His conclusion about what he’s doing reporting on a war?
I shouldn’t be allowed here to report about this war! (You couldn’t craft a finer stand up routine if you tried). Meanwhile a non-journalist actually does some reporting for the New York Times (although its buried in the “Health” section):
Gaza has never been easy. Most of its 1.5 million people, the families of refugees from Israel in 1948, live many to a room in buildings separated by alleys little wider than a big man’s shoulders. Even in 2002, when I first visited, when tens of thousands of laborers still streamed daily into Israel, unemployment was as high as 40 percent and most residents received supplementary food from the United Nations.
Since Hamas won elections in 2006 and Israel has sealed Gaza’s border, conditions have grown much worse. Unemployment reached 60 percent or more; fuel, food and water were often in short supply. Fed by impotent rage, family violence and clan conflicts escalated.
In 2007, we surveyed 500 children. Fully 70 percent said they had witnessed a killing — by Israelis or in factional fighting. Almost 30 percent had post-traumatic disorder: agitation, inability to concentrate or sleep, violent outbursts, nightmares of traumatic events and flashbacks of them during the day, withdrawal from ordinary activities and emotional numbing.
You know life can’t be easy for all the brave Israelis Joe mentions in his little commentary/rant. I’m sure it’s stressful as all hell. But to be a child in Gaza? That boy or girl is in Hell. A hell our tax dollars have helped pay for. A hell our President and his crack National Security Team helped create. A hell for which much of the rest of world (particularly the Muslim world) blames America and Americans.
What’s happening in Gaza isn’t war. It is sheer unadulterated horror and because Israel has outlawed foreign journalists and is targeting Palestinian TV reporters we don’t know the half of it. We do know that Israel has bombed UN schools, hospitals, mosques, and ambulances besides numerous private residences. […]
Yet, members of the US Senate and House of Representatives have overwhelmingly seen fit to proclaim their “vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel and recognises its right to act in self-defence to protect its citizens against Hamas’s unceasing aggression, as enshrined in the United Nations Charter”.
Just 13 Israelis dead since the start of hostilities (ten of them soldiers) against more than 900 Palestinians (40 per cent women and children) and Congress calls this “self-defence”. This nauseating stance on the part of America’s “fine” lawmakers is as disgusting as it is ironic. There is nothing in the UN Charter that supports a bully occupier waging war on a caged population.
And when you get blamed for your “friend and ally” killing children, no good will come out of it. Trust me.
KABUL (Reuters) – More than a thousand Afghans signed up on Thursday to say they wanted to go and fight Israel in the Gaza Strip, many of them blaming the United States which has some 30,000 troops in Afghanistan, for supporting the Jewish state.
No good whatsoever.
BAGHDAD (AP) — Anti-U.S. cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday urged reprisals against American forces in Iraq to protest Israel’s Gaza offensive, as Arab anger grows over civilian deaths in the Palestinian territory.
So have fun on your little guided photo ops with the Israeli military, Joe. In reality, the effort you are putting in not covering this war is not that much different from many other US media outlets. It sure isn’t any different than the response of most of our politicians, including President-elect Obama. At least you’re honest about it, I’ll give you that. And damn hilarious in a sick, morbid sort of way.
Yeah – saw that last night. He said you couldn’t tell whether you were being told the truth in a war zone and said journalists just shouldn’t even be there. He has a point, actually! 😉
The word buffoon comes to mind.
But an well compensated buffoon! And that’s the saddest part about this.
Good point! Where do I sign up to be a buffoon?
Well, if you’re willing to sell out every moral or ethical principle you have, and toss away every shred of decency you won, FOX News is the place I’d try first. It’s worked for Susan Estrich and Juan Williams and Cokie Roberts.
You are assuming, of course, that they ever had moral and ethical principles, and at least a few shreds of decency to begin with – not necessarily a safe assumption.
I think he may be mentally challenged.
Peloponnese, ca. 5th-2nd century B.C.
Palestine, 1st century A.D.
Our erudite friend Joe is merely pointing out that the Crypteia must be conducted with stealth and secrecy, lest the Helots be able to gain some protection, or mercy.
I understand that having just read your comment, the Principle of Charity in Interpretation is now considering slitting its wrists, seeing what it has given rise to …
I take this opportunity to correct a typo: should be 21 century, obviously.
Good luck with your comprehension process.
It was a joke, and signaled as such by the ellipsis (a convention that has always struck me as stupid but sometimes necessary, and now appears insufficient).
No call to get nasty and insulting.
Have a nice day.
I don’t see what your problem is.
Your response to what I’ve written is comparable to somebody’s responding to your original post here by saying, “You consider him erudite? Your friend? OUR friend? He’s not my friend, even if he’s yours!”
It’s unclear whether you’re trying to pick a fight or just trying to convince yourself you’re not to blame for having missed irony that was as obvious and as clumsy as your own. Either way, I don’t see the point.
Earned the prestigious Dutch Geuzen Penning 2009, named after renowned Dutch freedom fighters in the 80 years of Spanish occupation during the Middle Ages.
Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq and the Israeli B’Tselem Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories have jointly won this year’s Geuzenpenning award. A Dutch foundation commemorating the resistance movement of the Second World War has been giving this award since 1987 to acknowledge outstanding work for democracy and against dictatorship, racism and discrimination.
Al-Haq is an independent Palestinian group which attempts to document the stories of victims and eyewitnesses of human rights abuses. The Ramallah-based organisation was founded in 1979 by a group of Palestinian lawyers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Making fake plumbers proud worldwide.
I’m sure that at this very minute Sascha Baron Cohen is wondering if he should just give up his career in satire, since reality seems to have overtaken him.
And really, you couldn’t come up with a character like Samuel Joseph “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher intentionally – you’d throw it out as being too much of a stereotype to be believable and too dunderheaded to actually work in real life.
The original headline attached to the quotes from Not-Joe the Not-Plumber was an error; it missed his entire point! He is not saying the “media” should not report, he is saying “journalists” (as in, educated persons who are trained to research and observe) shouldn’t report.
It’s the classic reverse-elitism of the core fundamentalist fringe; he is saying that college education makes one less qualified to see “truth.” That’s the theme of the last 8 years!
It’s amazing to me that the headline is continually quoted by people who don’t understand what he’s saying at all.
“You know life can’t be easy for all the brave Israelis Joe mentions in his little commentary/rant. I’m sure it’s stressful as all hell.“
The overwhelming majority of those “brave Israelis” are for all practical purposes unaware of anything outside their narrow little lives. It is the small minority who live in places like Sderot for whom it is stressful, and compared to what their government puts the Palestinians through every single day, their lives are still not all that bad.
I wish someone would take not-Joe the non-plumber, plunk him down in the middle of Gaza City, and wave bye bye as they drive away.
Joe quotes the “brave Israelis” in his rant. Perhaps I should have made that reference clear.
Well, let’s not kid around. The mainstream media is not really reporting anything more significant from the Middle East than poor Joe. And from what I can tell, the US should really require every foreign news reporter to get a plumber’s license, minimally, before setting out to get us truths about any conflict.
It was amazing that Israel actually bought into Joe. Their intelligence services must really be overrated.