Well, isn’t this special:
[Israel’s] Central Elections Committee on Monday banned Arab political parties from running in next month’s parliamentary elections, drawing accusations of racism by an Arab lawmaker who said he would challenge the decision in the country’s Supreme Court.
The ruling, made by the body that oversees the elections, reflected the heightened tensions between Israel’s Jewish majority and Arab minority caused by Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Arabs have held a series of demonstrations against the offensive.
Knesset spokesman Giora Pordes said the election committee voted overwhelmingly in favor of the motion, accusing the country’s Arab parties of incitement, supporting terrorist groups and refusing to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Arab lawmakers have traveled to countries listed among Israel’s staunchest enemies, including Lebanon and Syria.
The 37-member committee is composed of representatives from Israel’s major political parties. The measure was proposed by two ultranationalist parties but received widespread support.
The decision does not affect Arab lawmakers in predominantly Jewish parties or the country’s communist party, which has a mixed list of Arab and Jewish candidates.
Quite an interesting move on the committee’s part. The Supreme Court may well strike this ban down, but it sends a message nonetheless, no?
In other news, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is talking some serious shit.
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was left shame-faced after President George W. Bush ordered her to abstain in a key UN vote on the Gaza war, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Monday.
“She was left shamed. A resolution that she prepared and arranged, and in the end she did not vote in favour,” Olmert said in a speech in the southern town of Ashkelon.
And how did Condi Rice get shamed? Olmert explains:
“In the night between Thursday and Friday, when the secretary of state wanted to lead the vote on a ceasefire at the Security Council, we did not want her to vote in favour,” Olmert said.
“I said ‘get me President Bush on the phone’. They said he was in the middle of giving a speech in Philadelphia. I said I didn’t care. ‘I need to talk to him now’. He got off the podium and spoke to me.
“I told him the United States could not vote in favour. It cannot vote in favour of such a resolution. He immediately called the secretary of state and told her not to vote in favour.”
I’d be critical, but I don’t want the muddle-headed Susan Estrich to put me on her enemies list.
I like how Olmert is bragging about how he runs US foreign policy. Of course, it’s not like anybody’s going to do anything about this rather illegal arrangement, but it’s good to see just how seriously the world takes Condi Rice.
Ariel Sharon also bragged that he ran U.S. foreign policy.
As for Rice, It’s good to see her humiliated, no matter by whom.
Nice when the leader of the free world (cough) is your personal lackey.
Olmert isn’t truthful here. Olmert is the one left shamed face: Israel and U.S. relationship is strained.
So, we get a twofer on this one – the ridiculous Condoleeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzza Rice, and the odious Olmert.
Israel, the great democracy and ally of the late great U.S.A.
Frankly here’s the current situation. In the midst of war, A divided house in Israel.
division is good news
i wish i could see division here….seeing franken on stage with coleman at a pro israel rally is very disconcerting.
so much for better democrats.
It is possible to be pro-Israel and deeply against what is occurring.
only if you actually denounce the government and what is occurring.
its like you could be pro germany and against the holocaust but it would help if you actually came out against hitler and his policies.
except Israel takes “pro-Israel” to mean they can do as they like with a steady green light. Who speaks up for Gazans?
Kill, take a break, and resume the killing.
Fact Number one: Israel is losing this war
900 Palestinians dead, thousands wounded and dying from their wounds due to lack of medical supplies. Israel has committed war crimes. You just don’t bomb Ambulances. depraved of all humanity.
How many Israelis were killed over the last ten years from homemade rockets from people under seige. When you blockade a people from the basics- food and medicine – that’s a declaration of war.
Fact Number two:This Israel war in Gaza is over the natural gas off the Gazan coast. Has absolutely nothing to do with rockets. Nothing. Hamas stands in the way.
That link is one of several articles on the subject…during the past four years.
“You just don’t bomb Ambulances.“
Why not? So far Israel has always gotten away with bombing ambulances. There is even video of them bombing ambulances in Lebanon, and no one serious called them on it. And the U.S. bombed and shot the crap out of ambulances in Iraq, and no one serious called them on it.
“How many Israelis were killed over the last ten years from homemade rockets from people under seige.“
Don’t remember the exact number, but I believe it was fewer than ten.
“When you blockade a people from the basics- food and medicine – that’s a declaration of war.“
If you want to get sick to your stomach listen to what Lanny Davis, former Bill Clinton special counsel has to say about the blockade. I have never ever seen anyone who can lie with absolute conviction the way these Zionists can, and they have absolutely no compunction or shame about it. That is one reason Israel’s propaganda has been so effective.
PS Lanny Davis’ remarks are on today’s Democracy Now.
Oh – and he is debating against an Israeli professor who lives in Beersheba, within range of the rockets, and who has been living in a shelter with his kids for the last three or four weeks.
The irony is stunning. Good American Zionist boy Lanny Davis lying his teeth out of his mouth to try to whitewash Israel’s atrocities, and an Israel who is in the line of fire opposing him.
to show two columns .. the names of Israeli civilians who have died in this extended conflict, and the names of Palestinian civilians who have died in it.
If they denounced what is occurring, why would they show up at a pro-Israel rally? I sure as hell would not show up a pro-somebody rally in order to denounce their current actions, and I don’t know anyone who would.
this is far from over, according to the BBC, the IDF is moving into the urban areas, and reserves have been, and are being, called up to secure already occupied areas.
the third phase is a reference to this report saturday: Israel tells Gazans to brace for war escalation
it would appear olmert and livni are playing for time, and talking out of both sides of their faces.
diplomatically, they’ve already screwed the pooch, and what “deterrence” are they talking about…hamas doesn’t appear to be ready to throw in the towel just yet.
So did Dubya interrupt a speech in PA to take a call from Olmert or is Olmert embroidering the facts to impress the Israeli electorate as the election looms?
as per Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Olmert is a LIAR.
see my comment with link upthread.
Oh, come now, our Presidents often make public appearances at 3AM. I just thought that those were Friday night news dumps for topics they really want kept out of the news cycle and not speeches.
its evidently a crime to be a palestinian and punishable by the death penalty with no trial so im not surprised.
If we don’t prosecute ourselves the ‘laws of war’ will continue to be broken and rewritten against their own intent:
I just watched Israel dropping this on Gaza again.
Not long after that I heard the call to prayer.
Israel isn’t going to win this.
ok has harry reid ever looked dumber than right now with his lame comments about seating burris?
Oh no, Israel is not a racist state noooooooo!
And Zionism is not an inherently racist movement – nooooooo!
(And just for the record, most Palestinian citizens of Israel detest the term “Israeli Arab”.)
You must be on the enemies list of so many muddle-headed people by now, how is one more going to hurt?
Hey, what district or state does Olmert represent that he has such influence with our president? Oh, I forgot, the state of money, campaign money that is, and that collection of harlots called the US
Congress will do anything, I mean anything, to secure Israeli funds. After all, how else are they going to win elections and guarantee their job security? Ditto for our Chief Executive!
End this one-sided alliance.
Don’t think we are free.
Antiboycott Compliance
The Bureau is charged with administering and enforcing the Antiboycott Laws under the Export Administration Act. Those laws discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from furthering or supporting the boycott of Israel sponsored by the Arab League, and certain Moslem countries, including complying with certain requests for information designed to verify compliance with the boycott. Compliance with such requests may be prohibited by the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and may be reportable to the Bureau.