphia’s way of dealing with pollution and global warming? But are you trapping it in or out? Regardless, that is one great shot.
Probably a little bit of both, honestly.
the energy shield is tres bien…fun with photoshp.
and the water droplets are cool…….some times it feels like my shower is doing just that……you have to run around in it to get wet. . . . .
Natural Christmas Lights on December 25th:
Ah it’s another one of those shy, retiring Tucson skies. 🙂 Also, wowie zowie.
Wow … that looks like a warm, fuzzy red blanket being laid out.
That’s gorgeous.
I love the desert sky. I don’t think I can see it often enough. Even when I saw it daily it was a daily revelation.
Just another cloudy day in Tucson?
the sunsets in the desert southwest are truly works of art. kudos.
Wow, that beats the hell out of policy papers and political tracts.
LOL, love it … 🙂
I love the reds, including the sign, in the top one!
Hi Olivia :-))
primary colours
click images to enlarge
The contrail picture really works for me — the perfect blue slashed by the white lines
And the fire is great … captured the reds well, and the mov’t of the flames.
R check
Y check
B check
I want more like these.
Black Kangaroo paw
Green Kangaroo paw
Orange Kangaroo paw
Yellow Kangaroo paw
That first one — the Black Kangaroo paw — wow, wow, wow! Look at the detail. Magnificent.
Yeah, the Black Kangaroo paw image was one of those artsy-fartsy shots using a shallow depth-of-field to emphasize the foreground elements. The others were just “snap shots” of the “this is what X looks like” variety.
I’ve got another lot, of critters, but imageshack is misbehaving this morning.
C’mon Imageshack — we wanna see keres’ critters … 🙂
I hopped over to photobucket instead.
These are wonderful — the orange kangeroo paw is my favorite.
I took that photo on xmas day at Imogen’s mums house. Kangaroo paws are not very frost tolerant so mum has to cover it whenever the overnight lows are predicted to be in the low single digits (centigrade).
That’s dedication. But then again, such delicate beauty deserves some dedication.
Box fish
Another lizard
And another
Last lizard
Not a lizard
Not-a-lizard is more of not-a-stick but either way it’s my favorite — though I also like “last lizard” a lot.
The “not a stick” was impressively large.
Wasn’t Imogen around so you could have her put her hand down next to it for perspective — that what Jim is always having me do.
I like to go Jim one better and make Imogen actually hold the critters.
Why look, Imogen is holding the soul of a sixth grader!
It should come as no surprise that common name for the “soul of a sith grader” is a Thorny Devil.
I meant to title this group “color camouflage”.
Time-lapse shrimp.
These are such neat flowers. Are they indigenous to Tas/Aus or are they transplants?
Kangaroo paws are native to the southwest of Australia. You can buy them from plant nurseries in the US, but they don’t like the cold, so you’d have to bring them inside for the winter or grow them as an annual. Even with the right conditions, they don’t live very long. Ours succumbed to the drought this year.
Hope I’m not too late to join this party. Everyone has posted such beautiful photos.
Are those pollen grains in that first photo? Wow!
I’m not sure. My eyes are not good enough to go and look directly at them. LOL. Took this with my old p&s as it does much better in macro mode than my good/not-so-good “big” camera.
As I think about it, I doubt they are pollen grains. The pollen parts are not exposed yet. Must be some artifact of a partially opened petal. ??
Really lovely either way!
Those are both beautiful but I’m especially taken with the first one — the green shimmers and glows.
Thank you AndiF. The real flower is only about 1 inch across. I love macros, the way they enhance.
Striking colors!
A reflection off ice through a polarizing fileter.

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Chinle Butte on the east side of the Kanab Movie Set

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Woo Hoo!! That ice one is awesome! The layered rock must be out west somewhere? Beautiful
You’re right about the butte. It is between Knab and Bigwater, Utah.
That ice one is really kewl — it looks like hands reaching!
… funky-coloured gloves … 😀
Mrs. ID has socks like that;-)
My mom said the same thing when she saw it. I thought of a Navajo blanket.
Like these?

skating gloves
Click for larger
Very nice, both of them. I’m betting Death Valley for the bottom image.
Sorry not Death Valley; Andi and I haven’t headed out of Vegas in that direction yet. The butte is the east side of the Kanab Movie Set about 41 miles east of Kanab, UT on the way to Lake Powell. It’s been in lots of westerns.
These are all so wonderful. Thanks everybody.
My deepest gratitude to the genius who invented the foto flog. It’s always a trip – TGIF.
ooh very yummy color.
Tasty, in every sense of the word.
So did it taste as good as it looked?
Really interesting effect — it creates a nice sense of movement.
I have no idea how she does it but she always amazes me.
She does it all with a $100 point and shoot Canon with no manual modes.
She can probably get the manual for the camera online, but unless she has a troubleshooting issue, it looks like she doesn’t need to bother.
Oops, I missed the word “modes”. She still has the camera mastered.
she does have a very interesting take on photography.
Sunset — 7 minutes ago.
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How does the rate against the best-ever-sunset you had a few weeks ago?
Oh it wasn’t even close but still it was nice to have all that color show up for the Color FFF.
It came in through our kitchen window.
Well after all those colorful images, I`ll throw some colors into the mix also. They`re really colorful if you get them all on the screen & rotate the monitor around real fast.

