“The biggest disappointment in the political process, that’s been this kind of bitterness by a few people to the point where they don’t want to have a logical discussion or a civil discussion about policy. They just want to tear you down.” – George W. Bush
Good thing he authorized torture that produced total f*cking bullsh*t.
Barack Obama suggested he’s not likely to actively pursue criminal charges against national security officials who were directly involved in unlawful interrogations or wire-tapping, and said it would be difficult to quickly close down Guantanamo Bay.
On the question of prosecuting crimes that may have been committed during the Bush presidency in the course of the war on terror, Obama continued the theme of “looking forward as opposed to backwards.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Let’s see. Withdrawing from Iraq is going to be “difficult”. Closing Guantanamo is going to be “difficult”. What next? Putting a stop to torture and extraordinary rendition is going to be “difficult”?
Business as usual will be much easier.
Getting out of Afghanistan is going to be extraordinarily difficult and controlling the military-defense complex is going to be impossible. New boss, same as the old boss.
Yes, well, at least he has never promised to get out of Afghanistan – on the contrary, his stated plan is to get deeper in.
GW is simply delusional and so deep into denial that he thinks he should be praised for his malfeasance. What a president for these troubled times. I think he is qualified to be captain of the Titanic.
Well, IMHO, he is the current captain of the Titanic, albeit for just a few more days. The wealthy are safely aboard the lifeboats, but steerage is drowning in the dark and frigid water.
The hypocrisy is astounding. The man who had Carl Rove in the whitehouse and he says that? Bush and the repugs live in their own dream world at the expense of the real world.
recycled energy. What do you expect from heartless Bush, devoid of any tissue between the ears?
Steve Benen has this catch:
The. worst. president. ever. He won’t be dislodged.
White House spokesperson Dana Perino said the president wasn’t aware that it was his last scheduled flight on Air Force One until he was told by an interviewer.
GW is just the worst president ever. If Sarah Palin was a man her name would be George Bush. If you can’t remember little crap like above or your staff doesn’t tell you shits coming to end, because they don’t want to disturb your bubble of ignorant solitude.
Quitting smoking is almost as difficult as quitting drinking.
Our pols are tough enough for any challenge as long as there is a scapegoat.
How dare they talk like this? Life is difficult, but they both asked for it.
take me away…
this from the loser who was for eight interminable years the cheerleader for “the political process, that’s been this kind of bitterness by a few people to the point where they don’t want to have a logical discussion or a civil discussion about policy,”…the only thing he got right was “We need a new group of leaders.”
afuckingmen! rah, rah, and buh bye asshole:
I look forward to the day when there won’t be banks of microphones around to record his moronic utterances, because they don’t allow that sort of thing into the penitentiary.
We have to look forward, not backward according to 44 when Stephanopoulos asked him about this this morning.
He also said that Cheney was right that he (Obama) needs to look at the whole program and the intelligence that was received by the torture.
Wiretaps, OK. Now it looks like Torture,OK.
I feel sick. And betrayed. Already.
I had such low expectations for Obama that I did not think I could be disappointed.
I was wrong.
Would he actually be capable of a logical policy discussion?
Would he actually be capable of a logical discussion about anything?
OK, nevermind. Would he actually be capable of a coherent discussion about anything?
OK, nevermind. Would he actually be capable of an intelligible discussion about anything?
OK, nevermind.
Compared to Palin, though, he’s practically Cicero.
Yeah, that IS scary. As badly as he mangles the English language at least you can always figure out what it is he is trying to say. With her, unless she is reading from a teleprompter, it is difficult to impossible to construct any meaning at all.
And some people took her seriously! That’s the scariest part of all.
aside from the privatization of social security, i can’t think of anything that wasn’t ultimately given to him by the Congress. Petulant brat
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
The compassionate conservative. This man is totally and hopelessly out of touch.