I haven’t sold an ad yet this year. That’s not good. That doesn’t pay the bills. If you support what we do here at BT, maybe you can help me keep the lights on with a donation. I will definitely appreciate it.
On a happier note, Congress just counted the Electoral Votes and Barack Obama won!!
Hope that works for a day or two of ‘lights’. Sorry it’s not more š
Thanks, D.
Not as much as I’d like this time – just paid the kids’ tuition. Next month should be better.
Another sign that people like this site:
Got on to an elevator this morning, a couple standing opposite from me in deep conversation. The woman noted my notorious brief case with the famous BT bumper sticker.
“I love that one!” She exclaims, pointing to my case. I smile and say ‘just a few more days’ – believing she meant the slogan. Then said to her ‘you should try the blog!’ – pointing to the URL.
‘Oh yes’ she said – I’ve done so for 2-3 years. ‘I love it!’
Doors open, some thumbs up and end of conversation…
I love stories like that. I guess we need a new motto and perhaps a new mascot? Eh?
And thanks, ask. You’re one of my strongest supporters.
Maybe the new motto thing needs some brainstorming. I would still like a frog in the logo though. ( I’m partial to green and ponds! ;-0)) )
I’d like to order a couple more bumper stickers (5), t-shirts (2) and mugs (2). Store link is defunct and I recall there was a fire sale a few months ago.
Still available? How?
we have to email wolverine writer, who has all the goods. And we’ll need a mailing address. I’ll send you both an email.
BooMan, please post the info again if there are any left.
You can’t change the frog – it’s part of your branding. Check with some marketing folk on that, but nix the idea of elimnatng the frog.
Maybe he needs a new pose?
i vote defiant with arms crossed and one eyebrow raised
I love that!!!
He needs a Blue Tie (and a crown?) (with Lady Liberty Kissing him)?
That furry gent with the cookie shooter would make a fine mascot.
Something electronic your way comes. They tell me its as good as gold. A tiny amount of gold . . .
Question: Is the ad problem due to insufficient traffic on the site? Can more cross posting to dKos and other sites be helpful in generating traffic?
This site isn’t going to become a super duper high traffic site, so he’s gotta identify his demo and sell more targeted ad-space. Personally, I’d get a copy of Harpers and hit up all their advertisers. Heck, I’d pop and ad in there… OOOhhh… Perhaps there should be a fund-raiser for an ad BUY somewhere?
A bit of that stuff is on its way from Amsterdam.
Hey, you shouldn’t write that down…
Happy New Year Booman! Maybe Obama will simply abolish taxes and put all the unemployed workers back to work printing more money. A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon we are starting to talk about some serious coin. But seriously, I hope your cash flow situation reverses itself real soon.
I’ll send something later, when my evil overlords aren’t watching.
Give me a couple of days and some funds will be headed your way.
I love it here. Thanks for all you do, Booman.
A little tip is headed your way from Hoosierland. I’m still excited about one of the neighbors being up for OLC.
Thank you to everyone that donated. I really appreciate it.
I’d like to send you a few spendable corn to keep lights and servers going. I refuse to use Paypal.
Need yr snail mail address. My yahoo email address, listed for notification on forgotten passwords, still good.