The Republicans in the Senate are generally agreeable to Barack Obama’s cabinet appointments. The lone possible exception is Eric Holder, who was tapped for the position of Attorney General. The Republicans are concerned about Holder’s role in approving the completely unjustifiable pardon of Mark Rich in the last days of the Clinton administration. The ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, Arlen Specter, has promised to make a big stink about the Rich pardon in the confirmation hearing. But Orrin Hatch says that he’s going to support Holder. Given that, and the fact that the Democrats will remain united, Holder will have 60 votes and will win his confirmation battle.
The only remaining question mark is who will be appointed as Commerce Secretary and will they be acceptable to the Republican caucus. It looks like Obama will get all his appointments confirmed with not much more than a whimper of protest. This is another example of how the new power dynamics in Washington are breaking down Republican cohesion.
Another piece of evidence:
“It looks like Obama will get all his appointments confirmed with not much more than a whimper of protest.”
That’s too bad. Every high level appointment (cabinet, undersecretaries, judges) should go through serious confirmation hearings from both sides of the aisle, without the rubber stamp approval process.
This sounds like the Democratic version of what the Republicans were doing for the last 8 years. I can hardly wait for the “questions” (speeches) that are “asked” by friendly senators.
“Given that, and the fact that the Democrats will remain united, Holder will have 60 votes and will win his confirmation battle.”
Of course, that’s the Big If right there.
I was going to say the same thing…
a cynic might ask what quid pro quo has been negotiated, or is tacitly expected, from this new found spirit of bipartisanship?
based on obama’s comments yesterday on “this week” with stephanopolus, l suspect it’s a free ride for everyone over the issues of the legality surrounding “… the whole issue of interrogations, detentions, and so forth…“.
so, don’t hold your breath waiting for the DoJ, an independent prosecutor, or a special commission to investigate the crimes that occurred during the BushCo™ administration[s]…including RATpublican and demoRAT senators and representatives who abetted them…anytime soon from the incoming Obama administration.
as l wrote yesterday: l suspect we’re going to greatly disappointed in this regard.
specter the fool- Think Progress has a post up on the fools statement of confirmation of Ashcroft three weeks before the hearings began!
Maybe, just maybe, this latest specter flack display will prove to everyone just what kind of garbage the fool is. I am so tired of the pseudo “old Time” repugs. Maybe the Pa Dem Party will finally decide to go after the idiot and make his life as miserable as it should be!
Spector is always put in charge of caving on the issues he ‘puts up a stink’ over. Time and again.. over and over.. He takes the leadership of the ‘anti’ on an issue, then caves. He’s like a Repug Harry Reid.
Good news!
Spector is always put in charge of caving on the issues he ‘puts up a stink’ over. Time and again.. over and over..
absolutely true – everything single time, like clockwork
but the interesting thing is that now he’s doing the same “bitch ‘n’ cave” routine with a democratic president that he’s been doing with the republican one.
As long as Holder gets confirmed, I’ll be happy.