I’m not even going to try to pick out a favorite from that stellar group (excluding the blenny since that’s an automatic favorite) — well maybe I’ll just indicate a little bit of extra love for the first photo.
Well Andif,
You picked a nice color montage of some of my freshwater Discus. These were raised from some fish I had flown in from a breeder in Washington state.
These are great Knucklehead. How’d you do the moon shot? That is the real moon?
Lep, Yes, that is the moon.
Taken with a 300 mm 2.8 lens.
Here`s another. I have many of them & used to post the moon on this site every night. (Providing I had a clear shot at it)
Fantastic colour … esp the last one: that blue is amazing! I really like the one of the bird grooming(?) its wing … but the shrimp is my favourite, at least for the moment … 😉
Yes Olivia,
I`ve always liked that shrimp image. The little bugger is trying to steal food out of a Giant Elephant Ear which has closed up on a morsel of squid I fed it.
I do hope you are feeling better.
The Blue Queen is doing exceptionally well after having had a panic attack, in close quarters with two large spiny urchins.
She had numerous spines stuck in her, but as I knew, she shakes those wounds off, & within two days you cannot tell she even had any spines in her.
To compare, if a human had been stuck that many times, they might end up in a hospital. In any case they would be weeks in healing.
Knowing it was trying to steal food makes him all the more endearing! LOL … 😀
They are part of the “clean-up crew” on a reef, so you can`t really fault him for being obsessive about his job.
That water lily jumps right out.
That is taken in a pond I built for a friend who decided to raise plants for private ponds.
He maintains saltwater tanks, freshwater tanks & ponds for a variety of clients.
The water plants can be quite expensive, so he now raises them to sell to his clients.
Here`s a shot of one of the ponds I built for my friend.
Can’t let my wife see that or I’ll be out digging. She wants a small pond in the yard and we’ve got a space set aside for it. That is a beautiful pond.
really like the sunflower and the purple wall…it reminds me of some of the small towns in mexico with the vivid colours on the buildings and flowers everywhere.
the preening bird is also very tasty, esp the lighting and the opposing colors…via color wheel…blue/yellow.
Hi d … agree w/ you, the purple and yellow together is really nice.
I just noticed that you have your lovely shot as an avatar.
If this is not new, spank me, for not noticing.
If it is, I love it.
The tulips in the sky is a power shot. It is a great advert for alternative energy.
Solar, for the blue sky & wind, for the white sails.
I like the bird`s morning ritual preening. He was happy to let me take lessons.
is it some kind of warbler, or a goldfinch? could be either/or by my birding book……but l can’t tell from these shots.
Actually I`d never seen this bird before in our area. It was around with it`s mate for about a week. I never saw them again.
I try & hunt down anything unusual & capture it.
With plenty of feeders around, they`re all welcome.
Preflight check.
Don’t stand below; excess baggage is about to be offloaded.
Amazing as usual.
The cactus and the critter below the cactus and the lilly pad flower are my favorites.
Memories of summers past
Part of the indoor jungle
Very nice. I like the bottom one. It’s lush.
I have one of those too … an area that gets the best light for the most plants. 🙂
Very pretty!
I like the jungle window. We have a window that if you have any misbehaving plants would do. Of course you plants would come back contrite and brown because 4 brown thumbs inhabit this house.
Beautiful what kind of camera do you use?
The “Blue” one at the top is beautiful.
I don`t think I`ve seen any of your images from “Fern Gully Creek” before.
It’s a name Jim and I gave to a little valley that is full of ferns and young trees, giving it a primeval look.
Here’s the creek in a slightly differently color. 🙂
click for larger
This one would be the “Green” one.
What a beautiful spot.
I was going to make a joke all those trees scaring you but I’m so happy to see you here that I’m gonna skip it.
And I’ll be even happier if next week you post some pictures.
Inside Salah Ad Din (Saladin) Castle, in the coastal mountains above Tartous Syria
Hi Hurria …The variety and colour of the wildflowers is wonderful. One could spend a lot of time along that wall taking photos of just the flowers! 🙂
If I had not been there with friends who were providing the transportation, I would have taken the time to do just that. On the other hand, I actually got politely kicked out of the castle (which is unbelievably huge and unbelievably situated on the very top of a very steep mountain ridge) about 30 minutes after closing time, so having my own transportation would not have really provided more time.
of the castle from a distance? I’d love to see more if you do.
I do. They are not great, but they might give some idea. If you like I will post them later.
I will make a post on the sidebar, and put a comment here when it is up.
The last time I visited Europe those brilliant red wild poppies seemed to be everywhere. Lovely!
They are all over Syria as well. I saw them in the south, on the coast, and in the mountains.
It was nice to see the wild cyclamen in the mountains, and also saw some wild gladiolus, and from a distance what looked like irises. No narcissus or tulips, though. All those popular garden flowers originated in the Middle East, and were imported to Europe.
More from, inside Salah Ad Din Castle
Behind the house, village of Harf Al Mseitra, in the mountains above Jebla
Wild Cyclamen in the mountains above Jebla, Syria
Poppy, southern Syria
Baalbek, Lebanon
What a varied bouquet of color and beauty you’ve given us. I particularly like the flower-laden path along the wall — Jim and I love to go hike in the mountains when the wildflowers are in bloom and the trails look like gardens.
That wall dates back at least to the medieval period. It is amazing to walk on and through so much history!
What a beautiful bouquet! Such a pretty pack of posies!
Wow, great flog everyone!
Here’s to next week’s being as good.